Scratch repair

28 May 2015
La Grange, Illinois
My wife let a pushbroom with a metal handle fall and bounce on my car's rear bumper, leaving several small scratches, two barely through the paint :mad:. Tried Meguiar's Scratch X 2.0 Fine Scratch and Blemish Remover. It helped a little, but needs something more. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.
"Through the paint" meaning you can see the plastic the bumper is made of? If the paint is damaged all the way through the clear coat/paint and you can see the plastic under it, then you will have to touch up the surface with either touch-up paint (or a similar product such as Dr.Colorchip) then smooth it over.
I applied a very small amount of touchup paint on the areas that were scratched through the paint down to the bumper, so the color is correct. I then tried the Meguiar's scratch X 2.0 on top of that, with little effect. It needs something a little more coarse before I try the Scratch X 2.0 again. Thanks for the response!