Seattle NSX July 9th BBQ Details

3 May 2004
Bellevue, WA
Seattle NSX July 9th BBQ:"A great success"


Awesome stuff!! MEGA Thanks, Kevin!

First a BIG, BIG THANKS to all of you for coming. You are a really neat bunch with some absolutely AWSOME cars, many of which I have never seen before. Thanks for coming and sharing those gorgeous examples of pride and joy.

What can I say about guys like John and Ferrand. Pulling off and event like this takes some really serious time and effort. And these guys really put out. And they did a terrific job. No matter how much thanks we extend to these guys it will not be enough.

And a huge thanks to all of those who chipped in goodies for the event. You guys made it a snap for your organization team.

And another very, very special thanks for those who flipped the patties, organized the stuff to stack on the burgers and fill the plates and cleaned up the mess. That's the nitty gritty that makes an event like this really come together.

Some random thoughts:

- New acquaintances/new friends. What a great time meeting more owners with such super equipment. The Claim Jumper Gang would love to know you all better. We meet on the 1st Saturday every month starting at 11:30 am.

- A Million Dollar turn out. 17 NSXs at say $70,000 average new comes to nearly 1.2 million bucks! Not to mention the investment in mods and upgrades.

- Opportunities to buy/sell/trade. I bought an in the box chin spoiler from JZ and he is still looking for an audio head unit (see his post below). Anybody else with stories in this catagory?

- All in all not to bad for a first attempt by 3 amateurs. 6 on a scale of 10 maybe? Only a guess considering I couldn't make the BBQ itself.

Some thoughts on next time:

- Confirm everybody is gassed up and ready to go well ahead of scheduled departure time.

- Leftovers. Better match food quantities to attendees.

- Curvier roads? Some enjoyed the leisurely drive. Others would have enjoyed a little more "character". If I'm reading this right their were some challenges with the rather straight forward routing we had. We will definately seek to better the balance between fun, getting everybody there, safety, and our group's public image. We need some brain storming on this one.

- An additional person on the organization team to help with oversight and direction of details at the BBG itself? Thank you Jan and Ferrand for the great job. If this is an issue (and I'm not sure it is) we can certainly give it a better focus in the planning stage.

- More beer? :wink: :wink: A controversial issue. I took a unilateral last minute position on this but it will definately be a group consensus next time.

From me personally to all of you - ESPECIALLY JOHN & FERRAND - A HUGE THANKS!!! If I give Metro a little more advance notice I might even be able to be there next time. :biggrin:

Sunday, 7-17, 1:15 am: Hooray! Pics have been posted. Thanks again, Kevin.
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List is getting bigger and bigger... :biggrin:

Lets do a roll call:

1. John(host)
2. Ron (organizer and food manager)
3. Ferrand (me)
4. Polar
5. Freelance201
6. Zahntech
7. Knome_#2 (2)
8. HiFiver
9. Sti
10. SaberX
11. Optikal
12. nsx-D
13. titaniumdave
14. DL-NA1 (2)
15. Seatown-92
16. sam snead (2)
17. s2ktaxi
18. SugrueNSX

gene '96 #178 ?
Sockeye ?
daveab ?
kclements ?
Mike (Who had an nsx and now has a Sti) ?
97 widebody ?
stacy'snsx (from Vancouver) ?
Pam ?

Please PM me and confirmed, I'm looking forward to meet all of you there.
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Hey guys count me in, I'll bring 2 cases of soda - coke, diet coke, sprite, rootbeer. Hopefully a few of you will want to drive afterwards. Ron or Ferrand - ask John if we have access to a tv and dvd that can brought outside, i have several NSX dvds.

Sorry I did not PM you guys but not sure how to do that yet. Still getting use to online forums and my new computer (Apple G5 - love it so far).

But anyways, count me in rain or shine.
My car still isn't on the road,damn!!!
I would of loved to show off the new Signature Series side skirts.
I still may show in the daily driver,I will check my schedule and let you know.
Stacy, we all seen your car over here, you don't "have to" show up in your nsx... ummm, show off side skirt huh? Maybe you can bring serveral kits down and I don't mind "donate" my car to be your model... just paint it in red :biggrin:

If you know some nsx owners up there but not frequent Prime, let them know the Party too...
I'll be at a morning auto-x in Everett but will be able to meet you all before you leave at noon. Hope you don't mind a s2000 tagging along!

Anada, you are always welcome to join us. Please PM me and I'll also ask John if that's ok to invite people at , oh, John??

Disclaimer: I'm sort of organizing the event with Ron, but since it's John's pad, I guessed I should have asked him first ;)
Count me in, I guess I will bring beer, unless you tell me otherwise...something I can pick up local.

As far as Alcohol concern, Ron suggested we keep that off the list. As Dean, (nsx-D) will throw some afternoon group drive after the BBQ. Alcohol mixing with line of nsxes maybe not a good idea afterall.

** Sorry, please disregard my last update.

BBQ goes as planned.
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Me and a friend of mine will come join the party..... :biggrin: Let us know the latest info and what we can do to help. Later.
NSXDreamer2 said:
Anada, you are always welcome to join us. Please PM me and I'll also ask John if that's ok to invite people at , oh, John??

Disclaimer: I'm sort of organizing the event with Ron, but since it's John's pad, I guessed I should have asked him first ;)

Thanks! Don't worry about the S2000 people, they have a drive planned that day on Vancouver Island. But I'll work on trying to get another dual club event together shortly.
I'm in, but I have one question. What town does John live in? The reason I ask is our cars aren't very cooler friendly and if we're driving close to an hour to get there our hot dishes won't be so hot and cold dishes/beverages won't be so cold. :frown: Is there a Safeway or Albertson's close to John's or on way we can stop at and eliminate the need for coolers. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but the engineer in me had to ask. :eek: I'll try and kill those troublesome braincells to night with a couple cold G&Ts :biggrin:

Steve, the exact question had been brought up between Ron and me last week. We would meet (John, Ron and me) in person and figure a way to put everything together. I will ask for help from everyone if needed. So, Stay tuned and come check here often.
Hello NSX Fellowship,

As a first time owner (1 month) with a longtime courtship, I'm excited to meet others at this event. Looking forward to it.


John lives 6 or 7 minutes North of Monroe. For you and others who would like to pick up stuff on the way you could readily stop at a store in Monroe and continue on to John's place from there. There will be maps available at the Claim Jumper for everybody. Some likely will stop at a store. Some could also get separated from the group.

I better weigh in on the alcohol issue. I have absolutely no concerns about anybody getting out of order, with or without alcohol. There are however a couple of reasons beyond that for the no alcohol limitation.

First is the character of the group that regularly show up for the monthly meets at the Claim Jumper. In the 15 months I've been attending I have noticed that it is only rarely that anyone orders even wine or beer with their meal. The core bunch seems to be pretty low key on alcoholic beverages. I think that should be recognized and honored.

Second is reputation. How I drive when tooling around in my neighborhood affects (for good or for ill) only my reputation and the reputation of all hot car owners in general. When I join a group of other NSX owners however it is not only my reputation on the line (again for good or for ill) but the reputation of that group in particular and all NSX owners in general. I am really proud to be a part of the Claim Jumper Gang. I think it is a super bunch of people with a very positive impact on our community of NSX owners. As primary organizer of one of the CJ Gang functions I want to encourage that. And one way to encourage it is to simply steer clear of anything that might compromise it. As I see it alcohol and fast cars just does not fit with who we are, what we want to be or what kind of image we want to project to our community.

And remember, John has neighbors. He is going to be living with those neighbors long after we leave. We not only want John to want us back, we want his neighbors to want us back (well, to at least tolerate us). So my vote is to stack the deck in his and the Claim Jumper Gangs favor. It is a lot easier to do that with soda pop than beer.

I better weigh in on the alcohol issue. I have absolutely no concerns about anybody getting out of order, with or without alcohol. There are however a couple of reasons beyond that for the no alcohol limitation.

First is the character of the group that regularly show up for the monthly meets at the Claim Jumper. In the 15 months I've been attending I have noticed that it is only rarely that anyone orders even wine or beer with their meal. The core bunch seems to be pretty low key on alcoholic beverages. I think that should be recognized and honored.

Second is reputation. How I drive when tooling around in my neighborhood affects (for good or for ill) only my reputation and the reputation of all hot car owners in general. When I join a group of other NSX owners however it is not only my reputation on the line (again for good or for ill) but the reputation of that group in particular and all NSX owners in general. I am really proud to be a part of the Claim Jumper Gang. I think it is a super bunch of people with a very positive impact on our community of NSX owners. As primary organizer of one of the CJ Gang functions I want to encourage that. And one way to encourage it is to simply steer clear of anything that might compromise it. As I see it alcohol and fast cars just does not fit with who we are, what we want to be or what kind of image we want to project to our community.

And remember, John has neighbors. He is going to be living with those neighbors long after we leave. We not only want John to want us back, we want his neighbors to want us back (well, to at least tolerate us). So my vote is to stack the deck in his and the Claim Jumper Gangs favor. It is a lot easier to do that with soda pop than beer.

Crowd/function aside, our normal meets at 11am do seem a little early for getting going not to mention that everyone drives over in the AM, jump starts there day from there, and Florin doesn't drink. But hey, if there is enough interest I'd be ok with moving them to 11pm every so often or adding an additional evening event here or there as other chapters do.. to liven things up a little and make for more interesting tech talks. :biggrin:

Frankly, I myself have no issues with neighbors, parking, volume, or otherwise, and there really is no shortage of wine/beer and transportation/floor space on tap for those whom wish to partake. There are several stores in close proximity should we need anything. I'll have my starbucks mug. However, Ron is the organizer so whatever he says goes. :tongue:
and there really is no shortage of wine/beer and transportation/floor space on tap for those whom wish to partake. There are several stores in close proximity should we need anything.

:biggrin: Anyone wants to make a quick run to 7-11 and grab some beer?? ;) I wish we'll have enough road that we can let other people test out our mods, you know, like if someone wonder how stiff Tein suspension is... How loud the taitec exhaust gets inside the car... list goes on and on... John, your nsx will be there too??
NSXDreamer2 said:
:biggrin: Anyone wants to make a quick run to 7-11 and grab some beer?? ;) I wish we'll have enough road that we can let other people test out our mods, you know, like if someone wonder how stiff Tein suspension is... How loud the taitec exhaust gets inside the car... list goes on and on... John, your nsx will be there too??

Open roads, I had mine out the other day. We can easily arrange a drive then as well. Unfortunately the weather this summer has been uncooperative all around. That's Seattle for ya, I've been on top of the forcast.