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seattle nsx meet or bbq

21 July 2003
I was thinking of having a BBQ or meet sometime soon,just throwing out some ideas.My car is in cali right now and won't be back till late June,so it will have to be late june or something like that.
Pick couple options of time, and place, then we discuss if it's workable.
You are in the email list too, right??

BTW, I should be available any day in late afternoon / nights. :wink:
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Hey guys, Saturdays are know free :biggrin: I've been wanting to attend one of the monthly get togethers at Claim Jumpers but I've been coaching my sons baseball team and every Saturday game was between 9:00am to 1:00pm the past 3 months. I've got alot of questions and experiences (good and bad, even though I'm a newbie owner) I'd like to run past you guys. I'm available anytime for a drive, bbq or get together.

Steve R.
I will be up there on the weekend of July 9-10 for the HPDE day at Pacific Raceways, would love to hook up if you set something up on that Saturday. I may come up and visit friends Friday night and hang out all weekend, so keep me posted.
I think the 2nd weekend of July would be great.
Last year's July 4th weekend had a small turn out at the claim jumper meet. So I guess this BBQ can make up for it.
Last year's CJ we went for the 2nd Saturday (the 10th) and had 7 cars and 10 attendees. I suggested the 2nd Saturday again this year to Florin but so far as I know nothing has been decided yet.

What if we subbed the BBQ for the Claim Jumper this time and went for Saturday, July 9th? Sounds like there is some serious interest. If it comes together we could see a dozen or more cars and a couple dozen people. We had more than that without any promotion at the regular CJ meet in April. Bottom line on that is finding a place that will accomodate that many cars and people. And whoever volunteers to host will need plenty of equipment, plenty of help and some up front cash and/or organized planning on who's bringing what.

I'll email Florin so he can get in the loop on this.
Saturday July 9th is a good day for me with the meet or bbq; I'll also be going to the BMWCCA event on Sunday the 10th, run group C. :smile:
One of you guys going to make a plan? I would like to join in, but what, where and when...
Hey guys my Mac tools dealer (shawn A) told me about your monthly meets, I would like to bring my car and meet you all, so when a solid date and location get set please post or send PM. Thanks, JZ

As of the moment their has been no further word on the BBQ idea. If that does not come together our regular monthly meet is the first Saturday of the month at the Claim Jumper Restaraunt in Redmond Town Center. The Claim Jumper is on the freeway side of the perimeter road that runs around the Center.

When the 1st Saturday falls on a holiday weekend we meet on the second Saturday. Thus the July meet will be on the 9th rather than the 2nd. We aim for 11:30 and parking has gotten dicey. It is getting hard to hold spaces so we can park all of the NSXs in a group. So be prompt. I like to take and post pictures of the meetings and they look pretty cool when all the cars are together.

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I'm just throwing out idea here, this past weekend I had met titaniumdave, and what can I say, one heck of a great guy, (good driver and instuctor ;) ) If we can decide something earlier, he might be able to tag some guys coming along with him from Oregon.

Anybody had an idea of hosting a BBQ at his/her house? I think I MIGHT be able to pull it off at my parents' house in Issaquah, which is a nice clean 15 minutes drive from Claim Jumper.

Ron, can you help spreading this message out? and see if there is anybody interested?? ( and please, If there's anyone have a better idea, location...etc.)

I tend to think that having meet at Claim Jumper first would help gather some guys who decided to show up but don't frequet Prime or in our email list group.


If this is really promoted we could have 20 or more cars and 30+ people. What if we met at one of the open fields south of the Velodrome at Marymoor Park? There are several paved parking areas there and loads of space that could handle that many cars and people. It is also just a couple minutes from the Claim Jumper.

Your idea about having a volunteer at the Claim Jumper lot to direct people to the BBQ site is terrific. They could even hand out a little hand sketched map to direct our visitors and those unfamiliar with the park to the BBQ site.

For selfish reasons I vote to stick to our regular 11:30 time. I have to leave for work at 1:45 and would like to have at least a little time to take pictures and grab a hotdog. 11:30 would also give visitors from Portland time to get there without having to roll out of the sack too early.

Let's get this discussion off the thread. Anybody reading this with further comments, suggestions or help (especially help!) please PM either Farrand (NSX Dreamer2) or me (RONSXTC) and we will post updates to the thread to keep everybody informed.
Ron, Ferrand, and everyone else...this is Dean (black 96 NSX-T), anybody check out Sammamish State Park in Issaquah - lots of open space, pinic/grill spots, and open view of the cars. But if i had to pick a spot (if its a sunny day) it would be Mud Mountain Dam State Park on HWY 410 - just outside Enumclaw. This is a great drive leaving Issaquah, thru Hobart, Black Diamond, and driving the outskirts of Enumclaw. I am going to do the drive today for mileage and time and number of traffic lights. I'll give an update later with photos. This place is extremely clean, large open spaces, lots of pinic/grill areas that are covered, and reservations can be made. I'll update later. It would be nice for a change to actually drive somewhere. By the way I'm still working on securing the Mt Baker Drive date (August 20th - Saturday). :cool:

Update (06/26/05 @7:10pm - I took the drive route that would be used, and it's easy to get to Mud Mountain Dam. There are 5-6 traffic lights through Issaquah then non stop til almost Black Diamond. One more light before Enumclaw and one outside Enumclaw at HWY 410. Total time (with me stopping to take notes) about 45-50 minutes and 36.4 miles from Krispy Kreme in Issaquah. The drive itself runs along the foothills of the Cascades, it turned out to be a nice drive averaging about 45-50 mph (legally). I'm not going to post all the directions unless we decide on this site. Maybe a few of you would like to test drive this route Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday after work. The park closes at 8pm, so we need to leave about 6:30pm. I also checked out Lake Sammamish State Park. They have 3 places to reserve and 400 or so open pinic tables. Yes it is closer, but not as nice and the drive is too short. The Mud Mountain Dam facilities are so much nicer, they also take resrvations. I hope a few of you regulars may be interested in the drive, plus we could spend a lot more time at a park than the Claim Jumper (i.e. volleyball, softball, lawn darts, etc..)
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I'm with John. Let's keep it local and relatively simple. Zak's original idea was just to get some NSX guys together for a backyard barbecue. The Marymoor suggestion was only made to accomodate a bigger crowd and the locale would be just the other side of the freeway. There is a big play area for kids there but I don't see where that has ever been an issue with this group. At this late date I doubt we can tie down the area with tables and cooking facilities at Marymoor. A little organization can provide plenty of folding tables, chairs, ground cover (blankets, etc.) for people to sit on while eating and chatting. It should be relatively easy to get the majority use of one of the parking lots simply by having a couple volunteers directing traffic in the lot so the NSX attendees are grouped at one end and other users elsewhere. There must be at least a half dozen of these lots scattered along the road east of the Veladrome, all adjacent to open fields.

If there is a drive my thought would be to organize it as a follow on activity so those who do not have the time or care to join it could still come and enjoy the usual Claim Jumper luncheon style atmosphere. I would prefer to keep the focus on a BBQ in July and let it be a lead-in to a big Mt. Baker drive event in August.
John's place sounds good, If there is BBQ do I need to bring meat/chips ect or will someone be getting that stuff and need some cash? Thanks, JZ
I would prefer to keep the focus on a BBQ in July and let it be a lead-in to a big Mt. Baker drive event in August.
I second this. But Dean, you really should come out and do some track days with us. Quit terrorizing the mountain roads already!! ;) j/k. I'm looking forward to our August drive.

John@Microsoft: You guys are welcome can use my pad if you want for a BBQ- 2.5 acres, huge yard, plenty of space, good for entertaining, biggie sized grille, etc...
That sounds good ,John! Would you like to list stuff that you might need help on organizing the "Party"?? And possibly your address through PM so in case some of us sleep in and late for the Claim Jumper "pre-meet" can go straight to your house?
Hi Guys, will be fun to join your party, where ever it is. Keep me in the loop and I will be there, remember lots of brain food for the track on Sunday! :biggrin:
kclements said:
How are those wheels holding up Dave? I think I noticed a pic of your car on the Dali website as well..

Hi Kevin,
Wheels are great, perfect for the track and actually look better than my street wheels, IMO. The repair you had done looks good after a few hard days of thrashing, they clean up well too.

You going to show at the BBQ?