• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

September Estes Park Drive

The following restaurants have confirmed they're able and willing to accomidate us for parking / eating needs. In other words, they have parking lots and are willing to set aside spaces for us if we give them advanced notice. I figured this might be a helpful list/resource for this and future drives to Estes.

The Gallery Restaurant and Bar
205 Virginia Dr. #501
Estes Park, CO 80517
(970) 586-1865
[email protected]
Contact: Gregg Sunfield (owner)

The Other Side Restaurant
900 Moraine Ave.
Estes Park, CO 80517
(970) 586-2171
[email protected]
Contact: Scott Webermeier
Note: "We do have a pretty substantial parking lot and could address reserving space for you. We currently see a Corvair and a Corvette Club with some regularity."

Cascades Restaurant @ The Stanley Hotel
Steamer Parkway
Estes Park, CO 80517
(970) 577-4044
[email protected]
Contact: Sandy Harrison (Restaurant Manager)
Note: "We would love to have your group join us and we can rope off an area in our upper lower parking lot towards the back of the hotel."

Although they don't have their own parking, the Molly B Restaurant was kind and helpful, offering the following suggestions for places that might be able to help us. We should check with the two recommended (but not listed above) and confirm.
Other side restaurant, 586-2171 or Nicky's, 586-0132 or Fusion 451, 586-9840
I'll update this list if/as we find other well-suited places.
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We should probably figure out a day and work from there. I assume it'll be on a weekend. The only weekend in Sept that would work for me is the 10th/11th, so that would be my preference...but the date should obviously be arrived at by concensus/majority.
The concensus at the Aug 27th drive seemed to be that the 10th/11th would work...with most people assuming the 10th. At dinner Will mentioned he couldn't make it on the 10th, and everyone there seemed fine with moving it to the 11th.

Let's get this decided... If you have a strong preference for one day over the other, now is probably the time to say something. Per my recollection (and posts below)...

- LrdVader/Steve
- Smoothaccel/Vance
- hoops7k
- Cal

10th only:
- Doc C

11th only:
- WillErickson
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Can't make the 11th. Could do the 10th, but I understand the 11th probably works best for the rest of the group. Have a good time. Hopefully, we can have some more things next spring/summer?? Drive carefully.
Either day is good for me.
I do have something to do one day that weekend, but will try to adjust my schedule to make the drive.
I go for having lunch at a restaurant with reserve parking. That makes it quick and easy for all to get together.
Hope to see you there, wherever there is. (still El Rancho Parking lot I-70 / Evergreen exit?)

I should be able to make it. Sunday works better than Saturday for me, though I could do either day.

Have we determined the exact place and time to meet?

Well, we're closing in on this weekend real quick, can we get a confirmation on who's planning on making it Sunday? Also a preference of which restaurant we want to eat at. If there are enough people still interested in doing this, we need to decide. I can set it up with the restaurant of choice to try and get reserved parking set aside for us. Also, anyone familiar with the planned route? I've only been to Estes once, and didn't depart from Evergreen.

[email protected]
WillErickson said:
Anyone familiar with the planned route? I've only been to Estes once, and didn't depart from Evergreen.
El Rancho = El Rancho Historic Restaurant. This is just an exit or few east of where hwy 119 meets I-70. Going north on Hwy takes you through Black Hawk to Nederland. At Nederland you'd take Hwy 72 through/past Ward (maybe like 10 miles past Ward?). 72 ends/Ts into Hwy 7. It's left on 7 to get to Estes.

Here's a map from El Rancho to Nederland (that overshoots Nederland a bit) and a map from Nederland to Estes Park to give you a couple visuals of the route.
I'll be there. What day and time did we decide on?

Also, the Scottish / Irish Highlands festival is going on this weekend, so Estes Park may be a bit crowded.

See everyone Sunday!

I and a MR2 will be at the El Rancho parking lot (I-70 / Evergreen exit) at around 10:00 tomorrow. We will leave for Estes Park at around 11:00. It doesn't look like there will be much of a gathering. If you're there you're there, if not, sorry I missed you.

We went to Vail instead of Estes Park since no one showed up. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful drive. Obviously it was better than staying home and watching the Broncos.

The aspen around Vail are well on their way to changing colors. Anyone know of a good drive to see the aspen? I’m kind of tired of seeing the same ones around the Springs.

Sorry I missed everyone.
