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Sudden hair loss- need some help here.

19 June 2005
Guys, thanks in advance.

Back story:

Starting about 7 months ago I've been going through a very trying time stemming from infidelities with a 3 year live in GF. This subsequently bled over into breakdowns with my own family as she manipulated them...anyway, I basically lost it for about two months. I'm better now, but life seriously sucked there for a while.


I'm 35, and while my hairline has been receding gradually over the years, to about 10% less full, it's pretty much been normal. However, over the past two months it has been falling out like crazy. Mostly on top and to the crown. I'd say 40% has fallen out and continues to fall out. I'm afraid I'll be bald by summer. It's like the hair root is just less substantial. A hair pulled out from the sides or back has 'more meat to it'.

It's not isolated to a single area, and I'm not literally "pulling my hair out". In other words, not alopecia and not a conscious or subconscious act of making it this way. It's just falling out like all hell and all of the sudden.

Family history is that my grandfathers on both sides had a receded hairline, but full everywhere else. My father is about 75% bald but you would never know as he has some kind of high tech pad sewn into his head (I think). Nobody talks about it! My brother (10 years older) has slightly thinning hair and a slightly receding hairline, but nothing major.

My diet is decent, but not great (robust salads, fruit, chicken, steaks, fish, veggies). I lost about 20 lbs but am back up 10 since she moved out.

Assuming that it was acute stress related (which is waning) do you think it will come back on it's own? If not, do you think this was a trigger that just advanced it to where it would have been without the stressor? Nioxin? Any advice whatsoever is appreciated. Help a brother out!
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I suggest you try a comb over like this guy

or a very very subtle hair peice like the asian guy.

Really, it just depends on your preferences.


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Sorry to hear that. Nothing sucks worse for a man than a woman who abuse them. Sounds like major stress to me brought on what was going to come eventually anyways. If it were me I would see what a Dr. has to say. Maybe it will come back or maybe the Dr. can help you get it to grow back.

The good news is you got 18 years more than my wifes brother before you started to lose your hair. My wifes brother started to lose his around 17 and was almost bald completely by the time he was 20.

Now for the humor:
Just go bang all of her friends in an effort to stress her out so that her hair falls out by the handful.

Whoa, just got a thought, Do you think she is a vindictive enough bitch to put Nair or something like that in your shampoo? What about something in anything you ingest? Watch your ass cause people are NUTS!!!
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Propecia now. Propecia is one of the few drugs that have actually shown with very high success to stop the loss of hair. However, that's the key: Stop the loss of hair. If you already lose it, it's probably too late. Jump on it now while you still have it, regardless of the actual cause of the hair loss. It may be stress induced, perhaps it's genetic, but either way it's happening. So do something about it while you still can.

*Now this is just what I know, learned and researched; a lot through testimony. I have no actual experience with the drug since (fortunately, fingers crossed) I still have a full head of hair with no signs of slowing down. In fact I have to get a hair cut every two weeks max or else I start to look a bit sloppy.
I told my brother in law if you got a good head on your shoulders then just cut it all off and go bald. He looks younger and better then ever not to mention all the money he saves on hair care and barber shops
Nioxin is a shampoo I highly recommend for thinning hair.

It'll help to reduce the hairloss while you figure out the root cause.

If you've lost a lot of hair already, hair transplant would be another option as the next step, I think it's better than a hair piece.
Propecia now. Propecia is one of the few drugs that have actually shown with very high success to stop the loss of hair. However, that's the key: Stop the loss of hair. If you already lose it, it's probably too late. Jump on it now while you still have it, regardless of the actual cause of the hair loss. It may be stress induced, perhaps it's genetic, but either way it's happening. So do something about it while you still can.

*Now this is just what I know, learned and researched; a lot through testimony. I have no actual experience with the drug since (fortunately, fingers crossed) I still have a full head of hair with no signs of slowing down. In fact I have to get a hair cut every two weeks max or else I start to look a bit sloppy.

Side effects from Propecia are your one eye monster not working anymore. :eek:
Seriously, if you are concerned, and it seems as if you are, I would not be asking a bunch of car guys for help. Consult a professional like Steve suggested and maybe something can be done? Hair loss sucks. I hope you find some relief. :frown:
Here is a true story - I worked with a guy that was the go to guy for his job at a certain location. Due to the amount of DV's we had living around us and the visitors we had coming and going. This guy was always busy and under stress from work. He was also taking college classes online. He started to loose a patch of hair on the side of his head. It continued to grow bigger until it was about the size of a drinking glass opening. He went to the doctor about the issue and was told it was due to stress.

I would imagine its from stress, however I work in communications so take my thought for what it. Best of luck.
Thanks, everyone for your responses. The hair loss does suck.
Whoa, just got a thought, Do you think she is a vindictive enough bitch to put Nair or something like that in your shampoo? What about something in anything you ingest? Watch your ass cause people are NUTS!!!

Haha Steve, I don't think so, but I was definitely fooled and you're right. People are nuts. My family owns a lot of rental houses as well, so we know how nuts the other side can be. I am curious to know how you guys read Domestic Violence into the post. The original post which I never published did include the DV comments, but I deleted this part just before submitting it thinking it was too much info. I just don't care anymore, so here it is from my original draft.

"She tried to come back home three times and last time I saw her, she was leaving in handcuffs screaming "I'm a white 30 year old female, you can't do this to me!". Black arresting officer. Needless to say, good riddance. A whole new experience for me as I've never had to deal with that kind of thing."

For what it's worth-
The guy that she was cheating with is married and a higher up at her company. He told her on a Friday that he didn't want anything more to do with her. On the following Monday she was fired from her job, Wednesday in jail for me finally calling the police after about the 50th DV (left hook to my right ear and, and a very very hard kick to the groin). Thursday her mother picked her up and moved her back to Florida. She now has no home, no job, no man, no car, a DV charge on her record and 12 weeks of court appointed anger management classes. What really pisses me off is that she had him at my home (the home we made together) while I was out of town for 10 days helping my mother move across the country. The bastard sat in my chair in my garden, and grilled out on my damned grill. Verified by neighbors. I know it sounds silly, but it really chapped my ass to think that another man is out there picking my damned heirloom tomatoes. As far as I know, my whole damned house is "tainted". The worst is the manipulation of my family, causing a breakdown in my own belief and support systems. She even went out and bought a nearly identical copy of my beloved 16 year old recently deceased Jack Russell Terrier and sent pictures of him to my father. When she moved out, I chose not to be there. She even took antiques and other furniture that I bought for the house, later saying "those were gifts"! My receiver and all the other electronics were sitting on the floor! She even put up framed pictures of herself (that weren't there before) on my dresser. NUTS! At least I got my RL back.

Back to the hair.
I've read very positive things about Nioxin. Think I'm going to try that before going to something like Propecia. Personally, I'd rather be bald than wear any type of rug. I hate the thought of either of those though, cause I'm so damned good lookin'!

If anyone has any specific experience with Nioxin or something similar like a rogaine topical, please chime in. Propecia sounds dangerous after reading up on it.
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How about Minoxidil aka Rogaine.

On second thought, why am I even chiming in on this thread? Talking to me about hair loss is like asking a blind guy to do play by play on a sporting event.
male patern baldness is what it is......most likely you would have gotten this regardless of how wonderful or stressful your life is.No harm in trying the nioxin and topical minoxidil.Only other thing to check with your doctor would be your thyroid function.
Just go with the flow. If it gets to the point where it looks like you're just trying too hard...buzz it or shave it off. It will save you on hair cut money and hair care products that you can pool to buy stuff for the NSX! :biggrin:

That's my plan. I got enough stress in my life causing my hair to go bye bye (genetics not included). Why add the stress of actually worrying about my hair?

Two cents. :smile:
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Just go with the flow. If it gets to the point where it looks like you're just trying too hard...buzz it or shave it off. It will save you on hair cut money and hair care products that you can pool to buy stuff for the NSX! :biggrin:

That's my plan. I got enough stress in my life causing my hair to go bye bye (genetics not included). Why add the stress of actually worrying about my hair?

Two cents. :smile:
Agreed, my wife thinks Steve Austin is hot.:cool:

Sorry to hear about the stressors you've experienced. It sounds like you've done some research already. If you are not losing focal patches of hair and/or small regions are not losing color (ie. turning white), you may not have alopecia areata or early alopecia totalis. Stress induced hair loss is a true phenomenon and there is no single cure. Some thoughts, though.

1) Consider beginning rogaine. Certainly wouldn't hurt and can prevent further loss of hair.
2) I'm personally not familiar with Nioxin, but it couldn't hurt either.
3) Propecia is a decent drug and combined with rogaine (minoxidol) can slow down and, in some cases, arrest hair loss.
4) 500mcg (that is microgram NOT millligram) of Biotin twice daily. This is a benign vitamin that for reasons many do not completely understand can also aid in preventing/helping hair loss. Since this is a water soluble agent, it should be taken twice daily.

I realize that this isn't a medical forum so the best we can do is offer some suggestions. My guess is that any physician you see will likely prescribe some or all of the above.
Worst case shave your head and move on. There are many serious problems out there worth your energy (sounds like you just went through one), how much hair is on your head is not one of them. Many men go bald in their late teens/early 20's.

And if I sound insensitive, I shaved my head about 3 years ago to simplify things and have never looked back. My hair line was starting to recede anyways when I did it; that was when I was 23. Nothing but compliments since I shaved my head; spent 25$ on a good trimmer and probably saved ~1000$ on hair cuts since I like to keep my hair trimmed every 1-2 weeks. One of my best friends just lost his medic in Afghanistan in combat. He has something to worry about, your hair is not important. Good luck getting through the issues with the ex, sounds like a nightmare.
Propecia can wreak hell on your endocrine system. There are a lot of posts and articles about this. I would consider the other advice of nioxin, rogaine...do some research first though as you are commiting to rogaine for life to keep your hair it allows you to keep. Something to think about.

Get up offa that thang!

James Brown
Thanks, everyone for your responses. The hair loss does suck.

Haha Steve, I don't think so, but I was definitely fooled and you're right. People are nuts. My family owns a lot of rental houses as well, so we know how nuts the other side can be. I am curious to know how you guys read Domestic Violence into the post. The original post which I never published did include the DV comments, but I deleted this part just before submitting it thinking it was too much info. I just don't care anymore, so here it is from my original draft.

"She tried to come back home three times and last time I saw her, she was leaving in handcuffs screaming "I'm a white 30 year old female, you can't do this to me!". Black arresting officer. Needless to say, good riddance. A whole new experience for me as I've never had to deal with that kind of thing."

For what it's worth-
The guy that she was cheating with is married and a higher up at her company. He told her on a Friday that he didn't want anything more to do with her. On the following Monday she was fired from her job, Wednesday in jail for me finally calling the police after about the 50th DV (left hook to my right ear and, and a very very hard kick to the groin). Thursday her mother picked her up and moved her back to Florida. She now has no home, no job, no man, no car, a DV charge on her record and 12 weeks of court appointed anger management classes. What really pisses me off is that she had him at my home (the home we made together) while I was out of town for 10 days helping my mother move across the country. The bastard sat in my chair in my garden, and grilled out on my damned grill. Verified by neighbors. I know it sounds silly, but it really chapped my ass to think that another man is out there picking my damned heirloom tomatoes. As far as I know, my whole damned house is "tainted". The worst is the manipulation of my family, causing a breakdown in my own belief and support systems. She even went out and bought a nearly identical copy of my beloved 16 year old recently deceased Jack Russell Terrier and sent pictures of him to my father. When she moved out, I chose not to be there. She even took antiques and other furniture that I bought for the house, later saying "those were gifts"! My receiver and all the other electronics were sitting on the floor! She even put up framed pictures of herself (that weren't there before) on my dresser. NUTS! At least I got my RL back.

Back to the hair.
I've read very positive things about Nioxin. Think I'm going to try that before going to something like Propecia. Personally, I'd rather be bald than wear any type of rug. I hate the thought of either of those though, cause I'm so damned good lookin'!

If anyone has any specific experience with Nioxin or something similar like a rogaine topical, please chime in. Propecia sounds dangerous after reading up on it.

Dude, you need to throw everything out in your house that you put on or in your body. Again people are nuts. It was not until recently that my sister found out an ex boyfriend 20 something years ago, after being thrown out of my sisters apartment, broke back in when my sister wasnt home and pissed in the liquid drinks in the fridge, put other body fluids in the shampoo, wiped his butt on the pillow etc. etc. When my sister told me last year the guy admitted doing so I reminded my sister about the wicked pink eye she had back then. My sister knows how to pick winners.
Consult with your doctor- check hypothyroid disease, ulcerative colitis. Did you have dandruff? or any inflammation of hair folicles?

BTW, Are you pregnant :biggrin:?
Sorry to hear about your ex...dang that is harsh. :eek: Seems like the hotter they are the more psyco they are too...

Perhaps some THC would help mello things out...lol :biggrin:

Seriously, try to keep stress out of your life. I workout at the gym regularly to reduce stress. It really clears your head. You feel really good when you are done and can tackle whatever life throws at you. Try doing that or whatever it takes to be stress free.

As for the hair, I can relate... I have been coming to terms with losing my hair. I don't have a forehead anymore...I have a 5 head. :smile:

I use this.

Wahl 23pc. Trimmer

I use the Wahl myself. Every couple of days I buzz my head. It take about 60 seconds. I enjoy looking like a badass UFC fighter.:rolleyes:
I use the Wahl myself. Every couple of days I buzz my head. It take about 60 seconds. I enjoy looking like a badass UFC fighter.:rolleyes:

LOL :) Great minds think alike...ha ha