Oooooops! I really screwed up! I had read somewhere that the tire pattern was not symmetrical from left to right on directional tires; therefore, I matched it exactly to the right rear tire … never thinking, since it matched, to try the inner wall on the left side. Duh! Next duh … I was under the impression from the previous owner it was an extra rear tire; I was so swallowed up in my intelligence of thinking I had to identify which side it mated, I didn’t even catch that it was a 15 inch for the front. Next potential duh … please explain with the high ratings in all categories as compared to other manufacturers, this is considered an inferior tire for street use. I don’t necessarily measure a products quality by price, and for around $350 delivered for a set of 4, I would rather spend the saved $$$ on a timing belt and water pump maintenance.
also, if I haven't bored you yet here is another testimonialI do not compete with the car, but drive very aggressively. After
considerable review of all the aftermarket tires (and being a bit of a risk
taker), I chose to install a tire about which little or no information
existed relative to its performance on the NSX. The other motivating factor
was cost... frankly, forking over almost $1,000 for tires every ~5,000 miles
was not a welcome thought.
Ordering through the Tire Rack (who dropped shipped directly to my dealer
for installation and alignment), I installed Sumitomo HTR Z (not the Z2)
tires in 225/45-16 on the fronts and 255/40-17 on the rears. Stock wheels
were retained. The cost was an amazing $144.00 each for the rears and
$103.00 each for the fronts. That alone would make you want to seriously
consider them. But, the final outcome was totally unexpected.
I have ridden on many NSX's with both standard and oversize rims sporting
over a half dozen different tires. The Sumitomos are the smoothest riding
and absolute quietest tire I have ever experienced. They are uncanny! The
ride improvement on the highway was amazing. the only word to describe it is
silk! In comparison, a Lexus LS 400 comes to
mind. Quiet really doesn't describe the tire. Silent is a better word. Your
engine noise and sound system will both be much more appreciated.
Steering response is more immediate over the stock Yokos and cornering much
more predictable and with a very smooth transition from adhesion to slide
with no apparent diminishment of overall of adhesion. I am ecstatic with
this purchase. These qualities combined with a $494.00 total price for 4
make Sumitomos the bargain of the century. Highly recommended especially
with aftermarket springs.