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The Anderson loop run -- September 25th

15 January 2010
houston, tx
I set this up last time a few months ago no nsx showed up. Were doing the run again. Lets see who show lol


This is an open event for all vehicles so pass the word and tell a friend.

We had a good time at the last run. If you missed it dont miss this one!

All groups are expected to be at the meeting location by no later than 7:30am fueled and ready to go. We will have a brief drivers meeting and a few directions will be handed out. The first car will leave the parking lot at 8:00am. This is early but is important so that we miss the slow traffic.

The meeting location has a gas station and a McDonalds to allow both of your tanks to fill up if you arrive early.

We will run the roads around Anderson, to the lunch meeting point after we will be doing the run in reverse or else we will have a alternative run that will take us to Tomball. Either way you can expect some nice sweeping curves to test your tread.
<iframe class="aext" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=104760722762808290934.0004866a0a6d36a31a293&ll=30.297018,-95.931244&spn=0.828815,1.0849&t=h&z=10&output=embed" width="480" frameborder="0" height="395" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Meeting Address: McDonalds 20943 Eva Street, Montgomery, TX - (936) 597-7766
Drivers Meet: 7:30am - Roll out 8am
Date: September 25th
Re: The Anderson loop run -- September 25th !!!

I know I'm going to sound like an old fart, but I feel like I have to share the wisdom of my years....

Please be careful out there and don't let the adrenaline get the better of you guys (and gals). These drives can get a little too intense sometimes. I've had to fake an emergency and bail from (other) car club runs in northern california where the pace started to approach track pace. I've lost my taste for this stuff...

Re: The Anderson loop run -- September 25th !!!

I know I'm going to sound like an old fart, but I feel like I have to share the wisdom of my years....

Please be careful out there and don't let the adrenaline get the better of you guys (and gals). These drives can get a little too intense sometimes. I've had to fake an emergency and bail from (other) car club runs in northern california where the pace started to approach track pace. I've lost my taste for this stuff...


I dont think anyone will be showing up anyways lol