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The Ultimate "Prepper" Residence

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
The only thing missing is a damn garage!

Check out http://survivalcondo.com/

The silo was built to withstand a nuclear explosion and to this day is considered to be "one of the strongest structures built by man". This structure used to be an Atlas "F" missile base. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built these missile bases in the 1960's and there were only 72 of them built.

It has since been converted into condos.





And why am I not surprised that it sold out?

Hmmmmm, in-house dentist? DocL, you in on this? :)

Reminds me of the Hive in Resident Evil

I was almost certain that was on 60mins a few weeks ago and they said they had not sold any... Interesting...
Wouldn't there be a concern that some archaic targeting package would result in a Soviet-era ICBM being aimed specifically at your home? Part of the basis for MAD was the reduction of each-other's nuclear capability, so the first wave of targets would be missile silos, and those in charge of targeting are not going to revise their packages on the basis of facebook photos, and the promise that the silo has been converted into a crazy hermit's paradise.

Of course, there's also the issue of being isolated, having to rely on a series of ancient generators, and the need to provide your own grid system for basic support services.
Wouldn't there be a concern that some archaic targeting package would result in a Soviet-era ICBM being aimed specifically at your home?

That's exactly what it was built to withstand. And do you really think that a Russian missile would even come within 1,000 miles of its intended target anyway? That's assuming that a) it actually exists and b) it would get in the air to begin with. Not to mention the fact that we now have missile defense systems that are accurate enough and reliable enough to knock down anything sent our way.

I think the real reason it sold out was because it resembles a penis. :)
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Well if they fire a nuke we fire on all major cities even our allies,

wouldnt want England to come over and finally take back this land

and we wouldnt want China to just move in when we are nuked.

so All cites are targets if we go down to stone age so will the rest of the world.

even playing field. No joke.
That's exactly what it was built to withstand. And do you really think that a Russian missile would even come within 1,000 miles of its intended target anyway? That's assuming that a) it actually exists and b) it would get in the air to begin with. Not to mention the fact that we now have missile defense systems that are accurate enough and reliable enough to knock down anything sent our way.

Actually, China launched a missle, from a submarine we didn't even know was there, off the coast of California about a year ago. Our government told us it was a jet contrail. The retired director of our missle defense system said it was deffinitely a missle and that all our defense systems failed to deploy. The act was understood to be a warning to the USA.
Actually, China launched a missle, from a submarine we didn't even know was there, off the coast of California about a year ago. Our government told us it was a jet contrail. The retired director of our missle defense system said it was deffinitely a missle and that all our defense systems failed to deploy. The act was understood to be a warning to the USA.

Buddy, you've got to lay off the crack pipe and the conspiracy blogs.

For many years the main Chinese sub was the Xia class. That thing was so noisy that if you dropped a hydrophone into the war at Guam you could hear a Xia idling at its home base in Jianggezhuang.

The current Chinese effort is the Jin class nuclear sub. Here's a dirty little secret about nuke boats.... If you have a satellite you can track their heat signatures from space. Guess who has a LOT of satellites? That's right we do. I guarantee you that we know the location every Chinese asset down to the millimeter 24/7.

There were live fire exercises being conducted off the California coast at the time that the "sub story" surfaced (pun intended). Just ask CL65 Captain to confirm that a NOTAM was issued that first week of November, 2010. Hell, you can even do it yourself by going here.
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