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Timer Traveler from 2036... three years later now what do you think?

22 September 2000
Dallas TX

Enough to make your head spin, or are you gonna write it off as a clever hoax?

So far I have read most things linked from this site, and nothing can really debunk the things he said... but things he said were purposely left so open that only questions can be asked and incredulity can prevail. I didn't see anyone actually proving the technology wrong that was explained at least. Then again I'm no mathematician or physicist.

I wonder what everyone here thinks... Is the Patriot act and the recent government moves predicted in this guy's communications?

Take it all with a grain of salt, I know I do, but at least it's an interesting read. :p
I read a lot... sounds pretty silly to me. I mean, he could tell us weather related incidents because nobody on earth could change that in any way. Instead, he is just vague about everything.

Interesting read though... Whoever did it put a lot of time and effort into their character.
This John guy seems full of it. A Nostradamus wanna-be. I'm not at all sure about Nostradamus either. Anyway, I was reading through a lot of it and came across this:

The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.

That's next year! We'll see.

Anyways, I'm not an expert but it seems like all this time travel stuff is just a bunch of irrelevant techno-babble that has no purpose but to feed people's need of something to believe in, whether controversial or not. Sheesh. Is it really hard to believe that "time" comes and goes and that there's no way to go back and forth? To me, the past is gone. The future will come. This I know for sure. Yet people have this sense of wanting to come up with theories straight out from left field. Then they start looking for proof to support their silly thoughts. It never dawns on them that it's kinda hard to prove or disprove something that you don't have proof of existence in the first place! :rolleyes:

If people want to find proof for their hypothesis, fine. But at least come up with a theory that's tangible. That's science.
Trying to find proof for something born out of conspiracy, that's science FICTION and are best dealt with in the movies.
Joel said:
This John guy seems full of it. A Nostradamus wanna-be.

I would have to agree. I would take this more as him trying to predict the future. Some of his predictions are interesting though.

I have made the prediction since last year that there will be no presidential election in 2004. It will be either delayed or cancelled and there will be a good reason given at the time. And no, I did not travel in time.....I am just able to make an educated guess. I could be wrong.

He even seems full of crap when he talked about events prior to 2001 like his analogies regarding WWII and the A-bomb. His history has an obvious "revisionist" slant to it. Hitler cancelled Germany's nuclear program before Pearl Harbor even occured because he was advised that the development of the A-bomb was impossible. Also, regardless of Pearl Harbor happening, Germany still would have lost the war. The European war was lost on the Eastern front in the winter of 1943-1944, not on the Western front. The attack on the western front (normandy invasion) just helped to speed up their defeat. But it had no effect on the outcome of them developing an A-bomb.
Joel said:
It never dawns on them that it's kinda hard to prove or disprove something that you don't have proof of existence in the first place! :rolleyes:

This is the very basis for most every religion.


One thing I enjoyed about that website was how often 'John' referenced the lack of technology in the future due to all of the wars, yet somehow they have been able to create a time machine amidst this technology shortage.

Also again, if they were smart enough to figure out that the IBM 5100 had an undiscovered secret ability, they must have had one to study, and thus it would have been unnecessary to go into the past to retrieve one.
Jonathan said:
One thing I enjoyed about that website was how often 'John' referenced the lack of technology in the future due to all of the wars, yet somehow they have been able to create a time machine amidst this technology shortage.

Einstein once said that he didn't know what kind of weapons would be used in World War III, but that World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones.
Was that a pig that just flew out of my @ss?

Imagine if Dominos gets ahold of the time machine. I could get a pizza delivered before I even knew I wanted one, and still hot too.
Eric5273 said:

I have made the prediction since last year that there will be no presidential election in 2004. It will be either delayed or cancelled and there will be a good reason given at the time. And no, I did not travel in time.....I am just able to make an educated guess. I could be wrong.

Okay, I may be opening up a can of worms here, but what is your basis for this guess?
Joel said:
Okay, I may be opening up a can of worms here, but what is your basis for this guess?

If Bush is behind in the polls and he cannot win, some sort of event will happen shortly before the election -- perhaps another engineered terror attack like 9/11. The election will be posponed indefinately so that Bush can stay on as president to deal with the "crisis". Most Americans will agree that this is a good idea, those who yell foul will be accused of being unpatriotic or conspiracy theorists, and the members of congress will say nothing.

And this not the first time something like this has been done. It happened in another democratic country about 70 years ago.

But again, this is just my prediction. I've been saying this since about a year ago, but a couple months ago I found out that someone else shared this opinion. Here's an interesting article that suggests something similar:


Scott, thanks for the link. Although the posts are over two years old, this was my first time reading them, and it provided for an evening of cheap entertainment if nothing else. :)

While much of John Titor's claims about time travel seem rather farfetched (see one debunking discussion here), a lot of his statements on social issues are thought provoking...perhaps even timely considering the recent economic and political events? Even if it is all a hoax, I guess he succeeded in raising people's consciousness about them.
Re: Scary...

PHOEN$X said:
(see one debunking discussion here)

Interesting how he talks about Dr. Michio Kaku's book. I listen to him all the time on the radio. He has a show on Wednesday nights on WBAI (Pacifica radio) in New York. He also talks about politics on his show quite a bit. Very brilliant guy.
Phoenix, that's exactly as I took it more or less. A good read, and some interesting insights about how we as a people regard life and our surroundings. A decent social study with some interesting and thought provoking techno babble as well.

I posted it not to persuade or dissuade anyone from the ideas, but I personally think John's claims and ideas are interesting to say the least.

It's curious to me that there are either those who are trying very hard to believe and attempting to back it up with scientific probabilities, or those in the other camp who say it's all nonsense.

edit: the more I read of this debunking session the more I laugh!!! Good read!
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He'd probably have the following BS answer:

On my worldline, it is known that the original Civic is capable of reading all the Honda engine codes written before the widespread use of VTEC and i-VTEC. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line.

Technologies themselves are not lost but some of the older tools and techniques have been lost. So no, there isn't a new NSX in 2036, that's why I came back in time to search for the Civic engine. I'm chosen for this mission is because I happened to be a relative of the founder.
Looks like he was wrong on the dates as 2004 has come and gone.

65. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.
I was just thinking about this guy the other day. Thanks for reviving the thread. Guess he was wrong -- which is a good thing!