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UFC predictions???

wait, did NSXFRIEND really just compare himself to GSP, who is concidered, arguably the best, most well rounded fighter in the UFC....and who is also NOT concidered a standup fighter. You do know that he does have a black belt in BJJ from gracie......right?...
wait, did NSXFRIEND really just compare himself to GSP, who is concidered, arguably the best, most well rounded fighter in the UFC....and who is also NOT concidered a standup fighter. You do know that he does have a black belt in BJJ from gracie......right?...

If thats your limited ability to understand a fighter so be it.

Please tell me how GSP defeated Hughs a ground fighter (note term ground fighter means fighting on the ground) to get was it in arm lock or chocking?

QED ( quod erat demonstrandum) :biggrin:
Serra and GSP are both students of Renzo Gracie.
Serra and GSP are both students of Renzo Gracie.

Yup and Hughs background is wrestling.

Both fighters similarly paired with two arms and legs with similar back grounds ened up punching and kicking to the end but GSP believed in Himself thats the was the difference.
Yup and Hughs background is wrestling.

Both fighters similarly paired with two arms and legs with similar back grounds ened up punching and kicking to the end but GSP believed in Himself thats the was the difference.
You can believe in yourself as much as you like but if your opponent is much better than you(GSP>Serra)then you are still going to lose.
Yup and Hughs background is wrestling.

Both fighters similarly paired with two arms and legs with similar back grounds ened up punching and kicking to the end but GSP believed in Himself thats the was the difference.

You do realize that punching and kicking can only happen once you are able to neutralize the other on the ground, right? if either was weaker on the ground then it would wind up being a ground game until someone gets submitted. In order to even be able to strike effectively in the UFC you need to have a good ground game. A good ground game is what opens the door to striking.

Did you see what Florian did to 4 time world muaythai title holder Kit Cope? I can name many other examples. If you are not great on the ground you will get taken down and you will get submitted. People don't realize how good the strikers are in their ground game at that level. Even someone like Chuck Liddel or Mirko Cro-Cop are good enough to submit 95% of lesser fighters on the ground. Certainly their defense is way up there. If your ground game is weak, you will see repeats of Royce Gracie versus anybody as in the early UFC's.

As far as Hughs, that punk's background may have been wrestling but 90% of his current arsenal is Brazilian Jiujitsu whether he likes to call it that or not. If he was using pure wrestling he wouldn't last 2 minutes in that cage. Poeple have no idea how many BJJ moves have crept into MMA, and how much of an influence the Gracies had on the entire thing. The Closed guard, Triangle chokes, how to correctly take the back, many of these things came from Brazil and most from the Gracie family. Pure Japanese Jiujitsu is a fairly weak art in comparison. There are a lot of BS moves that were just disgarded and many others that were modified heavily so they would work. "Wrestling", really has no submissions. Wrestlers used to give up their back, their arms, their legs, all the time. They were great at takedowns and takedown defense (single and double leg, not throws ala Judo). That disrespectful punk Hughs 15 years ago would have been tapped in about 20 seconds by a Gracie had he not actually learned their art.

LOL.... sorry I got a little worked up talking about this. I just don't care for Matt Hughs. :D
Guys I'm actually a fan of mma and watch alot of the various pro bouts.One of my empoyees' sons is just starting in amateur competition at 205 soon to be 185,but I thought this pic was humerous,please don't B@# slap me:biggrin:


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You can believe in yourself as much as you like but if your opponent is much better than you(GSP>Serra)then you are still going to lose.

GSP did not believe in himself in the first fight against hughs so he lost though he was in fantastic shape, second time around he outpunched him standing up and finished him punching on the ground, so I agree may the best man win.

I don't know him personaly so I can't comment on him, though I respect that he is a man of religion and seems pretty humble washes the gym using a mop etc..

Prior to neautralizing your opponent, there is the offensive punch or kick or parry to move in. During these few seconds you can either slide a blow or counter with a blow, which takes less energy than to taking your opponent to the ground and trying to submit him. Ofcourse on both side it requires coordinated movements, timing and proper conditioning technique. I can learn a million punching kicking submitting moves, but if I lack stamina, conditioning, strength and all the attributes which make up a proportionate fighter I would look silly.

The beauty of combative arts is to show what your good at and perfect the art, very few people have earned this either because they lack the time, age is a factor, lack of motivation etc.

Honestly speaking, there are very few fighters in UFC from unorthedox martial arts background. I think its in the inteest of UFC to have stand up fighters since most the fights are on the ground form a marketing prospective.

DocJon I have to admit i felt very uncomfortable having a guy wrap his legs around me in missionary position first time(still Do) :biggrin:
NSXFriend, plenty of people have taken their time to point you in the right direction. Several of whom I have much respect for. However, may I offer, at this juncture I believe it's best you go do. Not my best grammar but you get the idea. Keyboard jockeying ain't fighting nor is it a substitute for training.
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NSXFriend, plenty of people have taken their time to point you in the right direction. Several of whom I have much respect for. However, at this point may I offer, at this juncture I believe it's best you go do. Not my best grammar but you get the idea. Keyboard jockeying ain't fighting nor is it a substitute for training.

Point well taken I will take my 17 years of experience and see where it takes me :smile: