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watkins glenn 4-23 -april 27 trackmasters

I'll be up there for Kids Day 2 day track event this year with TrackMasters. Doing a bunch of PCA events though, already did one at NJMP. See you then...

I might be the newbie. This will be my first time on the track at the Glen.

great! This could be the start of a very rewarding hobby.The trackmasters school is also a very well run safe place to start. You have the extra added bonus of having a seperate shirts/skins run group:wink:......inside joke.
Successful but cold weekend. It had snowed earlier in the week and temps were 25 degrees each morning so it wasn't easy to heat the tires and get some grip.

Here are a few shots of the newbie Mark in the novice class:








And the Falls were flowing.........

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Great to see you out this year! And as always great photos and vid.


Congrats on tracking Watkins for the first time and hope to see you back on Kids day. If you do more events, not necessarily with Track Masters, you should be able to get into the intermediate school with Track Masters for the Kids day event, unless you already have the track days behind you. Welcome to the hobby within the hobby.

Thanks. Bob was very gracious to do the pix and vid, especially meaningful to me.
I am doing another school, with BMW at NJMP Thunderbolt in June, but cannot make the Kids run due to an already scheduled business trip.
Many moons ago I participated in kids type events with the National Council of Corvette Clubs; loved to make them smile. Would be there if I could!
Have a great time at NJMP...we'll see you next year at Kids day or other Trackmaster's events.
