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McLaren P1 prototype

15 January 2010


Absolutely LOVE it!

You might want to look at the rear view before you say that!.

Personally I think it is going to be a great car but its hard to call it a true hypercar when its more than anything an extremely modded version of the 12C.
I am not sure how I feel about it. I need to look at it more. My initial impression is YUCK.
Wow, it's a wild concept. I like it. The back is a little weird, but I like the direction they went in. It just needs to be flattened and widened a little, and it will look great.

Reminds me of those spaceships the aliens flew in Independence Day for some reason. lol.
First impressions:

Front looks pretty good. I will have to get used to the black bumper.

Side hollow cutout is hmm…kinda reminds me of a kit car, but I guess there are aero reasons to do it.

I like the McLaren logo shape of the headlights.

The front 3/4 view makes the rear deck area look hollow and shrunken, because the backlight sweeps inward. Totally makes sense aerodynamically, but doesn't look that good.

Rear looks like an alien space ship, but that F1 looking aggressive rear diffuser is really awesome.

Conclusion: I will get used to it.
I love it but could see why some hate it. It is the most bad ass looking Veilside wide body ever made for a Mitsubishi Eclipse I have ever seen.

I literally fell out of my chair laughing at this comment... nice one Juice
The first time I saw the font headlight area I immediately pictured this:


Makes you wonder if this new design is just McLaren messing with us. lol

To be honest I think the design overall is good but I don't like the two hood vents. Looks out of place imo. Maybe it would look better as a single vent or something.
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You might want to look at the rear view before you say that!.

Personally I think it is going to be a great car but its hard to call it a true hypercar when its more than anything an extremely modded version of the 12C.

Ritesh, i know it is hard for anyone who just bought a 12C ( great car btw) to admire the car that will make it look like an inferior younger brother. Stephenson told us himslef that he came to McL too late to "save" the 12C design but that the F1 replacement (P1) is going to be his baby from scratch and that it will blow the socks out of anything on the road both visually and in performance, including the Enzo replacement. His words not mine.
As to design criticism there will be no shortage of that on the American forums, especially on Prime. Give us an update on your 12C experience so far.
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I think the rear looks aggressive which is how I would want the rear of a hypercar to look.

OMG, I actually agree with something Jack Sparrow has posted! Since hell is obviously freezing over, I am inclined to ask my wife about that threesome she said we could have when this exact moment arrived. :smile: So excited to hear her answer!
Ritesh, i know it is hard for anyone who just bought a 12C ( great car btw) to admire the car that will make it look like an inferior younger brother. Stephenson told us himslef that he came to McL too late to "save" the 12C design but that the F1 replacement (P1) is going to be his baby from scratch and that it will blow the socks out of anything on the road both visually and in performance, including the Enzo replacement. His words not mine.
As to design criticism there will be no shortage of that on the American forums, especially on Prime. Give us an update on your 12C experience so far.

I have no issues with the car. I want Mclaren to succeed and personally hope it destroys the Ferrari Enzo replacement! BUT u have to admit the styling is quite controversial and the CF tub/engine straight from the 12C makes it's DNA less exclusive.

One thing McLaren needs to learn is that Ferrari has 1000+ owners hoping to have a chance of buying a Ferrari super car. McLaren has less than 100(F1 owners). They better bring their A game.
Meh... It looks like my 13-year old son took a 12-C and "customized" it after being inspired by Fast and Furious.

Not that I could afford one, but if I could, I'd pass.

At least make the thing one single color. The two-tone fad came and went with the 1980s.
Meh... It looks like my 13-year old son took a 12-C and "customized" it after being inspired by Fast and Furious.

Not that I could afford one, but if I could, I'd pass.

At least make the thing one single color. The two-tone fad came and went with the 1980s.

Someone hire that 13-y/o, quick!

And when did they have "two-tone" with carbon fiber in the 80s, because I am all for retro if that's the case.
I agree the front is a little over stylized......but if the overall proportions are similar to the F1.......then me so horny.
I hnestly thought it was a CCX at first from the side


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I have no issues with the car. I want Mclaren to succeed and personally hope it destroys the Ferrari Enzo replacement! BUT u have to admit the styling is quite controversial and the CF tub/engine straight from the 12C makes it's DNA less exclusive.

One thing McLaren needs to learn is that Ferrari has 1000+ owners hoping to have a chance of buying a Ferrari super car. McLaren has less than 100(F1 owners). They better bring their A game.

Agree almost completely with you. There is not much these days beyond a CF tub and metal extensions for engine and suspension attachments. They cannot use CF for those because of crash standards in most western countries. So the 12 C you are driving and what the P1 will presumably be are the best and the most advanced. Back in 2002 the Enzo was the first but its tub is prehistoric in rigidity and lightness compared to yours.
As to customers, they dont need to woo anybody. They will sell every one of them. Pagani and Bugatti had no customers at all but enough people with $ to want the best and most exclusive. I remember talking to Pagani in Monterey back in the nineties when he showed his crude Zonda prototype and no one paid any attention.
You notice the NSX Prime "meh" crowd is out in full force. There are some here who will redraw the Mona Lisa, and reshape Angelina Jolie's lips if you gave them a chance. :smile:
I am sure I am not the only one who would be real interested to know what you think of the 12C so far; tell us.
I am sure I am not the only one who would be real interested to know what you think of the 12C so far; tell us.

I posted a somewhat detailed review and summary in the thread I started. Fire away if you have any questions.