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Is the word "Japland" Offensive

Are you offended by the word "Japland"

  • You hurt my family

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • What does it mean

    Votes: 23 47.9%

  • Total voters
Wait a dang minute now.... You're getting on people here for not being politically correct or socially/culturally insensitive? You just made fun of an Iranian man because of his last name! WTF? You are a confusing person. Pot, meet kettle.

I'm going to bed, this is getting dumb


Holy hell! This too? So much for credibility. Dig all you wish on me, I don't claim to be a saint and I'm definitely NOT rich.


ok, now i'm going to bed. This thread sucks.




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hmmm I wonder where all the lappers are from??? hmmmm:smile:

lapland :)

head to the nordic countries, then make a slight deviation toward the pole ;)

(edit: i feel a response to the original poll / thread is so obvious it doesn't warrant a serious response.)
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This is great... everyone is having a great discussion on a topic that was such a big deal in another thread. I'm just glad all this back and forth isn't in the other thread. I would have had to read through all the crap and got to the bottom and be very pissed there were no pictures. Instead all the back and fourth nonsense is in this thread. Thank you all for your discussion and showing that if you do get upset about someones thread or post a whole new thread can be started to discuss it.
This is great... everyone is having a great discussion on a topic that was such a big deal in another thread. I'm just glad all this back and forth isn't in the other thread. I would have had to read through all the crap and got to the bottom and be very pissed there were no pictures. Instead all the back and fourth nonsense is in this thread. Thank you all for your discussion and showing that if you do get upset about someones thread or post a whole new thread can be started to discuss it.

You still don't get it?
Which is worse? A "JesusFreak" calling Japan "Japland", or someone from Japland calling Jesus a Freak?
Well, the reason "I don't give a damn" is because there is more to life to worry about at the moment than someone spewing out a racial slur. It's not enough that anyone should be getting their panties in a bunch...
What may not worry or "be enough" for you may be a great concern to others. As stated by KSXNSX, you are trivializing the matter which to me shows a simple lack of respect for others.

...don't care needs no justification to anyone. Especially here on prime. I am what I am, I care the way I care and feel the way I feel...
I hope this unfortunate self-centered attitude: don't give a damn, don't need to justify to anyone, I am the way I am, I care the way I care, I feel the way I feel changes with maturity.

Am I an insensitive asshole? yeah...
I would have to agree but it is sad that you realize this but seem to choose to do nothing about it.

...I'm just glad all this back and forth isn't in the other thread. I would have had to read through all the crap...Instead all the back and fourth nonsense is in this thread.
I would agree with Dtrigg, you really do not understand or want to understand that many views against this term are not "crap" or "nonsense". If you were convinced otherwise and were not open to other points of view, starting your thread was unecessary.
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Yup it is so don't use it again.
I am Japanese and my first issue is who says Jap anymore? Seriously. Are we still calling British "red coats." Or did I miss a memo.:confused:
As the guy who originally questioned the use of the term "Japland" I have to say that this new thread has been interesting reading. I really didn't mean to highjack the original thread. I think my statement was something like: Great pictures, but really "Japland"? I think the thread got thrown off course by the people complaining about me. I only meant to send a gentle reminder to the OP to think before posting. I am not Japanese nor have I been to Japan, but my parents taught me right from wrong, and not to be afraid to speak up.
I know there are those out there who disagree with my position, and they certainly have a right to voice that. Maybe they haven't had the life experiences that I have, or maybe they just don't care. As for whose of you who were not afraid to be considered "too PC", thanks for standing up, you rock. Ron
I have purposefully avoided this thread just to see what others would add to the thoughts on "offensive" language and to see if it might have an impact on the OP's opinions. I posted most all of my thoughts here and didn't really feel the need to elaborate.

It is good to hear that many Prime members feel the same way as I do. It is disturbing to hear that the OP is holding his ground on intolerance.

Maybe it doesn't matter, but here is a little of my story: I was a dark skinned kid from California who moved to conservative New Hampshire. Appearance-wise I did not fit in. Locals, both young and old, didn't know how to categorize me so they threw every epithet in the book at me. After so much of that constant barrage of hatred and intolerance I began to realize that it was all about ignorance. Again, it is Ignorance. Speech like that is hurtful and just ugly and should never be tolerated on any level by anyone. Tolerance is acceptance is participation.

If your cousin were "challenged" you wouldn't tolerate the word "retard". If your sister were gay you wouldn't tolerate the term "fag". I have lots of friends and acquaintances who find the term "Jap" offensive so I choose to speak up on their behalf.

Now that you know it is offensive, even to perhaps a small minority, it is up to you to act accordingly.
With the world that it is today and all the PC stuff about everything. Maybe not right but in the big picture if you have a problem with a word you must have little to worry about.

I don't want to offend anyone the same as most people (I HOPE). If someone called me a cracker or slave owner in a fit of rage or something. I would just ignore it.

Now with this background what are the promoters of this event "Japland" taking over the name :confused:

Did anyone from this post send a positive or negative comment to the event organizer to see what they think of the name?

I would think this could possibly lose business over a word. As a business owner that would be my concern. Sponsors pulling ads (money) from the event.

What do the event or sponsors think about the name?
Did anyone think to contact them?

Or are we just jawing on the net and nobody else cares? If you want something to change YOU have every right to cost the event $$$$$ and let THEM know how YOU feel. You just might change something.

To bad I didn't get to see the pics from whatever the event it's named.

In short: If you don't like something do something. Or your just bitching :tongue:
Yes that is offensive.

The problem is that most people don't see it unless its there race or country. calling somone "jap" is like talking down to people. I know there are people on this forum that want evey mexican out of the US so people like that might say its or to say jap.
In short: If you don't like something do something. Or your just bitching :tongue:

Couldn't of said it better myself :tongue:

Perhaps you couldn't have said it better, but I don't know what that means really. But I, in fact, did do something. I mentioned to the OP that it's use is questionable and perhaps the OP might reconsider using it in the future, instead of letting it go and thereby condoning it's use and perpetuating the intolerance.
Perhaps you couldn't have said it better, but I don't know what that means really. But I, in fact, did do something. I mentioned to the OP that it's use is questionable and perhaps the OP might reconsider using it in the future, instead of letting it go and thereby condoning it's use and perpetuating the intolerance.


Again, people trivializing the matter by saying those who are standing up for themselves are "just bitching".

They are just making excuses for using slurs.

Jeff: if you want to know why you aren't hurt by people using slurs against white people, it's because another race has never enslaved the white people, interned them, etc. and juxtaposed those slurs with racial oppression. That, combined with the fact that anglo/european/whites have the strongest positive representation in the media, a few racial slurs pale in comparison to the positive portrayal you have.

Had another race, let's arbitrarily call them Race X, enslaved white people (raping their women, hanging them, beating them, killing them, etc.) and used Slur XY against them, I would be willing to bet you'd be offended by it.

You are being ignorant and tactless by telling a minority race that they are just "bitching" for standing up for themselves.

Again, I'm not Japanese. I am just being objective.
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Jeff: if you want to know why you aren't hurt by people using slurs against white people, it's because another race has never enslaved the white people, interned them, etc. and juxtaposed those slurs with racial oppression. That, combined with the fact that anglo/european/whites have the strongest positive representation in the media, a few racial slurs pale in comparison to the positive portrayal you have.

Had another race, let's arbitrarily call them Race X, enslaved white people (raping their women, hanging them, beating them, killing them, etc.) and used Slur XY against them, I would be willing to bet you'd be offended by it.

You are being ignorant and tactless by telling a minority race that they are just "bitching" for standing up for themselves.

Again, I'm not Japanese. I am just being objective.

Read my post again. I said stop bitching on a car forum and complain to who ever named the event :tongue: "JAPFEST" if that doesn't work talk to the venders that support the event and let them know you won't be buying/using a product that condones something you are offended by?

You are being ignorant for not reading the true issue. JapFest is a yearly car show and someone just wants to post some pics from it :confused:

Check out http://www.japfest.co.uk/ car show.
Read my post again. I said stop bitching on a car forum and complain to who ever named the event :tongue: "JAPFEST" if that doesn't work talk to the venders that support the event and let them know you won't be buying/using a product that condones something you are offended by?

You are being ignorant for not reading the true issue. JapFest is a yearly car show and someone just wants to post some pics from it :confused:

Check out http://www.japfest.co.uk/ car show.

Uh, try reading what this post is about. The OP ASKED if it was offensive. People explained that it was.

Are you obtuse?

The only people who are "bitching" as you so immaturely put it are those complaining that people are standing up for themselves and others.

And if you read through my posts, I never claimed "Japfest" or "Japland" were in themselves offensive. I explained to the OP that "Jap" is a racial slur created by your people and may be offensive depending on context.

The OP did not create this poll for edification. He created it to stir up a controversy and defend the use of a word--and mock people who are offended by the term.

Just the fact that so many people have said it is offensive should be enough...apparently it isn't for some who insist on being ignorant.

I don't have a problem with the website or the fact that people want to post photos. I have a problem with people insisting on how a minority race should feel about a slur created by people to oppress them. It is THEIR call on how they should feel.

Why don't you, as a white boy, try telling black people how they should feel about the "n-word".

If someone made a website called "n-word-land", even if it wasn't a racist website, would you say the same things?

This thread was created as an inquiry. Or do you not understand that?
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Wait a dang minute now.... You're getting on people here for not being politically correct or socially/culturally insensitive? You just made fun of an Iranian man because of his last name! WTF? You are a confusing person. Pot, meet kettle.

I'm going to bed, this is getting dumb


Holy hell! This too? So much for credibility. Dig all you wish on me, I don't claim to be a saint and I'm definitely NOT rich.


ok, now i'm going to bed. This thread sucks.



Uh, try reading what this post is about. The OP ASKED if it was offensive. People explained that it was.

Are you obtuse?

The only people who are "bitching" as you so immaturely put it are those complaining that people are standing up for themselves and others.

And if you read through my posts, I never claimed "Japfest" or "Japland" were in themselves offensive. I explained to the OP that "Jap" is a racial slur created by your people and may be offensive depending on context.

The OP did not create this poll for edification. He created it to stir up a controversy and defend the use of a word--and mock people who are offended by the term.

Just the fact that so many people have said it is offensive should be enough...apparently it isn't for some who insist on being ignorant.

I don't have a problem with the website or the fact that people want to post photos. I have a problem with people insisting on how a minority race should feel about a slur created by people to oppress them. It is THEIR call on how they should feel.

Why don't you, as a white boy, try telling black people how they should feel about the "n-word".

If someone made a website called "n-word-land", even if it wasn't a racist website, would you say the same things?

This thread was created as an inquiry. Or do you not understand that?

The ONLY thing I understand is "KSXNSX" needs to take his meds and get some sleepy time.

Thanks "KooLaid" for taking the time and pointing out "KSXNSX's" problems :rolleyes:

It gives me some hope for the survival of the Forum no matter what the Trolls think.
Off topic covers many things...... I just think it lacks a coherent mind to think that anyone would want to talk about this. What redeeming value does this have??? Freedom of Speech??? I guess we can shorten the caucasian race to just simply caucs (cocks are what white people are.... how's that sound? I hope you don't take offense to it.)
The ONLY thing I understand is "KSXNSX" needs to take his meds and get some sleepy time.

Thanks "KooLaid" for taking the time and pointing out "KSXNSX's" problems :rolleyes:

It gives me some hope for the survival of the Forum no matter what the Trolls think.

lol. Nice deflection for your lack of a response. "sleepy time" and "time to take your meds?" Are we 10 and stuck in 1994? haha.

And now you are flip flopping from your stance that we shouldn't be offended to we should--but only in the case of what I have posted? Or only in cases that support your ad hominem attacks against myself?

Nice try with the ad hominem arguments, but it doesn't fly in the face of logic. You can try to defame my character all you want, but it doesn't affect my argument in the slightest.

Those posts have nothing to do with what is being discussed now. If you want to start a topic for those posts, go right ahead. I doubt anyone would construe those as racist or offensive. If they do, I wouldn't argue like the OP or you, and I'd apologize right away.

So what exactly is your point? You are trying to attack my character to strengthen your argument? Doesn't work buddy.

I also don't even know why you would post those last two screen caps. They don't strengthen your argument or weaken mine.

And you still haven't addressed my previous post.
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hmmm I wonder where all the lappers are from???hmmmm:smile:
Lapps or laplanders are mainly from the nordic regions of Sweden, Norway, and Finland (north of the Arctic Circle).

lapland :)

head to the nordic countries, then make a slight deviation toward the pole ;)

(edit: i feel a response to the original poll / thread is so obvious it doesn't warrant a serious response.)

Lapland,:rolleyes: that's funny. My mother-in-law is a Lapp, and that would make her laugh.
Ok one last blurb.

Defame your character? Your argument? Buddy, you have lost ALL credibility in this subject where your actions speak louder than what you're trying to feed everyone here. Take your own advice. Fix yourself before you attempt to try to fix the world. Blind leading the blind.

You go ahead and try to lead others on something you have no credibility to teach. I on the other hand, will lead others on how enhance their time here on nsxprime:



Alright, my work here is done. Don't take it personal man, you're just starting to sound like a "10 year old" in "1994", or whatever you were going on about. I'm not trying to be anyone's friend or say I'm better than anyone else. I'm just saying you're getting annoying.

Have a good evening man. Next time we meet up, drinks on me.


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