Has ebay gone nuts?

fullrace, as I mentioned earlier, check out freecycle. you just post your stuff and people will come take it. there are some rules like you cant just throw it on a curb and say first person to come take it gets it, but you can post what you have and people will answer and you commit to one person. it's not perfect, they dont show up sometimes, but it's worked very well for my wife and she's also gotten a lot of free stuff for the kids from it.


as far as garbage men, when we had private pick up, we used to leave the guys lottery tickets for christmas. they always took EVERYTHING after we started doing that. before, they'd leave stuff like a rolled up rug or mattress.
i dont know how the waste companies work out there, but i would try to make freinds with one of the guys on your route, do they just back in with the trucks that pick up the dumpsters or do they actualy get out of thier trucks?

strike up a little conversation, maybe slip them a 20, bring them some cold gatorade or monster energy drinks, or a hooker if the dudes really ugly and fat:tongue:

i know some garbage men, and theyre simple people, its like getting a free sandwhich from a subwy employee

might also ask them about what the best way to dispose of batteries and such,

i would recomend not mentioning that you drive a ferrari, and dont wear too many rolex's while you talk to them:biggrin:

We fill several 30 yard dumpsters a month on a light month. A 30 yard dumpster is equal to 30-35 pick up truck loads. Thsi week only we have filled 4 of them and the guys are filling one right now. I have quite a few 8 yard tippers at different locations too. I am always amazed by how much trash we make on a weekly basis. I personally make at least one truck load per week out of my home but there is always a lot of people here too.
as far as garbage men, when we had private pick up, we used to leave the guys lottery tickets for christmas. they always took EVERYTHING after we started doing that. before, they'd leave stuff like a rolled up rug or mattress.

Very easy to do when there is only one account but with the amount of accounts I have it would be impossible to find and grease every driver.
jeeeeeeez, how many tenants do you have? im guessing theyre not very "green" by throwing that much garbage away:eek:

978 units, just took on 2 more this week and slated to bring on 16 more by the end of September. We only have dumpsters at the properties that have more than 8 units in one building everything else is curb side pick up by the city the property is in. But we keep large construction type dumpsters in each city for turnovers, clean outs, clean ups, and landscaping.
Get this. Latest message from eBay states:

Remove any references to checks and money orders from your descriptions. Starting January 15 these listings will be taken down.

In other words: We want to soak you for Paypal fees so if you want to sell something on our site we won't let you pay or get paid any other way. Why? Because there is no competition and it's our way or the highway.

Get this. Latest message from eBay states:

Remove any references to checks and money orders from your descriptions. Starting January 15 these listings will be taken down.

In other words: We want to soak you for Paypal fees so if you want to sell something on our site we won't let you pay or get paid any other way. Why? Because there is no competition and it's our way or the highway.


It's the highway to hell for ebay. Really stick a fork in them cause their done IMO.
Get this. Latest message from eBay states:

Remove any references to checks and money orders from your descriptions. Starting January 15 these listings will be taken down.

In other words: We want to soak you for Paypal fees so if you want to sell something on our site we won't let you pay or get paid any other way. Why? Because there is no competition and it's our way or the highway.


Yeah, they announced this was coming back in August. See my post above:
I stopped using Ebay about a year ago and don't miss it at all. Their customer service is the worst I have ever seen. I have bought over a million dollars worth of stuff over the years on their site and they wouldn't give me the time of day.

BTW I shorted their stock and got my money back on what I have bought off their site!

In my opinion in ten years from now most people will not remember them. They are on a direct route to nowhere.

I've been selling on eBay since 2000.
Member since: Feb-23-00 in United States

I have a 155 feedback with 100%.

I just posted two auctions for some office phones and both got hit with the 'we will hold your funds for 21 days or until you provide proof of delivery or receive positive feedback' message when I posted them. I also posted a coffee maker which has already been bid up to $200 which is not subject to that message. I've tried the phones in multiple categories and still got hit with the message. I've even tried

Business & Industrial > Office > Other

Seems if I want to sell phones on eBay, I have to deal with this stupid 21 day hold policy. I had to add this to both auctions:

BECAUSE eBAY flags phones (regardless of what category I've tried to post it under, including Business>Office>Other as "a higher risk category", they have PayPal hold payments for 21 days or until positive feedback is left. Thus unfortunately I will either have to hold shipping for 21 days or you will need to leave positive feedback when you pay. It's stupid that it has come to this, but I will not ship an item until I've been paid. If you have another suggestion, I'm open to anything. I have been selling on eBay for over 9 years and have 100% feedback. That they would subject sellers of my reputation to this policy is ridiculous.
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Rob, $#%^#!!!%#$%^ eBay!!! Sounds like a great opportunity for someone else to start a competitor to eBay and kick eBay's #%!!#%$ :smile:
After receiving negative feedback I no longer can list anything on ebay and won't be able to until I buy something and get a positive feedback. I will go on ebay to look at cars (for the pictures) but that's it. I will not buy anything through ebay ever again.
Rob, $#%^#!!!%#$%^ eBay!!! Sounds like a great opportunity for someone else to start a competitor to eBay and kick eBay's #%!!#%$ :smile:

There have been rumors for a year or two that Google is working on something, but I don't know if that's been killed because of the zillion of $$$ they've pumped into eBay with their advertising deal. Wish someone else would hurry up. There is other decent software out there, but unfortunately nobody with enough clout to actually draw any significant numbers away from eBay.
Rob, $#%^#!!!%#$%^ eBay!!! Sounds like a great opportunity for someone else to start a competitor to eBay and kick eBay's #%!!#%$ :smile:

Yeah. Or at least force them to become what they were 5 years ago. They have become a textbook example of what happens when you have a (virtual) monopoly.

Really, if a viable alternative came along I'd be on it like a duck on junebug.