Top 10 things that annoy me - how bout you?

10 July 2007
Pebble Beach
In no particular order:

1) People who use the word amazing to describe everything.
2) Yoga.
3) Bruce Jenner and his family.
4) Crying babies when I am at a nice restaurant.
5) People who walk staring at their phone and are headed my way.
6) Music everywhere. Can I choose my own music? Can I have a moment of silence?
7) Drivers who purposely speed up so you cannot pass them. I would like have a flame thrower for these guys.
8) Drivers who hurry up in pull out in front of you that are going 20 miles below the speed limit.
9) Getting older.
10) Tech and psycho babble.

I am sure that there are others that annoy you?
So Cal gas prices...shit went up $.30 per gal in less then 8 hrs the other day:frown: oil at all time lows, yet were somehow paying gas prices of $4.50 gal...f###!!!!

People in the fast lane going slow who have no clue what that lane is for....IDIOTS!!!

How fast time flies, my kids are growing too fast:frown:
In no particular order:

1) People who use the word amazing to describe everything.
2) Yoga.
3) Bruce Jenner and his family.
4) Crying babies when I am at a nice restaurant.
5) People who walk staring at their phone and are headed my way.
6) Music everywhere. Can I choose my own music? Can I have a moment of silence?
7) Drivers who purposely speed up so you cannot pass them. I would like have a flame thrower for these guys.
8) Drivers who hurry up in pull out in front of you that are going 20 miles below the speed limit.
9) Getting older.
10) Tech and psycho babble.

I am sure that there are others that annoy you?

I agree with you on a lot of those, but out of curiosity, why yoga? I can understand being annoyed at people who take one yoga class from a Groupon and then talk about it like he/she invented it, but why in general?
Similar to OP:

--So many people constantly on their phones, tablets, iPods...Give it a break and live in reality. Especially if you have children.
--People who had terrible diets in years prior but were in good health and of an "acceptable" size, but now insist they hate pizza, burgers, and soda and couldn't live without their gym membership, those pathetically bright colored running shoes, and salads.
--Today's cost and sacrifices to obtain a formal education.
--The irony that my backup external hard drive won't stay connected for more than 15 minutes.
Why Yoga? Because it has taken on the mantra of a fad. If you spend anytime in So Cal there as plentiful as Starbucks.
Yoga is an excellent form of exercise.

11) Starbucks on every corner.
When your stuck in traffic because of construction where two lanes are going into one and people speed up in the lane that's closing to get as close as possible to area of the lane closure and thus causing further delays for the folks that are waiting in traffic. get as close as possible to area of the lane closure...

My thinking on this has evolved such that the best method is for merging to occur only at the end, where the lane ends, and for cars to alternate. When a car merges before that it causes excess slowing of the continuing lane since there will always be people continuing in the closing lane. This stands in stark contrast to a crowded exit lane, where people who merge from the adjacent nonexit lane at the last second should be denied entry and forced to the next exit.
My thinking on this has evolved such that the best method is for merging to occur only at the end, where the lane ends, and for cars to alternate. When a car merges before that it causes excess slowing of the continuing lane since there will always be people continuing in the closing lane. This stands in stark contrast to a crowded exit lane, where people who merge from the adjacent nonexit lane at the last second should be denied entry and forced to the next exit.

I understand your reasoning. It makes sense of course. The issue that I have is when there are signs for miles that the left lane is closed and traffic could efficiently merge prior to the closure but don't and cause a delay. I was stuck on Interstate 84 for an hour and a half in Pennsylvania in one of the worst construction related traffic patterns I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing in 47 years. I was waiting in the left lane with the "merge" about 1/2 mile up the road. There was a car adjacent to me that was blocking the right lane from this line of cars that was trying to get as close as possible to the merge. There was a guy cursing out the "blocking" car who finally moved over into the left lane. The line of cars sped forward and merged at the last second and in my opinion caused more of a delay. It's just selfish.
There was a car adjacent to me that was blocking the right lane from this line of cars that was trying to get as close as possible to the merge.

Yes, I love those blockers. It's best when they continue at the pace of the nonclosing lane until the ultimate merge point. I may have done that before. It seems like a good way to enforce fairness.
In no particular order:

1) People who use the word amazing to describe everything.
2) Yoga.
3) Bruce Jenner and his family.
4) Crying babies when I am at a nice restaurant.
5) People who walk staring at their phone and are headed my way.
6) Music everywhere. Can I choose my own music? Can I have a moment of silence?
7) Drivers who purposely speed up so you cannot pass them. I would like have a flame thrower for these guys.
8) Drivers who hurry up in pull out in front of you that are going 20 miles below the speed limit.
9) Getting older.
10) Tech and psycho babble.

I am sure that there are others that annoy you?

I was thinking about how amazing this thread was this morning while doing yoga with my aunt Caitlyn. The night before Kim's baby was crying in a restaurant because Kim was taking a selfie, not paying attention... and walked into some guy who was coming the other way. Other than that I have nothing of value to add here. My only gripe is anyone who would like to modify my behavior on any level. Live and let live is a good motto IMO.
when I buy 20 bucks worth or lottery tickets and can't even match more than 2 lousy numbers...
I was thinking about how amazing this thread was this morning while doing yoga with my aunt Caitlyn. The night before Kim's baby was crying in a restaurant because Kim was taking a selfie, not paying attention... and walked into some guy who was coming the other way. Other than that I have nothing of value to add here. My only gripe is anyone who would like to modify my behavior on any level. Live and let live is a good motto IMO.

I was thinking about how amazing this thread was this morning while doing yoga with my aunt Caitlyn. The night before Kim's baby was crying in a restaurant because Kim was taking a selfie, not paying attention... and walked into some guy who was coming the other way. Other than that I have nothing of value to add here. My only gripe is anyone who would like to modify my behavior on any level. Live and let live is a good motto IMO.

Now that was funny!
Ridiculous job titles. I've noticed this over the past year or so. I keep getting all these LinkedIn friend requests. EVERYONE on there is a senior vice president of something. ....Senior VP of acrylics..... Oh yeah, you work at the nail salon....
I am CEO of my household....................unless my wife says otherwise!
Ridiculous job titles. I've noticed this over the past year or so. I keep getting all these LinkedIn friend requests. EVERYONE on there is a senior vice president of something. ....Senior VP of acrylics..... Oh yeah, you work at the nail salon....