? for you married guys

Tell me how being married is different than having a long term girlfriend....

...Is marriage basically a longer version of a long term relationship?

.... do I need more? Single, long term relationships, not a real dad, kind of a dad thing has been working just fine but one day you just get old. So it's got me thinking...

I so miss Prime before Facebook... Prime was my main/only social media thing, a daily home-cooked meal with leftovers easily retrievable in the fridge to re-enjoy later while Facebook is more flash in the pan forgettable fast food whose leftovers go directly to the trash bin. Or fall under your seat maybe to be seen again one day in your "feed" but likely not. I miss the active daily inputs to ongoing discussions about my favorite car, non-NSX fun, "life," etc. Even if you can learn more about friends "externally" on Facebook via things like their profile pic and various photos, I always felt I knew people better here on Prime via their more lengthy posts vs. FB's tweet-like posts.

I just stumbled upon this ten year old thread when looking up one of the contributors for something else. I recall getting a lot out of this thread back then when I was a single mid-40's young whippersnapper who, just 9 months prior, "brought home baby"...my '93 GPW I adopted in May 2013.

Ten years ago I was still single in my mid-40's and still actively seeking one of "the ones" I knew was floating out there but not sure I was ever going to meet. In 2015 two close friends I've known since kindergarten told me about someone 4-5 years younger than me and with a 5 year old who I needed to meet. Her husband had passed away 4 years prior due to cancer. I said sure but in the back of my mind was a little disinterest with meeting someone "saddled down" with a child, and in the front of my mind was this recent overwhelming satisfaction of where my single life was at, an actual appreciation of all the free time and freedom I was still enjoying while single. This was possibly after wings with my two married friends who would always say "don't get married and ruin the good thing you have going!" Around 2015 I definitely fell into an acceptance and certain contentedness with being single and was becoming virtually depleted of feeling like I was missing out on something, and I was very ok with possibly childless for the rest of my life. I didn't push the issue to meet her, and my friend didn't follow-up after mentioning her, so things stalled the moment they began, and I didn't really care.

This thread was 3 years away from eventually meeting that wonderful girl on my own a year later in 2016. It definitely helped that we knew about each other from our mutual friends. We dated for 4 years, lived together pre-marriage for 4 years, and we've been married for 1 year (Dec 2022). (we got engaged in Dec 2019 and I moved in starting March 2020 during the social distancing that I was certain wouldn't last but a few months...then I wound up never moving out :rolleyes:)

To anyone single who stumbles upon this thread, having spent a lot of time single and then a reasonably long amount of time in a long-term relationship pre-marriage, there's definitely a huge but subtle difference between marriage and a long-term relationship. Nothing that happens to you but something that happens within you, there's something different inside of you about the commitment you have to this person once things get "real" by virtue of that marriage license. An invisible intangible huge thing.

I read @Stevey's laments over late-in-life fatherhood... Just like there are benefits with young fatherhood, there are so many to being a father (step-father in my case) 20 years later than typical. @Ritesh mentions several...you're in such a better place in certain aspects that might not have been achievable when balancing focusing on a wife & children in your 30s. I'm a better catch now than I was in my 20's/30's and am so very thankful I didn't wind up marrying a few I felt were right for me in my late 20's/early 30's....I definitely benefitted from having my head in a good place over many of life's basics before meeting her, so that I could look at marriage as something to make a good life even better instead of to fix something I was missing out on.

This info is probably not too useful to someone in their 20's/30's reading it...you probably have to just live through it and experience it.

This thread is, however, hugely valuable to those of us who crossed the line by walking own the aisle. I'd love to hear the perspectives and inputs from contributors to this 2013 thread 10 years later...!

Edit: To the yet-to-be not-married crowd: Get married at home unless someone else is paying for it!

Edit #2: I neglected to mention my stepson. I met him when he was 6 and now he's 13. He has zero interest in my main hobbies...golf, cars, mountain biking, working on rental properties, music to name a few. But he loves 80's movies, drawing, the occasional video game (him WAY more than me), and we have a similar sense of humor. He's the 2nd best thing that's ever happened to me and feels like any son I would have "had" myself. :) Life is good.

Steve - with all due respect, you are approaching your age/kids age thing the wrong way. People who have kids in their 20's will spend 18-22 years chasing their kids. They will be empty nester's by 50 and soon be in Grandparents mode. They partially sacrificed their career building years to bring up kids. Hopefully you built your career already and now all you have to do is stay healthy to keep up with your kids. You get to take them to sporting events, play ball with them, ride bikes, go hiking. All those things will force you to stay young. The most important part is that YOU take care of your health.
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I so miss Prime before Facebook... Prime was my main/only social media thing, a daily home-cooked meal with leftovers easily retrievable in the fridge to re-enjoy later while Facebook is more flash in the pan forgettable fast food whose leftovers go directly to the trash bin. Or fall under your seat maybe to be seen again one day in your "feed" but likely not. I miss the active daily inputs to ongoing discussions about my favorite car, non-NSX fun, "life," etc. Even if you can learn more about friends "externally" on Facebook via things like their profile pic and various photos, I always felt I knew people better here on Prime via their more lengthy posts vs. FB's tweet-like posts.

I just stumbled upon this ten year old thread when looking up one of the contributors for something else. I recall getting a lot out of this thread back then when I was a single mid-40's young whippersnapper who, just 9 months prior, "brought home baby"...my '93 GPW I adopted in May 2013.

Ten years ago I was still single in my mid-40's and still actively seeking one of "the ones" I knew was floating out there but not sure I was ever going to meet. In 2015 two close friends I've known since kindergarten told me about someone 4-5 years younger than me and with a 5 year old who I needed to meet. Her husband had passed away 4 years prior due to cancer. I said sure but in the back of my mind was a little disinterest with meeting someone "saddled down" with a child, and in the front of my mind was this recent overwhelming satisfaction of where my single life was at, an actual appreciation of all the free time and freedom I was still enjoying while single. This was possibly after wings with my two married friends who would always say "don't get married and ruin the good thing you have going!" Around 2015 I definitely fell into an acceptance and certain contentedness with being single and was becoming virtually depleted of feeling like I was missing out on something, and I was very ok with possibly childless for the rest of my life. I didn't push the issue to meet her, and my friend didn't follow-up after mentioning her, so things stalled the moment they began, and I didn't really care.

This thread was 3 years away from eventually meeting that wonderful girl on my own a year later in 2016. It definitely helped that we knew about each other from our mutual friends. We dated for 4 years, lived together pre-marriage for 4 years, and we've been married for 1 year (Dec 2022). (we got engaged in Dec 2019 and I moved in starting March 2020 during the social distancing that I was certain wouldn't last but a few months...then I wound up never moving out :rolleyes:)

To anyone single who stumbles upon this thread, having spent a lot of time single and then a reasonably long amount of time in a long-term relationship pre-marriage, there's definitely a huge but subtle difference between marriage and a long-term relationship. Nothing that happens to you but something that happens within you, there's something different inside of you about the commitment you have to this person once things get "real" by virtue of that marriage license. An invisible intangible huge thing.

I read @Stevey's laments over late-in-life fatherhood... Just like there are benefits with young fatherhood, there are so many to being a father (step-father in my case) 20 years later than typical. @Ritesh mentions several...you're in such a better place in certain aspects that might not have been achievable when balancing focusing on a wife & children in your 30s. I'm a better catch now than I was in my 20's/30's and am so very thankful I didn't wind up marrying a few I felt were right for me in my late 20's/early 30's....I definitely benefitted from having my head in a good place over many of life's basics before meeting her, so that I could look at marriage as something to make a good life even better instead of to fix something I was missing out on.

This info is probably not too useful to someone in their 20's/30's reading it...you probably have to just live through it and experience it.

This thread is, however, hugely valuable to those of us who crossed the line by walking own the aisle. I'd love to hear the perspectives and inputs from contributors to this 2013 thread 10 years later...!

Edit: To the yet-to-be not-married crowd: Get married at home unless someone else is paying for it!

Oops... I though this was turbo2go that I was replying to. Makes more sense now.

Interesting post Dave. Obv we are friends on FB and I see your posts there as well, but I had no idea you had gotten married. I am extremely surprised in fact, knowing you loved the single life. But congrats on your happiness. I also still talk/text with steveny multiple times a week and while I'm curious about the post you mention (I'll have to go read it), I know he is ecstatic about his wife and daughters. He might find it interesting to go back and read whatever he wrote so long ago.
I got married at 43, a kid at 44 and a second at 48. My dad got married at 36 and stopped having kids at 46, so older parents is kinda normal to me. They do keep you young.

Having lived with my previous significant other when she passed away at 43 (I was 40) living together has seriously different ramifications when the unthinkable happens. She had a daughter, but as we lived together, I had no legal standing with her. A cousin of mine used to say a marriage license is just a piece of paper; but it is a contract with lots of legal obligations.

I never once thought about retirement, until my first daughter was born. As previous posts have commented, life becomes about the kids. I’m good with that; but that is the case married or living together (just with different legal issues).
Oops... I though this was turbo2go that I was replying to. Makes more sense now.

Interesting post Dave. Obv we are friends on FB and I see your posts there as well, but I had no idea you had gotten married. I am extremely surprised in fact, knowing you loved the single life. But congrats on your happiness. I also still talk/text with steveny multiple times a week and while I'm curious about the post you mention (I'll have to go read it), I know he is ecstatic about his wife and daughters. He might find it interesting to go back and read whatever he wrote so long ago.
Ha that's funny. In 2013 I didn't think I'd be non-single later myself. Lucky me.

I would like to reconnect with Steveny, if you don't mind passing on that I inquired. If my old 55 year old brain's synapses are working correctly, he had some real estate experience and we had traded some emails years ago, I think it was he who gave me one of the best pieces of advice for painting ever, to buy a simple ~20 inch tall 2-3 foot wide foldable work stand in place of a 5 foot ladder. I wouldn't have done so on my own but that alone reduced the pains of painting walls by 33-50%.

Life lessons from those who have been there before, available only to those who are seeking some wisdom from others... The theme of this thread...
Ha that's funny. In 2013 I didn't think I'd be non-single later myself. Lucky me.

I would like to reconnect with Steveny, if you don't mind passing on that I inquired. If my old 55 year old brain's synapses are working correctly, he had some real estate experience and we had traded some emails years ago, I think it was he who gave me one of the best pieces of advice for painting ever, to buy a simple ~20 inch tall 2-3 foot wide foldable work stand in place of a 5 foot ladder. I wouldn't have done so on my own but that alone reduced the pains of painting walls by 33-50%.

Life lessons from those who have been there before, available only to those who are seeking some wisdom from others... The theme of this thread...
I'll share with steveny. I already told him this thread was revived, so perhaps he will pop in. It was interesting reading my post from 2013. absolutely nothing has changed other than I couldn't be happier with how my kids have turned out. They are 19 and 17 now, junior and sophomore in college already, both national honor society, and one is a TV/film actor people in this group have probably seen. Zero clue when I wrote in 2013 how they would turn out. Yes, I'm a proud, braggy dad now :D. Hard to even picture me as the single, late 20yo I was when I first bought my nsx. I haven't moved far away from the NSX part though, it's just a mid engine Chevy now.
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great to see old prime glimmers....I am a late bloomer having 16/19 yo's , and being 61..something to be said for having it together first then raising the kids....there is no service manual for life, just do it as best as you can..
When I first joined this site I was not far out of college, on the east coast, single, and determined to stay that way.

I've now been married for long enough our daughter is in college. I'm a Happy Camper.

Hope you all are equally as well and happy. If not, keep going. Better days are ahead.
i wonder how many that were married when this thread started are divorced or miserably married vs. still happy. i was knee deep in my divorce at the time and zero regrets despite the financial nut kick.
Nah. By FAR the best thread here is that pediphile dude who tried to pimp for his own gambling website and was outed. Got picked up by nnews outlets and crashed the site for a while with the traffic
Read that one as well haha. Reading this as an 18y/o just gives it a different effect :)
Great thread, glad to "see" and hear all you guys doing well. Sadly, I never had FB so this is my only way to communicate with my NSX friends and family.

It's funny, when I joined here I was 25 years old. Really "A Kid" in so many ways and loved my bachelor life till I was 32. I've now been married for 11 years and have a daughter turning 10. I remember when I first started dating my wife, I had a set of NSX wheels in my living room. My office was painted a hue of Formula Red and my insane NSX memorabilia collection, all in boxes of course were all neatly arranged. My friends would love to laugh at me. Such great times.

And through it all, my trusty NSX has been by my side. Always bringing a smile to my face, even when life is hectic and it's simply in passing and glancing at it in the garage.

Pros and cons to everything in life. Good woman will make you, a bad one will break you. Lucky I snagged a great one.
Sadly, I never had FB so this is my only way to communicate with my NSX friends and family.
Nothing sad about that at all, I wish I'd never found it. Now my business basically relies on it and me being connected with the pulse of certain markets. I took a 2 month break in Oct/Nov and I found I was getting more stuff done and was less distracted.
Nah. By FAR the best thread here is that pediphile dude who tried to pimp for his own gambling website and was outed. Got picked up by nnews outlets and crashed the site for a while with the traffic
IMHO the best thread on this site is my post in the NSXs Wanted area. :) All the work put into the silly art on the 1st of the month during the second half of 2012 really paid off, the seller who was a quiet Prime participant noticed my posts and reached out to me outside of Prime, and a deal was cut within 5 minutes of chat.

Related to the subject at hand: Looking at how much free time I (don't) have nowadays, there's probably no way I could have put in the 4-6 hours needed each month to craft those posts if I were married. I don't know what I could have cut out to make the free time.

So a new lessons learned from married guys, at least this guy: NSX hunting might be a lot easier when single, for many reasons.
IMHO the best thread on this site is my post in the NSXs Wanted area. :) All the work put into the silly art on the 1st of the month during the second half of 2012 really paid off, the seller who was a quiet Prime participant noticed my posts and reached out to me outside of Prime, and a deal was cut within 5 minutes of chat.

Related to the subject at hand: Looking at how much free time I (don't) have nowadays, there's probably no way I could have put in the 4-6 hours needed each month to craft those posts if I were married. I don't know what I could have cut out to make the free time.

So a new lessons learned from married guys, at least this guy: NSX hunting might be a lot easier when single, for many reasons.

And if you find yourself about be married and haven't found your NSX yet, be sure to casually mention that it will happen one day and get a low-stakes nod of approval from your spouse-to-be. Before I got married I said "oh, just so you know at some point in the next few years I'm going to spend 50k on a 15 year old car, haha." But with that in your back pocket you've got an unassailable verbal contract when you do actually find the car ;).
Before I got married I said "oh, just so you know at some point in the next few years I'm going to spend 50k on a 15 year old car, haha." But with that in your back pocket you've got an unassailable verbal contract when you do actually find the car ;).
When my daughter was 2 years old, I told my wife that we should consider a bigger car than the NSX to fit the 3 of us. She said “OK”. I explained with a bigger/heavier car, 2 adults + 1 kid + car seats + diaper bag, maybe the engine displacement should be 20% larger, plus a turbo or 2. She replied “whatever”. Then I suggested the sound and vibrations from an engine in the rear will likely put the kid to sleep when we are out driving. She thought that was a good idea.
I absolutely love my wife, my daughter, the NSX and the 911 turbo.
When my daughter was 2 years old, I told my wife that we should consider a bigger car than the NSX to fit the 3 of us. She said “OK”. I explained with a bigger/heavier car, 2 adults + 1 kid + car seats + diaper bag, maybe the engine displacement should be 20% larger, plus a turbo or 2. She replied “whatever”. Then I suggested the sound and vibrations from an engine in the rear will likely put the kid to sleep when we are out driving. She thought that was a good idea.
I absolutely love my wife, my daughter, the NSX and the 911 turbo.
I'm going to try using this explanation lol
When my daughter was 2 years old, I told my wife that we should consider a bigger car than the NSX to fit the 3 of us. She said “OK”. I explained with a bigger/heavier car, 2 adults + 1 kid + car seats + diaper bag, maybe the engine displacement should be 20% larger, plus a turbo or 2. She replied “whatever”. Then I suggested the sound and vibrations from an engine in the rear will likely put the kid to sleep when we are out driving. She thought that was a good idea.
I absolutely love my wife, my daughter, the NSX and the 911 turbo.
Amen. Bought this from another prime member 1000008941.jpg
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When my daughter was 2 years old, I told my wife that we should consider a bigger car than the NSX to fit the 3 of us. She said “OK”. I explained with a bigger/heavier car, 2 adults + 1 kid + car seats + diaper bag, maybe the engine displacement should be 20% larger, plus a turbo or 2. She replied “whatever”. Then I suggested the sound and vibrations from an engine in the rear will likely put the kid to sleep when we are out driving. She thought that was a good idea.
I absolutely love my wife, my daughter, the NSX and the 911 turbo.
I had the same convo with my wife and ended up with a R35 GT-R. :) She made me show her that both car seats fit in the back seats. It took me an hour to get them in lol.
Love this! I had a SY 2002 996 Turbo for a very long time. Great cars, reliable and punch way above their weight. Good luck with it.

I sold it a while ago, kids are both driving now so I bought a C8, I was looking for an NSX replacement and felt the C8 was closer to the NA than the NC. The 2005 996TTS was heavily modded and ludicrously quick, but surprisingly I wasn't a fan. There was also a massive amount of stress and cost involved getting it legal to drive in MA. I wasn't aware of the mods that had been done and when I took it for inspection it got black flagged and then the state got involved. It took six months, $$$$ and a state senator to get it to pass inspection. I drove it straight from inspection about 0.5 miles to my local shop to show the owner and with a final FU, after turning off the car, it wouldn't start. Spontaneous alternator death. By that time, I got stressed whenever I looked at it. This was years ago and I'm getting stressed just from writing this :D
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