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6% Secured Note for $125K

10 July 2007
Pebble Beach
In effort to free up cash for the business I am developing Pangaea Services Inc the Defender 24/7 I am reluctantly selling an asset that is a terrific source of fixed income in a 1-% marketplace. The details:

1) Note is 6%.
2) Payments are $896.00/mo for 20 years.
3) Loan is secured by real property sold 2012 for $195K. Property is a waterfront parcel in Sequim WA 1.22 acres. Lot is ready to build and already has a water meter in place.
4) Borrower has made every payment on time and is a sales mgr at Cisco Systems with pristine credit.

Total return on investment if the note goes to maturity is $214,929 or $89,929.00 in interest. There is no prepayment penalty.

I would like to see someone from here receive the benefit from this asset.

Please PM me if interested.
I received an inquiry asking if I might pay a finders fee to those who cannot purchase themselves, but might know of someone who would benefit. Answer, yes I would be willing to do pay a $2K finders fee if a purchase consummates. Make sure to ask Aunt Martha who complains she can only get 1%, but wants security. This is the right opportunity for her and you will be a hero.
Again, just PM me.
The value of this start-up approach is the founders ability to conserve equity during the period where valuation is least favorable.
By selling an easily converted asset that allows an investor to feel secure in its purchase everyone obtains what they want.
I preserve equity, the investor secures a desirable asset free of securities concern and the borrower is unchanged. It is a win,win,win for everyone. That is how I always try to do business with everyone.

BTW, getting much closer to product launch for our business. If you have not viewed the website feel free. This is what all this effort is all about:

Note appears to be sold.