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a BAD trip to buy a NSX...

9 May 2010
Rio Rancho, NM
I found a car in northern Virginia a few weeks ago and decided I would go get it and drive home. My flight out of my home city went without a hitch, but then I hit Chicago. My flight was delayed for 2 hours. When I was walking down the jetway to board the plane, I stepped on my own shoe lace and did a face plant. Not a good start.

When I took the 2002 NSX for a PPI the engine had some major issues (low compression on 2 cylinders and a few other problems). When I asked the tech if he would buy it if he had the money, he said no way. I walked from that car. (DO NOT buy the NSX that is in Front Royal, VA!!!!)

I then went to visit a friend in Lynchburg, VA instead of flying home as I should have done. I got into a car accident outside Roanoke, VA. Due to that and other medical issues I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days.

I was able to fly home this morning and went to meet up with some of the ABQ owners. I can't wait to get a NSX but only if I can avoid this type of thing from happening again.
I found a car in northern Virginia a few weeks ago and decided I would go get it and drive home. My flight out of my home city went without a hitch, but then I hit Chicago. My flight was delayed for 2 hours. When I was walking down the jetway to board the plane, I stepped on my own shoe lace and did a face plant. Not a good start.

When I took the 2002 NSX for a PPI the engine had some major issues (low compression on 2 cylinders and a few other problems). When I asked the tech if he would buy it if he had the money, he said no way. I walked from that car. (DO NOT buy the NSX that is in Front Royal, VA!!!!)

I then went to visit a friend in Lynchburg, VA instead of flying home as I should have done. I got into a car accident outside Roanoke, VA. Due to that and other medical issues I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days.

I was able to fly home this morning and went to meet up with some of the ABQ owners. I can't wait to get a NSX but only if I can avoid this type of thing from happening again.

That sucks.... Sorry :frown:

Hopefully it will make it up once you get to enjoy the NSX.
Ouch!!! Hope those medical issues have resolved.

I just got back to driving my NSX after being grounded from driving for 5 weeks after shoulder rotator cuff surgery. The pain from not driving the NSX in nice Spring weather was unbearable.

Hang in there on your NSX search. There are still good ones lurking around.
As a Virginia state resident I wish to say sorry for your bad misfortune you encountered here !! :frown: It is unfortunate that the search for these great vehicles takes both time and geography -- but as others have said, patience will pay off. Good ones are out there. And when you get her, you'll look back at this experience and laugh. Well, maybe not laugh...... :redface:

Hope your health is back and good luck with your search. Jay
That really stinks. On the positive note you DID the ppi and now are not stuck with an NSX that has major issues. Do you have more details on the car in Front Royal, VA? Letting everyone on prime know the vin# may prevent someone from going through what you just went through. Good luck finding your car.
wow I hate hearing about nsx's for sale that have engine issues not fully disclosed:mad: On the brighter side you at least have a sense of humor and irony,your avitar is a first for prime (to my best recollection):smile:
Sorry for the misfortune mate! Still looking forward to you getting one so we can all go for a cruise before too long. I am working today so I couldnt make the meet. :frown:
Yikes, what a trip, hope you feel better, you never know you might find the NSX your looking for with in driving distance. next time. good luck
Sorry about your misfortune. It took guts to say no and head home, so good job there. Post more information on it, VIN as well so at least we know the condition of the car as of June 2010. This really helps those of us looking for a car avoid the turkeys. Thanks!
Small concession to your unfortunate journey is that you'll end up with a better car down the road, and you pretty much took one for the team here :wink:
Thanks for posting this, and please feel free to ask the collective for assistance in finding the right car now going forward!
Ouch, the trip sure went sour in a hurry.

Thankfully you did the PPI and didn't purchase the vehicle. I suspect if you had purchased it, then the trip would have really been a total loss.

At least now you can go out and find a better NSX, plus you gave those who check prime a heads up on the car.

May you have a speedy recovery! I fell this past winter, dislocated and broke my right shoulder and 4 ribis (ouch). At least it was winter, so I am back behind the NSX wheel able to drive it again now that the weather is nice. :smile:

I'm still not 100%, but better all the time.
Which NSX was this? From a member or from a dealer?

Sorry to hear about all the issues and accident, certainly glad you're now ok and moving forward.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Why didn't you have the owner take it in for a PPI prior to booking your trip? I always try to look at a bad situation/experience and imagine how it could have even been worse...makes me feel better. Regardless, good luck in your search.

Wow, sorry to hear about all of this! I didn't get to talk to you long yesterday to get the whole scoop on what happened, but wow that is not a good trip at all.

As others have said, it might be better in the future to get the PPI done before you make the trip out. It's a worthwhile investment. Also, there are probably folks here on Prime who are local to the car and will take a look at it for you. That's how I bought both of my NSXs and that's how Cameron (Jetpilot3) bought my '91.

It was nice to meet you yesterday! Hopefully the NM NSXers (including you once you join the club) will all stay in touch and have more get-togethers. I was sort of disappointed in the turn-out yesterday, but the drive up to Sandia Crest was a lot of fun.

Hopefully the NM NSXers (including you once you join the club) will all stay in touch and have more get-togethers.
I'd love to roll out from PHX sometime if you guys ever do end up planning something on a weekend in/around ABQ. It's only about 6 hours.

And to flyboynm, sorry to hear about your trip! I've had similar things happen. Years ago I flew to LA to pick up an RL for my mother. Car was absolute trash when I went to look at it. I pulled up the phone number for the seller of another one we had been looking at (in San Fran). Caught a flight to SFO, seller picked me up and the car checked out, but we couldn't get the $ transferred in time to complete the deal by EOD. Ended up staying the night at the seller's house!! Ultimate awkward situation, LOL.

Best of luck on your search, and I hope when it's time to pick up your NSX that things go better.
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Have someone local check out the car first.

Then, assuming flights out of your home town are expensive, most times it makes sense to do a PPI FIRST before going to see the car.

Thats what I have done in the past. Saved me a lot of time and money.
Have someone local check out the car first.

Then, assuming flights out of your home town are expensive, most times it makes sense to do a PPI FIRST before going to see the car.

Thats what I have done in the past. Saved me a lot of time and money.

+1. There is no way I would fly out somewhere and purchase a car sight-unseen without someone else checking it out for me. Unfortunately, the person who offered to check out my NSX flaked a few times, but I at least had a cooperate seller who completed the PPI and faxed me the report prior to booking my flight (Of course I reimbursed him for the PPI).
+1. There is no way I would fly out somewhere and purchase a car sight-unseen without someone else checking it out for me. Unfortunately, the person who offered to check out my NSX flaked a few times, but I at least had a cooperate seller who completed the PPI and faxed me the report prior to booking my flight (Of course I reimbursed him for the PPI).

exactly!...sorry to hear about your experience....but next time have the PPI done BEFORE you go :tongue:
Now you know why I looked like death when we met. It was not a fun trip.

I got a great deal on the ticket and that is why I hopped on the flight to go out to get it.

I will have to find the VIN as soon as I get a chance. I had just moved into a new house on June 6th, have been in 2 different hospitals in the last month and just haven't had the time. I know...excuses excuses ;)

My health is improving. I was diagnosed as a diabetic about 2 yrs ago. I weighed 400 lbs a year ago. I had weight loss surgery on Dec 14th (about 6 months ago) in Lubbock, TX with Dr. Syn. I weighed 235 on June 1. :) I thought I wouldn't have to worry about diabetes anymore because I was type 2 and lost so much weight. WRONG! My blood sugar was about 850 when I was at the hospital.

Anyhow, I am better. I am going to not just jump at the next one I find. I found about this car from a friend of a friend and just ran for the door. You live, you learn.