ABS/ALB Pump Leaking

20 November 2014
Lake Mary, FL
Hello fellow Primers

My 91 NSX has been leaking brake fluid for years, but recently it seems to be getting worse. It seems to have started after I had my mechanic exercise the solenoids a while back. It is leaking from a little hole at the lowest point on the pump (see pic). Is there an easy way to fix this without replacing the pump? I plan to do the ABS upgrade in the future, but I'm not ready to spend the money on it yet. Thanks in advance.

Seems that the membrane of the pump is torn and leaks through this detection hole. Problem is that the pump is sold as one (expensive) unit. Thought a membrane in a pump is always replaceable. But I doubt you can fin the right one.
Seems that the membrane of the pump is torn and leaks through this detection hole. Problem is that the pump is sold as one (expensive) unit. Thought a membrane in a pump is always replaceable. But I doubt you can fin the right one.

Thanks for the info. I suspected it was something like that. If anyone knows of a company that can rebuild the pump, please let me know.