ABS Light

3 February 2002
I know there are a number of older threads on this, but I thought I'd report on some findings since this is a common enough problem.

My NSX is a 1999 thats pretty rarely driven. A week or so back, braking while hitting a bump, it threw the ABS light and its stayed on.

I noticed today that the pump was noisy as well, but I hadnt seen any overflow around the reservoir.

Anyway, we had some mist today and with the roads a tiny bit damp I did try the "stand on it" trick and after a few tries got the brakes to lock with tire smoking effect :D

The light immediately went out, pump shut up, and it has been operating correctly through a few restarts now.

In the past I'd seen folks wonder if, once the light was lit and pump was misbehaving, it was too late to try to work out the problem through hard braking. In my case, this definitely worked...
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You get 120 seconds after startup to fix it;).

You should "excercise" it monthly:).

Thanks Larry! Ill do that. If worse comes to worst its headed your way along with the SOS upgrade kit ;)