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Aging - some personal thoughts

At 25, I feel old ...:redface: :frown:
Just giving you guys crap :tongue:

I'm taking notes though! My Doctor says I have a high chance of having a stroke before 40 b/c of my Type A personality with constant high stress! :eek:

Who's wants dibs on the NSX? :biggrin:
so I just bumped into this thread, I know it's a little late.

I'm 22, I haven't accomplished anything yet, I am jobless although I am going to school. I am terrified of dying. I think about it several times a week and sometimes I feel like I am about to give myself a panic attack. I don't have religion so I don't believe that there is anything after you die, and thats whats scares me the most. Forever is a long time not to exist, and almost every night I ask "Why do people have to die?" :frown:

+1 on philosophy.

Having been through out the world, met many spiritual individuals, seen many things unexplainable by science, and experienced a life worth remembering at just the age of 29, I feel the unique life threads of every individual is incomparable. Worry is a part of Human nature, but also a blessing to experience while here on this field of life.

The mastery of Breath is the ultimate "exercise" and fitness follows only through layers of the physic, but when you rest and dream, does such sensory follow? No, not really.
Life is a blessing. Don't waste it.
Waste the worries of life.

Having been to the other side in full consciousness before,
regardless of religions or anything such and such, I tell you
fear is natural, but it won't exist there. The elimination of such
thoughts, I can tell you one path, is through the daily cultivation
of compassion.
And that is something you will have to discover within, not without.

But for today, enjoy the moment here and now.

"True the thought is sad. Every generations won't live together within one life time. One can only embrace his or her life time for the sake of all generations."

Be well. Drive safe. Enjoy NSX. :cool:
+1 on philosophy.

Having been through out the world, met many spiritual individuals, seen many things unexplainable by science, and experienced a life worth remembering at just the age of 29, I feel the unique life threads of every individual is incomparable. Worry is a part of Human nature, but also a blessing to experience while here on this field of life.

The mastery of Breath is the ultimate "exercise" and fitness follows only through layers of the physic, but when you rest and dream, does such sensory follow? No, not really.
Life is a blessing. Don't waste it.
Waste the worries of life.

Having been to the other side in full consciousness before,
regardless of religions or anything such and such, I tell you
fear is natural, but it won't exist there. The elimination of such
thoughts, I can tell you one path, is through the daily cultivation
of compassion.
And that is something you will have to discover within, not without.

But for today, enjoy the moment here and now.

"True the thought is sad. Every generations won't live together within one life time. One can only embrace his or her life time for the sake of all generations."

Be well. Drive safe. Enjoy NSX. :cool:

I have always wished I could have seen my mother when she was a teen. She has told me about what her life was like when she was in high school. I have some pictures of her from the time. But whats in her head now is something totally different that what is in mine or anyone else's for that matter.
There is a great little book literally, How A Man Thinketh. Read it.
Thanks, I will read it.

I recommend The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus and Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre.

Thanks, I will read that too.

I don't want to think about it but it just pops up out of nowhere. I see what you are saying about I shouldn't worry if I think there is nothingness afterwards but thats why I worry, I don't want to be gone :(

I see everyones point though, it's inevitable and all good things must come to an end. I should enjoy the time I was given.


Oh, I enjoyed the wolf story, "whichever one I feed" :)
hmmm... this thread makes me want to drop out of med school...

do i really want to slave away my 20s? :frown:

You'll thank yourself when you are 40:wink: Don't worry about "wasting" 10 or so years of your younger life when that sacrifce will pay dividends for the rest of your life(which should be much longer):smile:
You're simply going through "middle age crazy", that's kind of the male equivalent of menapause.
I went nuts when I was 40, bouncing between several women, not knowing which I really wanted to be with. I was financially struggling, reviewing my life, having not yet accomplished everything that I set out to accomplish. After a couple years, it all sorted itself out and now I'm 55 and it's the HAPPIEST time in my life. I no longer have financial problems, I have a great lady in my life and I have an NSX to play with, and a great house. All paid for.
I'm semi-retired and I tinker on my cars in my spare time. it's a totally stress free lifestyle. That should be everyones goal, not possessions but rather what gives you a peaceful, stressfree lifestyle. I'm still active, I walk about 3 miles/day (when the weather permits) and I love life. At 40 , you're still a kid ! Life gets BETTER as you age, NOT worse. Enjoy EVERY DAY, life is short, be thankful, not regretful ,worried or stressed about anything, it all works itself out in time.
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I feel like I was selfish for taking more time for myself to have fun. It never even occurred to me that I'd feel this way, but kids change everything.

In April, I will turn 30. By anyone's standards (except for those under 15, maybe) I am still very young. Though for some reason, I am having a difficult time with this birthday.

I have health issues. That may contribute to it. I have 2 boys, the oldest of whom will be 10. That definitely has something to do with it. Six years ago, I became step mom to 5 children who all 1-lived with us and 2-thought and still think I'm Satan. That absolutely has a whole crap load to do with it.

Those things play into the physical part of being 30. I'm tired a lot. I dont sleep much. There is another side, however, and I think that side is more difficult for me than physically "feeling" old.

At 18, I set some pretty hefty goals for myself and, on my life timeline, they were all set with a goal date of 04-03-2008. At the time, that seemed like FOREVER and a day away. Now that it is approaching, I have met not one of them and that makes me feel so very old.

Instead of sticking to my original plan, finishing college, beginning my career, and putting myself first, I met my first husband at 18, married at 19, and became a mom at 20. After my divorce, I finally began college but as a single mom, it was too difficult to keep up the grueling schedule.

When I met my 2nd husband, I was 23. At 24, I became an Army wife and step mom. Since that time, I've considered myself lucky to get 30 minutes alone to take a shower. I consider it a miracle to get 3 hours alone to see a movie and the 2 times I've had more than 24 hours completely alone in that time, I hardly knew what to do with myself.

Unlike you, I didn't wait and sometime I wish I had. I wouldn't trade my boys for the world. They are the reason I breathe but by choosing to have them when I was young, I made not only my life more difficult but their's as well.

The plan was to have "my" life in order by 30... to have college completed, to have my career well on its way, to be set on my own path, without having to rely on anyone else. As it is, I feel like I haven't really accomplished much. I know my boys are great and I know I'm a damn good mom. THAT makes it all worth whatever I gave up. Yet, when I look at me as a person, I tend to think, "What the heck have you ever really done?" It just seems like for 10 years all I've ever really been is a mom and I just always figured by this point that I would have done something on my own.

I've managed to start my own small business but I sometimes wonder what would have happened if, back in '97, I would have taken the spot at UC Berkeley and then the position with the production company. :::shrug:::
In April, I will turn 30. By anyone's standards (except for those under 15, maybe) I am still very young. Though for some reason, I am having a difficult time with this birthday.

I have health issues. That may contribute to it. I have 2 boys, the oldest of whom will be 10. That definitely has something to do with it. Six years ago, I became step mom to 5 children who all 1-lived with us and 2-thought and still think I'm Satan. That absolutely has a whole crap load to do with it.

Those things play into the physical part of being 30. I'm tired a lot. I dont sleep much. There is another side, however, and I think that side is more difficult for me than physically "feeling" old.

At 18, I set some pretty hefty goals for myself and, on my life timeline, they were all set with a goal date of 04-03-2008. At the time, that seemed like FOREVER and a day away. Now that it is approaching, I have met not one of them and that makes me feel so very old.

Instead of sticking to my original plan, finishing college, beginning my career, and putting myself first, I met my first husband at 18, married at 19, and became a mom at 20. After my divorce, I finally began college but as a single mom, it was too difficult to keep up the grueling schedule.

When I met my 2nd husband, I was 23. At 24, I became an Army wife and step mom. Since that time, I've considered myself lucky to get 30 minutes alone to take a shower. I consider it a miracle to get 3 hours alone to see a movie and the 2 times I've had more than 24 hours completely alone in that time, I hardly knew what to do with myself.

Unlike you, I didn't wait and sometime I wish I had. I wouldn't trade my boys for the world. They are the reason I breathe but by choosing to have them when I was young, I made not only my life more difficult but their's as well.

The plan was to have "my" life in order by 30... to have college completed, to have my career well on its way, to be set on my own path, without having to rely on anyone else. As it is, I feel like I haven't really accomplished much. I know my boys are great and I know I'm a damn good mom. THAT makes it all worth whatever I gave up. Yet, when I look at me as a person, I tend to think, "What the heck have you ever really done?" It just seems like for 10 years all I've ever really been is a mom and I just always figured by this point that I would have done something on my own.

I've managed to start my own small business but I sometimes wonder what would have happened if, back in '97, I would have taken the spot at UC Berkeley and then the position with the production company. :::shrug:::

My dad had my brother at 19 me at 23. After we moved out at 18 he had his whole life and now has made very good money and runs a business. 2 ways to do it, start early or start late, either way is not a biggie it's just you have to focus on your kids or you work or you can do both but I feel it's hard to progress on both. My dad started a business when we where growing up and was not around much at all, always working and such and It did piss me off at times but now I understand. I am going to wait on the kids so I can spend time with them but that again is my choice.
Thanks, I will read it.

Thanks, I will read that too.

I don't want to think about it but it just pops up out of nowhere. I see what you are saying about I shouldn't worry if I think there is nothingness afterwards but thats why I worry, I don't want to be gone :(

I see everyones point though, it's inevitable and all good things must come to an end. I should enjoy the time I was given.


Oh, I enjoyed the wolf story, "whichever one I feed" :)

And when the wolf pops up mark the moment. Remember your thoughts. When the wolf returns and asks you to replay those thoughts draw upon the experience you had with the wolf in the past, look him in the eyes and say.."didn't you and I go over this years ago? It's now years later and I am still here!"
The wolf will catch you some day but don't let him breath down your neck until the day he catches you.
You'll thank yourself when you are 40:wink: Don't worry about "wasting" 10 or so years of your younger life when that sacrifce will pay dividends for the rest of your life(which should be much longer):smile:

I agree. Although I did slave away my 20's there really is only two choices. Either slave away your 20's building something that lasts for the rest of your life or slave away the rest of your life because you partied away your 20's.
I agree. Although I did slave away my 20's there really is only two choices. Either slave away your 20's building something that lasts for the rest of your life or slave away the rest of your life because you partied away your 20's.

There is a chinese saying thats close to that. first bitter then sweet or first sweet then bitter
I LOVE IT!!!!! I will use it.

Haha, of course it does look a little funny because it's a direct translation but it gets the picture through.

So, according to a Psycho-analytical journals I am having a pre-life crisis. This is when people ages 20-25 getting the symptoms of a mid-life crisis, being very focused on their own mortality very early on
Haha, of course it does look a little funny because it's a direct translation but it gets the picture through.

So, according to a Psycho-analytical journals I am having a pre-life crisis. This is when people ages 20-25 getting the symptoms of a mid-life crisis, being very focused on their own mortality very early on

Just be happy you have the mind to experience it. I see people around me just wasting away the days... eyes spinning around in their heads.... getting no where and I just want to take them by the throat and say....don't you understand this is your one shot, build something, do something, be something OR ask them how they do it and can they teach me how to be oblivious to the ticking clock.

I think I would rather have a mind that funtions and all the problems that come with such a mind then to have an empty head and a empty life.
You know, I've really been feeling old lately. Part of it is hitting 40, part of it is seeing my parents over Thanksgiving and seeing just how old they look and act and how many health problems they have. Part of it is having extremely young kids for my age and sometimes finding it difficult to keep up with them because my back hurts most of the time these days. When my parents were the age I am today, I was already 20 and here I am with an 18 month old and an almost 3 year old and I feel it's not fair to them that I waited this long to have kids. I feel like I was selfish for taking more time for myself to have fun. It never even occurred to me that I'd feel this way, but kids change everything.

Today something really hit me sort of hard. I was at a restaurant having dinner with my family. An old couple (80s maybe?) were in the booth next to us and playing little waving games with my 18 month old daughter. When they were leaving, they came up to her and the old woman, with tears in her eyes told my daughter to have a really nice life and that she meant it.

It must be so hard for someone that old who is growing close to the end of their life to see someone just beginning theirs. Given how I feel at 40, I can't imagine how I'd feel at 80, if I even live that long.


As an early member of the "Boomer" generation I very much appreciate and understand your thoughts... and, I can tell you first hand that remaining "young" at heart and in spirit is key to aging gracefully. It also helps to stay active mentally (I still work!) and physically (sports, car activities, etc).

I have been blessed with 40 years of marriage, three great kids and now have 9 grandkids... all of this has kept me "young". In my mind (most of the time) I'm still in my 30's, but, that occasional image in the mirror or inability to do something physical that I once did with ease, is a reminder that time has taken its toll.

Perhaps in ten or twenty years I'll have a different perspective, but for now I'll enjoy the hell out of life and appreciate all that it offers. I suggest you visit or call you parent often (which you probably do)... they really need it! And, share as much time and energy as you can with those kids... it will come back to you ten fold!!

Now... should I drive the NSX, the M3, or the M5 today???..... whoops, never mind it winter... better go do a little "detailing" and dream about that first Spring roadtrip!!!

<snip>now I'm 55 and it's the HAPPIEST time in my life. I no longer have financial problems, I have a great lady in my life and I have an NSX to play with, and a great house. All paid for.
I'm semi-retired and I tinker on my cars in my spare time. it's a totally stress free lifestyle. That should be everyones goal, not possessions but rather what gives you a peaceful, stressfree lifestyle. I'm still active, I walk about 3 miles/day (when the weather permits) and I love life. At 40 , you're still a kid ! Life gets BETTER as you age, NOT worse. Enjoy EVERY DAY, life is short, be thankful, not regretful ,worried or stressed about anything, it all works itself out in time.
ditto and +10

to the poster who said enjoy your kids every day of your life, +100.
I'm 22, I haven't accomplished anything yet, I am jobless although I am going to school.

You have a E46M3, a S2000 and a STi. How can you have all that and think you haven't "accomplished anything".:confused:

You seem to have alot anxiety about life. Try a yoga and while you are at it - pick up a couple of hotties. That will do wonders for your anxiety.:wink:
hmmm... this thread makes me want to drop out of med school...

do i really want to slave away my 20s? :frown:

I hope you are just kidding - Quite a few of us "slaved" through med/dental school and I for one don't regret the decision.:wink:
hmmm... this thread makes me want to drop out of med school...

do i really want to slave away my 20s? :frown:

I've had similar thoughts related to law school and whether I really want to practice in the future. I am sure plenty of people on this board have gone through the rigors of professional schools and have found the end rewards quite fulfilling.

But, I read an interesting article about the numbers of medschool, lawschool applications declining over the last few years. The article explained in part that these professions have succumbed in popularity and prestige to banking, start-ups and the next big internet ventures (facebook, myspace, etc). It described the long hours doctors, lawyers, etc have to work without ever really getting a chance to enjoy the other aspects of life apart from one's career (ie. family, personal time, hobbys, etc)

For me, at this point I feel its a little too late to turn around and have already committed too much time, money and effort to think otherwise. However, to any future doctors, lawyers, I do believe the best advice would be to seek out members practicing in the field and get their take on the profession, including al the pros and cons before making ANY decision.

Here is the link to the falling down professions, from the NY Times.


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