Anyone else tired of seeing carfax requests?

3 August 2001
Columbus, OH
I mean come on. Carfax is providing a service people obviously want/need, yet they aren't willing to pay for it??? It's 20 bucks for crying-out-loud. I find it absurd that people are steeling a $20 service to investigate $40k+ cars.

Sorry, just had to vent.
You mean Carfax is not a public shareware program. I think some people have some explaining to do!
Originally posted by JohnC:
It's 20 bucks for crying-out-loud. I find it absurd that people are steeling a $20 service to investigate $40k+ cars.

Sorry, just had to vent.

Many people who are NSX owners do not easily depart with $$$. In addition, many who buy $40K+ cars do not squander their money either.

My opinion is that if carfax reports are as reliable as they claim to be, many more people would legitimately pay for it. I am sure they (carfax) could include many agencies to do further investigations and generate more detailed reports rather then check primarily DMV registration. We all know how reliable the DMV is.

I personally have check VINs for people without any qualms. I have also had people check for me in the past. I don't see it as a big deal. i hope this doesnt turn into a whole morality and principle issue, since this is a car forum...

just my thoughts,
This topic has come up a few times. The people that are asking for the carfax might have bought a membership. If you don't find the car you want in three months your stuck with paying $20 per vin check. You have to wait a year before you can get another membership.
You call that venting?

I think you miss a critical point here. They restrict an individual to a single period of service once per year. Originally it was three times 90 days (as I recall) and then they changed it a couple times so that now you can only sign up once per year for 60 days. (or is it 30 now?)

They are so worried that commercial people might take advantage of them by pretending to be private individuals, that they shot themselves in the foot with people like us. I’d gladly pay the $20 whenever I need to do some hunting, but I’m certainly not going out of my way to pretend to be someone else each time just so I can purchase their service. If they’re too stupid or too paranoid to let me give them the money, then screw them. I’ve written to them several times on the subject (politely) and never even received an acknowledgment. So screw them again.

Now that’s venting.
I don't see a problem with it. Aren't we all here to share information anyways? So maybe someone doesn't want to pony up $20 to check a VIN but someone else with a subscription is willing to pull up CarFax for them. No harm, no foul, right??
Yes it is stealing. Read the agreement you make w/ CarFax when you actually purchase their service. It's NOT information sharing, its stealing!

If you don’t like their product, and think its crap then why even try to get it for free. Lame excuse for stealing!

Glad to see so many of you can justify stealing. Nice bunch! No, it’s not a major crime, but then neither is cable theft, or door dinging someone else’s car… Let’s see what else you can justify! Please, anyone advocating this is pathetic! It’s a crime against a company trying to run a business. If you don’t like their product, don’t buy it, but you do NOT have a right to steal it!

Just my opinion. If you don’t like it, kiss my ___, I don’t want to be associated w/ you anyhow!
I would kindly pay my $20 dues for carfax...In fact I did last month but now my membership is over and I have to wait 3 months before I can renew it. That sucks! I would shed out the extra $20 if I could renew it instead of begging ppl to run a vin. just my .02 cents worth of opinion. take care.
I don't have a problem with someone asking for a Carfax and someone providing the answer...but I do think it's an "Off Topic" kind of thing.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
I don't see what the big deal about carfax is anyway. I never go by what it says anyway. I have seen more than a few cars where the person behind the computer punched a wrong digit or added a digit and then when the car went for inspection, carfax listed as odometer rollback. For example the car was sold with 22,000 miles and the moron at car fax wrote 220,000 miles and when the car went for next inspection it only had 26,000 miles. Carfax listed as a black flag and many buyers were turned away. Carfax should be used a supplement not as a deal breaker, but unfortunately these days it is used as a deal breaker. I never go by carfax, if the car doesn't have service history it's buyer beware. The old fashioned way.

Calm down. As you have read, you are only "allowed" one month to use their service. You concluded that an individual looking to purchase used NSX, a forty thousand dollar car, has no business skirting about a twenty dollar purchase. Your conclusion is wrong. NSX owners(and thus those who purchased them) are some of the most meticulous researchers you will find. I imagine the average period it takes for an individual to search and buy an NSX takes longer than a month. At least that is my experience up to this point and almost everyone else I see asking pre-purchase questions.

Try not not to take this too personally John. I say this because this is not a personal issue. I don't think any of us are trying to shaft Carfax. Perhaps if their service was a bit more accomodating on the time factor, we would not be discussing this or seeing threads asking for reports.
JohnC, did you even bother to read the post from me and similar others? If so you apparently choose to insult me anyway. I'd gladly give then my money, but they won't accept it, so they and you can kiss my butt.

Anyone saying how useless they are is terrifically short sighted. Obviously a clean bill of health is no guarantee, an idiot would know that much. But if you'd stop to think for just a second you'd realize that a negative report can save you from wasting time and expense checking out a car that may be half way across the country. Not to mention, I guarantee I can find cars with a bad history that would get past your inspection, so that's certainly no guarantee either. IOW, more information is better if you have the sense to interpret and weight it properly. To put it bluntly, anyone who buys one of these cars from a stranger without running a car fax or equivalent is of suspect intellect.
first of all, 20bucks aint shit!! it is the access to the info that is important. i have been looking for an nsx for about 2 months now and guess what? my account w/ carfax expired. i am sure some of you can agree with me that information is very important regardless of it is bad or good. i found a car, anyone that have registered w/ carfax wanna help? i think not!! however, if you still have your account active..i am sure you want to help out your nsx enthusiat brother...anywhoooo enought said, opionions is just that!! well, to all the criticize the topic, live w/ it. if anyone can hook me w/ a fax, let me know...
Originally posted by JohnC:
I mean come on. Carfax is providing a service people obviously want/need, yet they aren't willing to pay for it??? It's 20 bucks for crying-out-loud. I find it absurd that people are steeling a $20 service to investigate $40k+ cars.

Sorry, just had to vent.
No problem...I have to say that if the CAR FAX is used by someone with the NSX interest or has a NSX, and just wants a quick CAR FAX print-out, no skin off my nose. If I had the ability right now to share, I would share it!

Those 2-3 CAR FAX that I requested from NSX Prime, found their way to people who don't mind sharing. I was extremely happy. Isn't this sharing a part of THE PROGRAM.

What goes around, comes around. Give now, and when in need, someone will answer your special request...
cool.gif the next time I invite some friends over to watch a movie I rented, or maybe listen to a new album I purchased, I should feel guilty for "sharing information"? Will BlockBuster send the police to my house?

Hum...should I be watching for Sears to come after me because I borrowed my next door neighbors lawn mower because mine won't start? After all, by borrowing my neighbors lawn mower, Sears is loosing money because I didn't buy a new mower from them.

Oh yeah...since I car pool, maybe I should watch out for the oil companies. After all, I'm not using any of their products when I'm "Sharing" a ride. Hum...better look out for the tire companies too,....and Ford, GM, and all the other auto makers.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
NSXCA 1650

[This message has been edited by Litesokneecough (edited 16 September 2002).]
Libraries! Anyone who uses a library should be arrested and convicted of information theft! Think of all the money publishers are loosing when anyone can go to a library and read about current news, magazines, and other things that book stands and book stores normally sell.

YOU library users are THIEVES! Stealing information without paying for it is Theft! All libraries should be shut down and all books should be burned!!!!!!

And what about this Forum? We users trade information all the time - troubleshooting techniques, how to repair something, what to look out for, etc. But aren't we just stealing money from a mechanic who's out there trying to make a living? And what about the Acura dealers who we are cheating by not taking our NSX's to have them repaired? Let's shut this forum down and save a mechanic.
1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
NSXCA 1650

[This message has been edited by Litesokneecough (edited 17 September 2002).]
Originally posted by Litesokneecough: the next time I invite some friends over to watch a movie I rented, or maybe listen to a new album I purchased, I should feel guilty for "sharing information"? Will BlockBuster send the police to my house?

Stupid comparison. Your example is perfectly legal, as long as you don't charge your friends, to make a profit. The CarFax agreement is completely different than copyright supported by media companies.

I’m not being making things up, these are laws, not my personal morals!