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"Bush Doesn't Like Black People..."

I think some of you are missing the point. The storm didn't victimize black people & no one is claiming it did. The point is the perception that the govt. response would have been quicker if the majority of the victims were white, right, and uptight republicans. Like in FL, where his brother & Katheine Harris helped hand him an election. Where they got clobbered last year. Regardless of cause(s), there is no denying that it took way too long for FEMA to get their collective fingers out. There were days of warning from every weather service & TV channel it was coming. Supplies & equipment could have been staged at the closest safe distance, ready to roll once the storm broke. Plus the south is covered in military bases, where a lot of the equipment & people necessary could have been brought in from & promptly. But no, none of this was done. Suppose that has anything to do with the fact that Bush appointed someone with no qualifications whose only claim to fame was heading an Arabian horse judging association & being college roomates with the previous Bush crony appointed to head FEMA? Not surprising for someone who got everywhere & everything the same way.
My only point is that Kanye might want have a script next time or at least not appear drugged when he decides to adlib :biggrin:

I like many of his songs (through the fire and Jesus walks come to mind), but that tirade made him seem uneducated and did not do anything to convince those people outside of the African American community that he had good points (especially the shooting part).
Not in denial, unlike others I remember the past.
liftshard said:
Maybe if some of 'em had voted for him, he'da liked 'em better.

Nothing is more encouraging than having someone who lashes out at you all the time in hate and then they fall through the ice and are crying for help.

I didn't vote for him(apparently the 1st time everybody else didn't either). I doesn't matter he che..............i mean won anyway :rolleyes:
loNfastNSX said:
Im so sick of all these folks that have to put a racial spin on anything that gets air time. Katrina was a natural disaster that happend to AMERICANS. It didn't happen to black people, white people, hispanics, or asians. It hit us all and we are all effected by it. Here in Houston where over 175000 people have been displaced, we are doing everything we can do. I was in the NSX this sat. night and got screamed at by a group of guys from NO that were pissed I was driving an NSX and they had nothing. Had they aproached me and said they were from NO and needed help, I would have done everything in my power to help. But yelling "hey whiteboy, give me that car so I can go back to New Orleans" aint gonna cut it.

Well at least you didn't get drug or hung :rolleyes: How do you know they were from NO?
Ko-nsx said:
Just a little clarity for the cheap seats. Most blacks(and some whites) are not complaining about the hurricane, its the response time it took for help or something positive to take place in light of the situation and how black people are being portrayed in the news. Nobody has any food but blacks are "looting" and "whites" are finding food. The bush administration took a little to long and Fema didn't act fast enough, well who knows. People were suffering and our president didn't act in a very concerned matter. Tax paying blacks are being called "refugees" in a country were they pay taxes like everyone else. I agree with Kanye's message, not his exact statement. Blacks are only 15% of the population in these united states. This is not a race card thing. I cannot comment on asian and other minorites(they probably got beef too) in these united states, but i can speak about being black. I believe and all of you know if this had been in a heavy populated white city, the news would have been different. I don't get mad when i see roots or when i see a white girl who's missing for 3 hours( and got the entire country looking for her) and a black girl or hispanic thats missing for months(and not a fk'n peep), why do you care what Kanye said. Nothing will change, we will all be divided in the united states. That is his opinion(that's what everyone else says). When you are portrayed in the media as "these people or those refugee's and other ignorant stuff", its hard to not wonder the reasons for it. WE all know what happened in the OJ case. I couldn't tell he was found not guilty. He could have cut his 1st wifes(she was black) head clean off and pissed down her throat and he would have gotten a slap on the hand. But that shit happened to some white folks, end of that story. In a country were a man was DRUG BEHIND A PICK UP TRUCK(for what?????), the race card will always be in someone's hand one way or the other. I personally don't care who you are or where you come from as long as you treat me the way you want to be treated, im cool. I have many friends of different backgrounds, and some are on the forum, but i'm just saying what is true. Kanye West worked to get what he has and were he is. He should be able to speak his mind. I guess people should at least try to understand why he said what he said or why he did what he did. Thats what most minorites have been doing in the United States for decades.

frank zappa from the album "Freak Out", song called "trouble every day"...
most notable quote:

I'm not black But there's a whole lots a times I wish I could say
I'm not white ...


thread header bit over the top, this event was a failure at ALL levels.
steveny said:
"I have called my business manager to see how much I can donate"

Business manager, You better keep as much as you can because your career is over!

The business manager will be broke before kanye. He has money longer than train smoke. :rolleyes:
Re: "Bush Doesn't Like People, period..."

Ko-nsx said:
True indeed, but why???? :wink:
why???????? as human beings, we have decimated the world...
white-bread disaffected two leggers [ like me...]
are the worst offenders..think rumsfeld, moore, etc :eek:

fact is, we just got our collective butt kicked by nature,
people's actions post-facto are just the icing on the "bu-cake-y"
If you think it's Bush's fault, why dont you read the New Orleans comprehensive evacuation plan that was supposed to have be implimented by the MAYOR of N.O. and the GOVENOR of LA. The constitution of the USA limits the power of the Federal government VIA states rights and places the Power of the State National Guard in the direct control of the govenor.

Pay particular attention to:

"A. Authority

As established by the City of New Orleans Charter, the government has jurisdiction and responsibility in disaster response. City government shall coordinate its efforts through the Office of Emergency Preparedness

The authority to order the evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane is conferred to the Governor by Louisiana Statute. The Governor is granted the power to direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from a stricken or threatened area within the State, if he deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation, response or recovery. The same power to order an evacuation conferred upon the Governor is also delegated to each political subdivision of the State by Executive Order. This authority empowers the chief elected official of New Orleans, the Mayor of New Orleans, to order the evacuation of the parish residents threatened by an approaching hurricane."

and especially:



The safe evacuation of threatened populations when endangered by a major catastrophic event is one of the principle reasons for developing a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The thorough identification of at-risk populations, transportation and sheltering resources, evacuation routes and potential bottlenecks and choke points, and the establishment of the management team that will coordinate not only the evacuation but which will monitor and direct the sheltering and return of affected populations, are the primary tasks of evacuation planning. Due to the geography of New Orleans and the varying scales of potential disasters and their resulting emergency evacuations, different plans are in place for small-scale evacuations and for citywide relocations of whole populations.Authority to issue evacuations of elements of the population is vested in the Mayor. By Executive Order, the chief elected official, the Mayor of the City of New Orleans, has the authority to order the evacuation of residents threatened by an approaching hurricane.

Evacuation procedures for special needs persons with either physical or mental handicaps, including registration of disabled persons, is covered in the SOP for Evacuation of Special Needs Persons."
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chumch said:
If you think it's Bush's fault, why dont you read the New Orleans comprehensive evacuation plan that was supposed to have be implimented by the MAYOR of N.O. and the GOVENOR of LA. The constitution of the USA limits the power of the Federal government VIA states rights and places the Power of the State National Guard in the direct control of the govenor.

Why don't you read about how the NO governing bodies have pleaded for funding for this magnitude of a disaster(this ain't the 1st hurricane)...............and it was cut. Why on God's green earth would you cut funding for a place that is had been below sea level?
Ko-nsx said:
Why don't you read about how the NO governing bodies have pleaded for funding for this magnitude of a disaster(this ain't the 1st hurricane)...............and it was cut. Why on God's green earth would you cut funding for a place that is had been below sea level?

It was voted down by congress because it was a bad plan of action
I fail to see how it really is Bush's fault :confused: Wasn't he on vacation at the time of the hurricane? Sure he's the president of the USA but wasn't the director of FEMA supposed to be the one ready to jump in and help organize the evacuation and relief of the people??? Isn't that the job description of the FEMA's director?

I personally could care less about Bush, but the way everyone is jumping on him and accusing him of being racist is abusrd IMO

Also with the magnitude of destruction caused by Katrina I am honestly not surprised it took relief efforts longer than anticipated. Watching CNN and seeing the wake of destruction left behind, I am honestly relieved that they have started evacutating people and sending out SAR parties.
Shumdit said:
My only point is that Kanye might want have a script next time or at least not appear drugged when he decides to adlib :biggrin:

I like many of his songs (through the fire and Jesus walks come to mind), but that tirade made him seem uneducated and did not do anything to convince those people outside of the African American community that he had good points (especially the shooting part).

I don't know if he appeared drunk, high, or what, I didn't bother to look at the video. I just know that he must have spoken his mind loudly, because people are reacting and dialoguing all about it. His point of view is his point of view, he is guaranteed to express that by the Constitution.

Your statement about convincing those out of the African American community is a perfect example of how things can be taken out of context...

He seemed uneducated to you, so therefore no one outside of the African American community (They are uneducated enough to understand him) were convinced by his view points...

Newsflash, people in a impoverished AA community don't need Kanye to express that viewpoint. They don't need anyone to express their disdain for their surroundings. They are expressing it through their actions. Just like the <ST1:tongue:lace w:st="on">Watts</ST1:tongue:lace> riots, The LA riots after Rodney King, Just like other uproars after a time of frustration. They are getting the attention that was needed at the beginning of their plight... All of the people that are down there will benefit from the attention that is now being focused to that part of the country...

I have yet to see a interview of any other race suffering through the aftermath (down their) complaining about the new found attention to the problems of the victims of this Hurricane. I would bet that they are pretty upset with the way things were handled in the beginning as well.

People stealing to be stealing, would do it whenever the opportunity presents itself... I wonder how many Black pawn shop owners there are ? I wonder who will eventually purchase these stolen goods ? Gotta sell them to get the $$$s for them... The people that are doing this to survive to eat, hotel $$$s, ect.. I don't blame them I would walk through hell and fight with the devil, to feed my kids....

The people that are doing this as an opportunity to have some of the nicer things that the other people have, are misdirected and the priorities are all screwed up...

Those that will charge enormous fees for goods and services after this, are already licking their chops... They can't wait to get in and Loot the American Taxpayer... Are you guys going to scream about looting then? I bet not...

I don't get it, The media spins the tide anyway they want, and people can come to a general consensus about the facts, They don't peel back the layers, they don't do a little investigating, they just take what's reported and believe it... Ignorance is so blissful to those that are running things... Spin control is so much easier that way...

Trivialize the situation, and yes it has become an issue of Black/White, nothing about the people that are in between, because they will most likely seek the side that has the power.. Fall into, or speak from that norm...

It's a shame that people will not take off the blinders and see the big picture..

Haves and Have Nots... You can bet your bottom dollar that if a affluent area was hit by this Hurricane, they would have had all of the resources to deal with it... Looting, I'm sorry finding food and clothing would not be an issue.<O:tongue:></O:tongue:>

How close to the Wilshire Dist. did the looting/finding get in LA?

I don't need Kanye or anyone else to tell me that Bush doesn't like Black people... He isn't the first President to ignore the poor, and he won't be the last... Boy this will sound horrible, but I wish this would have happened in The Hamptons or some affluent area, then the poor people wouldn't have lost what little that they had... Barb Bush said it herself, now there will be a newer and better <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">New Orleans</st1:City>.. Can you say permanently displaced? Or a hell of a “Gap Financing Bill” paid by the taxpayers... But the construction companies will prosper... I am not worried about the little BS being taken from the Walmarts and other stores, I am worried about the Aftermath, the ridiculous profiting that is on the way....
Why would the federal government alow persons black/white or otherwise to live in a city that is below sea level? and on the coast? that sounds pretty stupid to me!

And the "facts" according to the people the took the photos, the light colored skin people "found" things floating in the street and the dark skin person was seen "looting" inside a store, there is a differance. the "facts" if they are indeed the facts do not care about race or color.
NsSeX said:
I fail to see how it really is Bush's fault :confused: Wasn't he on vacation at the time of the hurricane?

I wonder if he was on vacation or if he is having a medical problem? Seems odd he would take such a long vacation. :confused:
wow... I didnt expect this thread to get so PC

I just thought it was a funny clip; not because of what he said(well at least not the subject), but because of where he said it and how it was said. It was just so random I couldnt help but to think... WTF!? I mean... cmon... its a fundraiser show, leave the politics out of it. Right?
Ko-nsx said:
If you've got a dog, he will shit in the house. Do you get rid of the dog?
That is a problem I could correct. Controlling nature is not.

Don't get me wrong I feel bad for the people in NO. I think it sucks what happened. But if someone lives in an area where this kind of thing can happen they have to take some of the blame, that is if we are placing blame, I am not blaming anyone.

In Florida there are hurricanes. In the mid west there are tornados. 100+ miles on each side of the Mississippi river is a flood plain, so it WILL flood. In California there are earthquakes. In the south west there is extreme heat and poisonous spiders/snakes. No place is absolutely safe but some places are much safer than others. It sucks that some people don't have the opportunity to choose.
DeNguyen said:
wow... I didnt expect this thread to get so PC

I just thought it was a funny clip; not because of what he said(well at least not the subject), but because of where he said it and how it was said. It was just so random I couldnt help but to think... WTF!? I mean... cmon... its a fundraiser show, leave the politics out of it. Right?

HAHA!! You do not have to worry about me being PC....I hate the concept of it. ;)

I thought it was funny and sad all at the same time. Almost like watching a train wreck....it is hypnotic and you wait for something else to happen. Mike Myers and Chris Tucker looked stunned....classic. :D
len3.8 said:
I don't know if he appeared drunk, high, or what, I didn't bother to look at the video. I just know that he must have spoken his mind loudly, because people are reacting and dialoguing all about it. His point of view is his point of view, he is guaranteed to express that by the Constitution.

Your statement about convincing those out of the African American community is a perfect example of how things can be taken out of context...

He seemed uneducated to you, so therefore no one outside of the African American community (They are uneducated enough to understand him) were convinced by his view points...

Newsflash, people in a impoverished AA community don't need Kanye to express that viewpoint. They don't need anyone to express their disdain for their surroundings. They are expressing it through their actions. Just like the <ST1:tongue:lace w:st="on">Watts</ST1:tongue:lace> riots, The LA riots after Rodney King, Just like other uproars after a time of frustration. They are getting the attention that was needed at the beginning of their plight... All of the people that are down there will benefit from the attention that is now being focused to that part of the country...

I have yet to see a interview of any other race suffering through the aftermath (down their) complaining about the new found attention to the problems of the victims of this Hurricane. I would bet that they are pretty upset with the way things were handled in the beginning as well.

People stealing to be stealing, would do it whenever the opportunity presents itself... I wonder how many Black pawn shop owners there are ? I wonder who will eventually purchase these stolen goods ? Gotta sell them to get the $$$s for them... The people that are doing this to survive to eat, hotel $$$s, ect.. I don't blame them I would walk through hell and fight with the devil, to feed my kids....

The people that are doing this as an opportunity to have some of the nicer things that the other people have, are misdirected and the priorities are all screwed up...

Those that will charge enormous fees for goods and services after this, are already licking their chops... They can't wait to get in and Loot the American Taxpayer... Are you guys going to scream about looting then? I bet not...

I don't get it, The media spins the tide anyway they want, and people can come to a general consensus about the facts, They don't peel back the layers, they don't do a little investigating, they just take what's reported and believe it... Ignorance is so blissful to those that are running things... Spin control is so much easier that way...

Trivialize the situation, and yes it has become an issue of Black/White, nothing about the people that are in between, because they will most likely seek the side that has the power.. Fall into, or speak from that norm...

It's a shame that people will not take off the blinders and see the big picture..

Haves and Have Nots... You can bet your bottom dollar that if a affluent area was hit by this Hurricane, they would have had all of the resources to deal with it... Looting, I'm sorry finding food and clothing would not be an issue.<O:tongue:></O:tongue:>

How close to the Wilshire Dist. did the looting/finding get in LA?

I don't need Kanye or anyone else to tell me that Bush doesn't like Black people... He isn't the first President to ignore the poor, and he won't be the last... Boy this will sound horrible, but I wish this would have happened in The Hamptons or some affluent area, then the poor people wouldn't have lost what little that they had... Barb Bush said it herself, now there will be a newer and better <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">New Orleans</st1:City>.. Can you say permanently displaced? Or a hell of a “Gap Financing Bill” paid by the taxpayers... But the construction companies will prosper... I am not worried about the little BS being taken from the Walmarts and other stores, I am worried about the Aftermath, the ridiculous profiting that is on the way....

While I am not going to debate you on your points (since I agree with many, and am too unedcuated on most of the others) I think you should watch the video. The quote that started the thread is not what makes me say that he is failing to reach the non-black community (and to be more factual, I should say failing to reach anyone who actually listens to what he said). He said that the goverment is allowing soldiers to go into NO and shoot black people, as if it were for sport. That is the idiotic statement I find so hard to believe. If he wants to say Bush does not like black people, I have no issue with that, since W. seems to be a punching bag for the media these days anyway, and by and large the entertainment industry is very anti-Republican. Watch the video, then give me your honest opinon of his statements.
steveny said:
That is a problem I could correct. Controlling nature is not.

Don't get me wrong I feel bad for the people in NO. I think it sucks what happened. But if someone lives in an area where this kind of thing can happen they have to take some of the blame, that is if we are placing blame, I am not blaming anyone.

In Florida there are hurricanes. In the mid west there are tornados. 100+ miles on each side of the Mississippi river is a flood plain, so it WILL flood. In California there are earthquakes. In the south west there is extreme heat and poisonous spiders/snakes. No place is absolutely safe but some places are much safer than others. It sucks that some people don't have the opportunity to choose.

Well put :smile: