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"Bush Doesn't Like Black People..."

len3.8 said:
So let me understand this... If you and your family were cut off from say, clean water to drink, food, dry goods, clothing... ect.. And there is a Super Wal mart or whatever close to you... However, it is not open, nor is it capable of serving you as a customer, you would not take anything to benefit your family? I am not talking TVs and personal electronics... I am talking Maybe that 16 pack of water, those oranges, the unspoiled lunch meat and maybe some pampers for the little baby of the family? You would go without, because you can't pay for the items? So you would just leave them there?

By the way this statement, I challenge you to state the statistics.
I think the ethnic(s) groups that you are refering to would not win out...
Maybe recent history is what you meant, because history would show differently.

Your Statement:

"completely disagree with the statement that looting is justified in times of a crisis. Obviously there are exceptions, however what happened during the LA riots and in New Orleans cannot all be justified in that exception. Blame the television crews, Katrina, social class differences, whatever....but the simple truth is that history has shown time and time again that the perception of certain ethnic background/s looting more than others have some truth in it."

I don't agree with looting either, however If it were my store, It would be easy for me to forgive those that took out of pure need and not pure greed.
I find it utterly repulsive that people don't get this upset over the enrons and savings and loan scandals and the like...

Some of the worst crimes in America go un-challenged, steal a loaf of bread and you could end up in jail for life.. Steal a persons lifes savings, his home, destroy his family and you may get 3 years in a Federal prison... However, it didn't piss America off, why? Who got hurt? Who got even more wealthy?

Get stuck on a mountain after an airplane crash, eat the azz out of the dead person laying next to you and you are resourceful, not a canibal.. Hell they will make movies about your ordeal... Well hell I didn't loot him, I found his azz just laying there, so I sampled it a little..No one talked about the families of the eaten...

I would love to go on and on, However, I know that most are tired of my posts. So I will just say that some of us can agree to disagree... I have to go. Nite.

Honestly to answer the first question I am not sure what I would do since I have not actually ever been in that predicament. However, I'd like to hope that in the event that something like that arises, some sort of recourse would present itself where it would be both viable for my family as well as the law. Plainly speaking, the justification you argue is probably not entirely off the wall but the problem lies with the ability of people in general to draw the line somewhere if at all. For instance, if your family was hungry, thirsty, in need of medical attention, does this circumstance allow for one to act lawlessly? Who makes that decision? Rather for me, I'd like to view things in black or white with the least amount of grey. Laws are made to be obeyed in good and bad times.

I'm sorry if you think that I perceive what happend during the Enron scandal as something that was okay. It was not. And for further clarification, I am not "that upset" as to regarding our discussion, I am merely stating my opinion which I am entitled to.

While it is quite easy to bash the American judicial system for all of its faults, it by far exceeds the standards of most other countries. We have the separation of powers to limit the power of each branch of office for the purpose of preventing the tyranny of the few. While not entirely fool proof, it by far exceeds any other method of governmental infrastructure IMO. I understand how easy it can be to sit back and complain about the holes in our system, however I challenge you to find another judicial system that operates better.

Good afternoon.
terrypancake said:
I think the two full plastic trash cans beer and liquor was necessary for survival. It would help me survive.


:smile: Have we seen actual photo's of the beer and liquor? Maybe i haven't looked enough but i have yet to see any actual photos of people carrying tv's, stereo's and other luxuries. I try not to pay attention to the media and research a litttle before i make my mind up. But like i originally posted if the media said and showed anything remotely close to it i doubt it would be challenged. Most reports show blacks looting and whites finding things. I guess looting sells stories and keep's people glued to the tv. I just wish sometimes what is portrayed in the media about blacks by others could be better. Being a minority is like racing a guy with FI on his nsx versus my stock. I could possibly win, but i gotta drive my ass off the whole race. If i win it was definitely because his car wasn't tuned right, not because i'm a better driver to begin with. Most minorites just want a fair shake and to be able to race with everone having the same rules. I'm not whining i was built for challenges, it's just sad how divided we all can be when were all racing.
Ko-nsx said:
:smile: Have we seen actual photo's of the beer and liquor? Maybe i haven't looked enough but i have yet to see any actual photos of people carrying tv's, stereo's and other luxuries.

This was actually a front page a few days ago....
I will say stealing beer is not much different than stealing coke or water, as it will work in place of water if needed, so that is not that big of a deal. However I did see video on CBS or NBC of a man carrying a new TV (in the box) on the street. That crosses the line to me.
Shumdit said:
I will say stealing beer is not much different than stealing coke or water, as it will work in place of water if needed, so that is not that big of a deal. However I did see video on CBS or NBC of a man carrying a new TV (in the box) on the street. That crosses the line to me.

I agree... but the messed up thing is that I think the article was about looting.
Ko-nsx said:
Just a little clarity for the cheap seats. Most blacks(and some whites) are not complaining about the hurricane, its the response time it took for help or something positive to take place in light of the situation and how black people are being portrayed in the news. Nobody has any food but blacks are "looting" and "whites" are finding food. The bush administration took a little to long and Fema didn't act fast enough, well who knows. People were suffering and our president didn't act in a very concerned matter. Tax paying blacks are being called "refugees" in a country were they pay taxes like everyone else. I agree with Kanye's message, not his exact statement. Blacks are only 15% of the population in these united states. This is not a race card thing. I cannot comment on asian and other minorites(they probably got beef too) in these united states, but i can speak about being black. I believe and all of you know if this had been in a heavy populated white city, the news would have been different. I don't get mad when i see roots or when i see a white girl who's missing for 3 hours( and got the entire country looking for her) and a black girl or hispanic thats missing for months(and not a fk'n peep), why do you care what Kanye said. Nothing will change, we will all be divided in the united states. That is his opinion(that's what everyone else says). When you are portrayed in the media as "these people or those refugee's and other ignorant stuff", its hard to not wonder the reasons for it. WE all know what happened in the OJ case. I couldn't tell he was found not guilty. He could have cut his 1st wifes(she was black) head clean off and pissed down her throat and he would have gotten a slap on the hand. But that shit happened to some white folks, end of that story. In a country were a man was DRUG BEHIND A PICK UP TRUCK(for what?????), the race card will always be in someone's hand one way or the other. I personally don't care who you are or where you come from as long as you treat me the way you want to be treated, im cool. I have many friends of different backgrounds, and some are on the forum, but i'm just saying what is true. Kanye West worked to get what he has and were he is. He should be able to speak his mind. I guess people should at least try to understand why he said what he said or why he did what he did. Thats what most minorites have been doing in the United States for decades.

I couldn't have said it better myself. People on Prime just like to argue, no matter what the topic is. :biggrin:
Shumdit said:
I will say stealing beer is not much different than stealing coke or water, as it will work in place of water if needed, so that is not that big of a deal. However I did see video on CBS or NBC of a man carrying a new TV (in the box) on the street. That crosses the line to me.

Actually beer will not work in place of water because alcohol is a diuretic which will in fact dehydrate you.
" Tax paying blacks are being called "refugees" in a country were they pay taxes like everyone else."

First of all "tax paying" whites are also being called refugees....and the majority of the persons that stayed in the city long after the storm and were "finding" things, were low or no income persons that don't actualy pay any taxes with the exception of on cigarettes,gas and liquor.
chumch said:
Actually beer will not work in place of water because alcohol is a diuretic which will in fact dehydrate you.

I am not sure I agree with you here. While I agree that alcohol is a diuretic, I think that the amount af it in beer would not necessarily dehydrate you. Either way, I would drink it in their siutation before I let my system shut down. I guess if it killed me there would be worse ways to go!
Shumdit said:
I am not sure I agree with you here. While I agree that alcohol is a diuretic, I think that the amount af it in beer would not necessarily dehydrate you. Either way, I would drink it in their siutation before I let my system shut down. I guess if it killed me there would be worse ways to go!

It is true that the beer will dehydrate you, so would any form of soda beverage. It is very important to keep the kidneys working on some sort of beverage that will not contaminate the body. During the 1989 earthquake in SF there were people who were rescued, but they had no fluid for so many days their kidneys shut down and they died after rescue. This does not support looting or drinking beer or any alcohol, but it might get you till the next step.
chumch said:
Actually beer will not work in place of water because alcohol is a diuretic which will in fact dehydrate you.

Actually, this is not true. Even diuretics like beer and wine and coffee contain so much water that they have a net hydrating effect. The diuretic effect of low-alcohol beer is not that great and swamped by how much water it contains.

But, these guys weren't stealin beer because they couldn't find water...seriously.
Finally,we agree on something! :wink:
liftshard said:
Actually, this is not true. Even diuretics like beer and wine and coffee contain so much water that they have a net hydrating effect. The diuretic effect of low-alcohol beer is not that great and swamped by how much water it contains.

But, these guys weren't stealin beer because they couldn't find water...seriously.

How do you expain a hang-over then?
In case you aren't familiar with how our government is SUPPOSED to work.
The chain of responsibility for the protection of the citizens in New
Orleans is:

1. The Mayor
2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security (a political appointee
of the Governor who reports to the Governor)
3. The Governor
4. The Head of Homeland Security
5. The President

What did each do?

1. The mayor, with 5 days advance, waited until 2 days before he
announced a mandatory evacuation (at the behest of the President). The
he failed to provide transportation for those without transport even
though he had hundreds of buses at his disposal.

2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security failed to have any plan
for a contingency that has been talked about for 50 years. Then he
blames the Feds for not doing what he should have done. (So much for
political appointees)

3. The Governor, despite a declaration of disaster by the President 2
DAYS BEFORE the storm hit, failed to take advantage of the offer of
Federal troops and aid. Until 2 DAYS AFTER the storm hit.

4. The Director of Homeland Security positioned assets in the area to be
ready when the Governor called for them

5. The President urged a mandatory evacuation, and even declared a
disaster State of Emergency, freeing up millions of dollars of federal
assistance, should the Governor decide to use it.

Oh and by the way, the levees that broke were the responsibility of the
local landowners and the local levee board to maintain, NOT THE FEDERAL

The disaster in New Orleans is what you get after decades of corrupt
(democrat) government going all the way back to Huey Long. Funds for
disaster protection and relief have been flowing into this city for
decades, and where has it gone, but into the pockets of the politicos
and their friends. Decades of socialist government in New Orleans has
sapped all self reliance from the community, and made them dependent
upon government for every little thing.

Political correctness and a lack of will to fight crime have created the
single most corrupt police force in the country, and has permitted gang
violence to flourish. The sad thing is that there are many poor folks
who have suffered and died needlessly because those that they voted into
office failed them.

Reported on the news this morning:

Group of evacuees land in Salt Lake City. Bag left on plane after everyone disembarked. Full of jewelery with sales tags still attached.:eek:

No one has claimed the lost bag, yet:D
Apparently the lesson has not been learned

Fox is hosting a money raising concert Friday night, and guess who is one of the "singers":eek:

I wonder if he has written a new rap diddy about this:D