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Doomsday Preppers

I say keep a bottle of your favorite wiskey handy and a spare bullet. If it gets so bad that the wiskey doesn't calm you - take the bullet.[/QUOTE]

Good plan.

I would add a couple of more bottles of whiskey (just to make sure:biggrin:)

Makes me think of the Twilight Zone episode about the guy with the bomb shelter.
We all got a glimpse of this after Katrina. In New Orleans chaos ruled for a while and things got real ugly fast. It really depends on the size and scope of the event. As a husband and father I know I will do whatever I have to do to protect and provide for my family. You will too. But I would also help my neighbor in whatever way I could. United we stand - divided we fall. I believe that. No man is an island. Prep all you want, just don't forget what's important. That guy in your crosshairs may be me, just looking for food to feed my family. Of course by the time you see me I'd have finished that bottle of wiskey and be stumblin so bad I'd be hard to hit :biggrin:.

Holy crap. Maybe it's the alcohol and weed speaking but this man is talking some serious gospel. Seriously, in no less than 100 words, but this guy just described humanity better than anybody else I've heard.

Exactly... exactly as he said.
Can we define "doomsday"? .....

Getting hit by an earthquake, being ravished by a tsunami or tornado, losing power for several days; those are natural disasters, not a doomsday. Preparing for disasters makes sense. It could save your life. Preparing for the end of the world as we know it; aka doomsday? I think the best preparation you could do is live your life the best you can now while you are alive so you don't have any regrets when the end of the world comes.

Good point. Most people agree the people on that show are crazy.
Given that, not looking at the extremes, people should prepare to be without services for a few weeks. Assuming for the next 70 years that everything is going to be 100% peachy seems unrealistic to me.

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All I need to survive is my remote control, my ashtray, my.....

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4VbI5zcB8Ac" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I have a co-worker who has stockpiled enough guns, food, water, generators, gas, etc. for at least a year, if not two. But here's the thing I keep asking all the people who say they have stockpiled food, water, guns, ammo etc.

Ok, so are you prepared to mass murder? Because think about it. There will be thousands, if not millions of people who don't have all these stockpiled goods. When they realize you have tons of food and resources they are going to try and storm your place and get them. Are you prepared to shoot and kill every single one of them? Are you prepared to be up 24-7 vigilantly guarding your house? Are you willing to watch people outside of your house starve and die right in front of your face? These may be people with families, with children, with injured friends and relatives. Those with children, think about what you would do if you had no food, but your neighbor had stockpiled tons of food. Would you just let your children starve or would you do what you can to get that food?

So ask yourself, are you willing to mow down these people to keep them from getting your food? Mow down enough people and guess what? People will storm your house or burn it down. Having enough basic supplies for mild emergencies is fine. However, if a disaster struck to the point where you need years of stockpiled food and ammo, the sad truth is at that point, it doesn't matter if you have enough to cover for yourself. If society breaks down nobody survives. And if anybody does, it's not a life worth living.

The unprepared are referred to as "Zombies" by the Prepper community, This is because they are people who would consume your stocks or even (gasp) your person once they are hungry enough that society is completely broken down. And yes, the most fervent of preppers will tell you they are preparing to defend their stockpile in the event of "the zombie apocalypse"- in other words they are prepared to defend against marauders and scavengers.

This is why a lot of preppers have aquired rural land to store their stockpile, and they build odd sorts of shelter- everything from simple storm cellars to entire complexes assembled out of a fleet buried school buses. The logic is in an us-or-them scenario, they will defend themselves.

I'm not saying I buy into all that, I'm just saying that's the logic.
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The Road is an excellent movie for just this thread. Deals with what happens when all the bullets, food and hope are gone. Just surviving.
The Road is a good example to watch but you guys need to play the game called " fallout 3 " and "Fall Out New Vegas"

if you play in hardcore mode your running around doing the missions but you get hungry and thirsty if you dont get them you die.

so your running around half the time looking for food.
Watched 'The Road' last night because of this thread. Awesome movie.
Its playing on Showtime on and off you can rent it online streaming @ Blockbuster or pay to download it on iTunes .
Watched 'The Road' last night because of this thread. Awesome movie.
We all think about what we would do if the world got that bad but the cannibalism part, hmm, I don't know if I could resort to that. Then again, many would.
We all think about what we would do if the world got that bad but the cannibalism part, hmm, I don't know if I could resort to that. Then again, many would.

That's the real question in the back of every man's mind. "How far would I go". Until you're pushed to that "moment of truth", where depending on what you do, you or someone you love, either lives or dies, none of us will really ever know what we're capable of. Past the humanity, there's an animal in all of us.
What did you all think of "The book of Eli?" While it had a religious theme, it still was based in a post apocalyptic setting with a good description of what I would use to describe that time period. I also was a good fan of "The Road" although it was pretty depressing.
What did you all think of "The book of Eli?" While it had a religious theme, it still was based in a post apocalyptic setting with a good description of what I would use to describe that time period. I also was a good fan of "The Road" although it was pretty depressing.

Book of Eli is more like "The Beginning of the Road".