Found some brokers in Europe who have US NSX's for sale

29 August 2003
Tampa, FL
Is this a scam or do any of you know anything about bringing an X in from overseas. The prices are pretty good. I'm getting a quote on the shipping and insurances.
Just be careful. There are plenty of people pulling these scams out their. Why do they have US version NSX's over their? What kind of deals are they offering?
Just me .02 cents
Where in Europe? I will be there (Italy) beginning Sat for a week. If I am in the area, I'll stop in for you and see if it is on the level.
Yes it is in Perugia,Italy. Is that anywhere close to where you are traveling?
European NSX's are MUCH more expensive then US NSX's.
Add to that shipping from Europe to the US.
Why would one get one from the US to Italy, and then ship it back?

Just a thought: If we do such thing vice versa (U.S. car to Germany) we have to change many little and some serious things to pass the laws and special needs here (e.g. the german Ford Probe had additional oil cooling for high speed autobahn etc.).

Although the X is not a german nor an american car there are different versions for different markets. Be prepared to change at least the ECU and the driving lights - maybe some more.

Do you remember Tom Cruise in "Rain Man" when he tried to import some italian sportcars and they didn't pass the exhaust test?
You might want to check import rules, only some cars are admissable for import, or else you may have to destroy it at customs
DutchBlackNsx said:
European NSX's are MUCH more expensive then US NSX's.

I do not agree, they are very simlarly priced (if you exclude the vry hi-taxes Scandinavian countrys).

You find a lot of '91-'94 in the 24k-33k EUR here, in Germany and in Italy.
Did you happen to find these brokers on Ebay? I've heard of these "overseas" scammers before.

I would try to stick with a US version if I were you. Never buy one before you actually "kick the tires.";)
gheba_nsx said:
I do not agree, they are very simlarly priced (if you exclude the vry hi-taxes Scandinavian countrys).

You find a lot of '91-'94 in the 24k-33k EUR here, in Germany and in Italy.

Mmmmm..... Had a guick look at, and the prices there are low indeed, one goes for 25k USD.
Here in Holland prices will not go any lower then 31k~32k USD for poor condition.

Anyway, considering shipping, insurance and others, still no point for selling it abroad
Hey if this turns out not to be a scam i wouldn't mind buying a nsx if they have anymore over there. automatic
Check and

For Swiss Franc use 1.3 conversion and 1.18 for the Euro. In many cases you can take out the 16% VAT (Germany) and 7,6% VAT (Switzerland) when you export. This only if you buy from a dealer, in case of private person there is no VAT reduction for export.

You can write the sellers an email in english, it should not be a problem for anyone.

EDIT: corrected the VAT for Germany! Thanks NSX-Racer!
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Ooopppps! :p :(

Sorry I stand corrected, it is 16% in Germany and 20% in Italy.

Making Italy quite attractive to export a car since 20% can be reduced from the price... so I would include Italy in the research too if I wanted to buy a car for the US.