Good Standing Member in the Hospital

20 February 2006
Oakville, Ontario
Dave Crawford has been admitted to the Trillium Hospital on the 13th of Dec. I found out 30 minutes ago. His Wife only had Brams number and left a message. I don't know if this has been mentioned on this forum as I don't use it anymore.
He has had 2 blood transfusions and Doctors aren't sure of what it is. I just spoke to him and he seems pretty low. Hasn't heard from anyone but 1.
He doesn't have a computer ( nor access to one ) but he can be reached at 905-848-7100 Ext. 523
If you can find the time, please give him some cheer !

I called Dave today after reading this post. He said he is better that he has been in the past couple of week, however, he is not out of the woods yet.

I will drop by the Hospital tomorrow and pay Dave a visit.

Could someone please post his correct contact information so we may contact him and pass along our best wishes?
Definitely not this "Dave" I am alive and doing well. I don't believe I know the Dave that is being referred to but I do hope they find out what is wrong with him and that he makes a speedy recovery.
I visited Dave in the Hospital yesterday, he is weak but able to walk around. It seems that he is getting better, but he will be under a Doctor's care for a while.
Dave is hoping to be released from the Hospital on Monday. He really appreciate all the calls he have received from the NSXCC members.
