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Having problem with my neighbor

710 said:
Hey, I bit a dog once too,
it does work well! The surprise on the dogs face, well the way he acted was surprised anyway.
Never bothered me again.

Have you guys had your shots?
Ryanmcd2 said:
Like the time a dog bit me and I bit it back that worked well too.

The other day a dog humped my leg so I humped his right back...puppies due in 9 months.:biggrin: :biggrin:
Get a BB gun with a low velocity around 175 FBS, arm it will a rock salt problem solved. Aim for the back half of the dog so no long term affects.

Non-leathal but stings like a bitch if it breaks the skin, alot of the time it won't. I did it to what I think was a stray cat, could have been the neigbors don't remember if it had a collar, that was beating the hell out of my cat years ago. Shot it once it, came back a week later shot at it again, but missed(rock salt isn't accuate) never say it again, and my cat hasn't had scratch marks on it since.

I know its not perfect and you would rather shoot the owner, but just a suggestion.
Made in the USA said:
Get a BB gun with a low velocity around 175 FBS, arm it will a rock salt problem solved. Aim for the back half of the dog so no long term affects.

Non-leathal but stings like a bitch if it breaks the skin, alot of the time it won't. I did it to what I think was a stray cat, could have been the neigbors don't remember if it had a collar, that was beating the hell out of my cat years ago. Shot it once it, came back a week later shot at it again, but missed(rock salt isn't accuate) never say it again, and my cat hasn't had scratch marks on it since.
I know its not perfect and you would rather shoot the owner, but just a suggestion.
I had a neighbour with a dog that barked all night long at cats on the other side of the road (dog was fenced in). The dog was a few yards from my bedroom window on the side of the house, that was his view out the front where the cats were. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much there (I had to sleep at a friend’s).
I am an animal lover and anguished for a long time trying to decide what to do. The owner didn’t listen to me, period. The other neighbours threaten to poison the dog (or the owner!). Since the owner wasn’t there for most of the nights, the dog’s life was in real danger from one of the other neighbours.

Use a higher powered pellet rifle on lower setting. Some of these rifles have rifling in the barrel. They are much more accurate than a BB gun. They have the power of a .22 so practice first on a piece of leather with a sand bag behind it at about the same range to get right strength. Then turn it down a little. I also dialled the sights in before hand to make sure I was accurate. I wouldn’t use a pistol, too inaccurate.
I did this with the dog, but I was VERY careful not to miss his flank and hit his face or eyes/ears. This was my main concern, and I had to wait pretty much throughout the whole night in a garden chair to get a good shot on his rear flank (had a night of shooting stars). Waited for the dog to be standing in the right position and be barking, and bang.
Like ‘Made in the USA’, it needed two times (two nights). I checked really good and also used a set of binoculars the next day to see if there was any visible injury on that setting. None.
Watch out for the second time, because the dog equates the pain with the sound, which in the middle of the night is quite loud. So the second time he will jump FAST before the pellet gets there (I guess). Dogs are FAST. Make sure your aim is good because you don’t want to harm him (eye/ears etc).

It only takes 2 times. No more barking at night. And he is such a nice doggy too.
Something similar like this happenned to my friend. His solution was to get his friend's dogs to the neighbor's lawn and get all the dogs to poop all at once in front of the neighbor's house. The neighbor got pissed but couldn't do anything with a German sheperd and a Pit bull. Make sure that the neighbor doesnt know that those dogs belonged to your friends.
Finally, I caught my neighbor in his yard just watching his dog walking around my land looking for a spot to do its stuff.
I called the dog over and was ready to give it milk. The owner then walked over and pretended he did not know the dog was over in my yard.
I started to yell at him and told him that I don't want to see his dog pooping, pissing, or even walking on my land.
I offered him to try this for a week and see how he likes it if I put my kid's poop all over his yard for just one week. Then clean it up.
So he promised he will put up an invisible fence. Let's see when will that take place.
fannsx said:
Finally, I caught my neighbor in his yard just watching his dog walking around my land looking for a spot to do its stuff.
I called the dog over and was ready to give it milk. The owner then walked over and pretended he did not know the dog was over in my yard.
I started to yell at him and told him that I don't want to see his dog pooping, pissing, or even walking on my land.
I offered him to try this for a week and see how he likes it if I put my kid's poop all over his yard for just one week. Then clean it up.
So he promised he will put up an invisible fence. Let's see when will that take place.

If you want to get rid of the problem you could put some fly bait in a tin pan and pour some coke over it. The dog won't make it very far from the pan if you know what I mean.

This has worked for people I know who want to get rid of coons and critters, they like the sweet taste of coke, but the fly bait kills them in seconds, usually a coon gets it within 5 feet from the pan.

For the record, I love dogs and most animals, but if this neighbor won't listen to reason I see no issue with putting out a deterence. I would however notify him that I will be placing multiple dishes of poison around my yard for his dog to partake in if he doesn't stop the nonsense.
comquat1 said:
If you want to get rid of the problem you could put some fly bait in a tin pan and pour some coke over it. The dog won't make it very far from the pan if you know what I mean.

This has worked for people I know who want to get rid of coons and critters, they like the sweet taste of coke, but the fly bait kills them in seconds, usually a coon gets it within 5 feet from the pan.

For the record, I love dogs and most animals, but if this neighbor won't listen to reason I see no issue with putting out a deterence. I would however notify him that I will be placing multiple dishes of poison around my yard for his dog to partake in if he doesn't stop the nonsense.

I hope you're kidding because if you're not I recommend you get some serious help! A person that even considers poison has got problems......
Hothonda said:
I hope you're kidding because if you're not I recommend you get some serious help! A person that even considers poison has got problems......

I figured I'd get in hot water for that posting.:redface: I would think just mentioning to the neighbor that you will be considering doing something like this would be enough of a deterent for him to get his act together. Have you read this thread to see how long this has gone on? One request by the original poster should be enough for this neighbor to do his neighborly duties and control his dog.

Let me give you an example, when I was installing my yard, my neighbor up hill was not controlling the rain washout coming from his yard. Every time it rained, I lost all of the seed I spread in my back yard. I had enough and stopped over to ask if they would be so kind to do some creative channeling of the rain water form their yard to direct it to the storm drain on our property line. Low and behold! He was out there the next day to fix it. That is how a good neighbor handles things.

I'm sorry if you don't like my idea, but if I wasn't going to use poison, I'd make the owner aware that something might happen to his dog the next time it set foot on my lawn that he wouldn't like. I don't think this neighbor would take a threat as calling the pound very seriously, simply b/c you can always pick your dog up at the pound. But how serious would you think he'd be if he knew his dog might come back dead? If you were the neighbor I think you would fix the problem asap. I highly doubt you would test me on it. Or would you?
comquat1 said:
I figured I'd get in hot water for that posting.:redface: I would think just mentioning to the neighbor that you will be considering doing something like this would be enough of a deterent for him to get his act together. Have you read this thread to see how long this has gone on? One request by the original poster should be enough for this neighbor to do his neighborly duties and control his dog.

Let me give you an example, when I was installing my yard, my neighbor up hill was not controlling the rain washout coming from his yard. Every time it rained, I lost all of the seed I spread in my back yard. I had enough and stopped over to ask if they would be so kind to do some creative channeling of the rain water form their yard to direct it to the storm drain on our property line. Low and behold! He was out there the next day to fix it. That is how a good neighbor handles things.

I'm sorry if you don't like my idea, but if I wasn't going to use poison, I'd make the owner aware that something might happen to his dog the next time it set foot on my lawn that he wouldn't like. I don't think this neighbor would take a threat as calling the pound very seriously, simply b/c you can always pick your dog up at the pound. But how serious would you think he'd be if he knew his dog might come back dead? If you were the neighbor I think you would fix the problem asap. I highly doubt you would test me on it. Or would you?

Out here in Washington State you'd become the guest of the county for about 6 months along with a new orange jumpsuit....after that your problems have just started. Try to get a job with that act in your back pocket!
something along the line of poisoning.....

Does Cats and Dogs really died for eating chocolate and sniffing Anti Freeze?

Istead of poison poison, it would be very east to left your anti freeze unattended and some chocolate after you work on your car right??

You are at your property and I believed you could put your antifreeze and chocolate anywhere at your yard/driveway......
NSXDreamer2 said:
something along the line of poisoning.....

Does Cats and Dogs really died for eating chocolate and sniffing Anti Freeze?

Istead of poison poison, it would be very east to left your anti freeze unattended and some chocolate after you work on your car right??

You are at your property and I believed you could put your antifreeze and chocolate anywhere at your yard/driveway......

:eek: :eek: :mad: :mad:Holy $hit!!!!!! Are you that stupid??????

Of course anti-freeze kills animals, it'll kill people but we're too smart to drink it. The reason why animals drink it is because it's very sweet smelling and tasting. It's a painful death also. If I ever found out someone did that to a domestic animal I'll tear their balls off with a vice grip.

Now on the other hand, if the original poster has told the dog owner that he was going to leave anti-freeze out in a pan, he could easily substitute Gatorade for it and at least the dog would have a healthy drink. I think that by just seeing a bowl with a green liquid in it would make him think twice. But beware, he could easily call the cops and say you tried to poison his pet and then you'd be in serious dog poo. No pun intended!:biggrin:

Since it sounds like these situation has gotten nowhere, why don't you call the police and file a complaint each time the dog comes onto your property. I'm sure there is a leash law in you town also.

-Good luck.
comquat1 said:
I figured I'd get in hot water for that posting.:redface: I would think just mentioning to the neighbor that you will be considering doing something like this would be enough of a deterent for him to get his act together. Have you read this thread to see how long this has gone on? One request by the original poster should be enough for this neighbor to do his neighborly duties and control his dog.

Let me give you an example, when I was installing my yard, my neighbor up hill was not controlling the rain washout coming from his yard. Every time it rained, I lost all of the seed I spread in my back yard. I had enough and stopped over to ask if they would be so kind to do some creative channeling of the rain water form their yard to direct it to the storm drain on our property line. Low and behold! He was out there the next day to fix it. That is how a good neighbor handles things.

I'm sorry if you don't like my idea, but if I wasn't going to use poison, I'd make the owner aware that something might happen to his dog the next time it set foot on my lawn that he wouldn't like. I don't think this neighbor would take a threat as calling the pound very seriously, simply b/c you can always pick your dog up at the pound. But how serious would you think he'd be if he knew his dog might come back dead? If you were the neighbor I think you would fix the problem asap. I highly doubt you would test me on it. Or would you?
unfortunately, this neighbor has repeatedly demonstrated that he's unwilling to be a good neighbor.

better to let the police & legal system resolve it than find yourself in jail and branded for killing a pet animal that simply lacked adult supervision. the public - and employers - typically have no respect / use for child or animal abusers.
NSXDreamer2 said:
something along the line of poisoning.....

Does Cats and Dogs really died for eating chocolate and sniffing Anti Freeze?

Istead of poison poison, it would be very east to left your anti freeze unattended and some chocolate after you work on your car right??

You are at your property and I believed you could put your antifreeze and chocolate anywhere at your yard/driveway......

You need an orange jumpsuit with a button rear flap buddy...WTF are you thinking? It is illegal regardless whose property it's on. How can you live in that skin?

This thread brings out the true "makings of the man"....I'm appalled & disappointed.
hehe, I’m a total animal lover too, but I’m sure you wouldn't actually do it...would you?. Naaaw.:smile:

Poor guy is getting roasted... :eek:
dogs have sensitive smell obviously. Apparently that means that things like pepper spray absolutely kick their @ss. Get some of that pepper stuff and spray it all around the edges of your property. Hell, spray the hell out of the guy's front porch!

Or some laxative stuffed doggy treats work too. Poor thing will crap all over the owners house!
710 said:
hehe, I’m a total animal lover too, but I’m sure you wouldn't actually do it...would you?. Naaaw.:smile:

Poor guy is getting roasted... :eek:

Thanks for the support. I highly doubt I would ever poison someone's pet. But I most certainly would make the threat to the owner about what I was thinking of doing. I'm guessing Hothonda lives in a very residential area and that if anyone did what I suggested that they would be in very hot water. I won't go on about the stories my dad told me of pesky neighbor pets that messed with farm animals or farm pets when he was younger.

Not to keep going on this issue, but is there a law on the books about leaving poison out on your property with the intent of getting rid of critters (however you define them) or rodents? To my knowledge it isn't an issue here in Michigan, in fact, it's probably the best way I can think of to rid yourself of a skunk (unless you are a really good shot). In the end, the above posters are correct, call animal control the next time the dog comes out and let them handle it.

Hothonda, you can continue to think the worst of me as a person, I don't know how I can even fall asleep at night. :rolleyes:
comquat1 said:
Hothonda, you can continue to think the worst of me as a person, I don't know how I can even fall asleep at night. :rolleyes:

I doubt you sleep at night anyway. Only a weirdo would come up with a solution like you propose....that's why law enforcement takes such a proactive and aggressive stance to keep jerks like you from escalating.

You've already shown your colors, I don't have to think about it. You put it out there in the first place- how much clearer could it be?
Hothonda said:
I doubt you sleep at night anyway. Only a weirdo would come up with a solution like you propose....that's why law enforcement takes such a proactive and aggressive stance to keep jerks like you from escalating.

You've already shown your colors, I don't have to think about it. You put it out there in the first place- how much clearer could it be?

Yeah, I've got a good idea of who you are too....:rolleyes: Let's drop it. I won't be waiting on pins and needles for you to ask for my advice on anything in the future.
Poison is a no no for me. There are other animals and kids that can potentially be harmed.
I was going to give the dog whole milk which will give him very bad diarrhea at his ower's house with white carpet. Unfortunally, the owner walked over too soon.
fannsx said:
Poison is a no no for me. There are other animals and kids that can potentially be harmed.
I was going to give the dog whole milk which will give him very bad diarrhea at his ower's house with white carpet. Unfortunally, the owner walked over too soon.

Just call animal control and have them have a talk with your neighbor about the importance of keeping his dog on his property. I would think that would scare him a bit.
Comquat, don't back down because a few so called do-gooders cry foul. There's lots of scumbag people on this planet, and unfortunately the OP has encountered such. Sometimes extreme cases need to be countered correctly; because everyone knows the local government are nothing but a bunch of deadbeats who just sit around and draw a salary, and will do absolutely nothing to resolve the situation.
MoreRPMs said:
Comquat, don't back down because a few so called do-gooders cry foul. There's lots of scumbag people on this planet, and unfortunately the OP has encountered such. Sometimes extreme cases need to be countered correctly; because everyone knows the local government are nothing but a bunch of deadbeats who just sit around and draw a salary, and will do absolutely nothing to resolve the situation.

oh waiter, could we get a little more bleach for this gene pool, please?