LED Speed Gauge Cluster Build


well ... first of all, don't forget that i only changed:
- Illumination lights to White LEDs
- Orange Selection lights to Red LEDs
- Green Selection lights to Green LEDs

the hardest part comes now: Balance the brightness so i have the same
intensity all over.

Here are the 3 photos i shot:

- The CCU red selection of window and inside circulation, and the HU TPA button selection are RED, real RED, but on the photo look orange.
- The green selection on the CCU is very bright...i have to bring it down....a lot
- On the CCU, the white illumination is uniform, but on photo some buttons/areas look almost without illumination....weird
- On HU, i have the number buttons and knobs in bad shape, but i already have new knobs and have some spare number ones to choose.


Hi, do you recall what LED bulbs needed for the Bose HU? Is it simple bulb swap or soldering required? Thanks.

Hi, do you recall what LED bulbs needed for the Bose HU? Is it simple bulb swap or soldering required? Thanks.

sorry for the late reply, but i missed this.

Yeap, soldering required and need to solder a resistor in each LED.

Nuno Travassos