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Lost churches in New Orleans

I am pretty sure his 40 acres and a mule statement was a jab at another post, in another thread. Not to be taken as a literal wait.

In another post , it was asked "How many of us do you think are really waiting for 40 acres and a mule?"
Because it was posted Generally that a certain group of people were sitting in wait....
Re: No Taste

downwiz2 said:
i agree. thats not even fucking funny. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Imagine the shit the victims of the hurricane must've gone through. There's no doubt that if such disaster took in a wealthier, non-colored regions, the government would've responded quicker with more efficiency.

I said it before and I say it again. "It sucks to be poor in this world."
You're kidding, right?

I remember you were saying you were so depressed in your other thread.

I think I know why now. You need to learn how to find the lighter side of life. God almighty, if everything is so damn serious for you, you're going to be depressed for the rest of your life.

Lighten up!!!

Goodness... :eek:
Re: No Taste

Yellow Rose said:
That was extremely bad class for posting that here, even if it was a joke from your boss. :mad: :mad: :mad:
This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have seen recently on Prime or any other forum.

I hope non-NSX owners don't see us as a bunch of tight-assed whinos.

I enjoyed the joke. Very funny!!!

Edit: Andy - here's a website you should do a bit of reading on:


Good luck with finding a cure.
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Re: No Taste

OK Paul Wall...You couldnt be any further off.
First: I was not always well off to start. My business only started doing well about 4 1/2 years ago. Before that I was broke and I didnt grow up well off either. I have worked since jr high and paid my own way through college. I worked(still am)my ass off my whole life, there is no gravy train here and those that know me will tell you I do not sit idol.
Second: I dont live in NO. I live in Gulfport,MS. Where Katrina actually hit. Katrina only grazed NO.
Third: I have recieved $0.00 money from any insurance or government assistance. I am working off of the money that I had saved up until my insurance HOPEFULLY pays. And yes, I have said several times that "I really didnt get hit that bad compared to others in my area" on prime, to my friends and family and to my insurance.
Fourth: I have never tried to imply that I have lost any more than what I actually lost. I have even supplied pics of my loss.
Fifth: I have asked several customers their reasoning for buying equipment from me instead of fixing a residence. Several have answered"All I have left is this car and I want to make it as nice as possible right now". Its an odd reasoning, but it works for them I guess.
Six: I thank God for EVERYTHING that I have been blessed with every night.

I invite you to come stay at my house(I'll supply meals too, my treat) for a week to see what it is really like. You can sleep in the room where the ceiling fell in from my roof coming off. Or you can sleep on the couch with one of my employees who is staying with me right now b/c he has nowhere to live.

40 acres and a mule????? Give it a rest!

My name is not Paul Wall.

first- I didn't question your struggle from birth, just since the hurricane. Some peoples rendition of struggle varies.:rolleyes:
Second-thank you for the clarification.
Third- again, thank you for the clarification. In a dog eat dog world, honesty is the best policy. I hope they pay in a timely manner.
Fourth-im not an insurance adjuster, what you claim is your business.
Fifth- is this being irresponsible to you?
Sixth- that is noble of you. Considering, "I did say "Thank God for irresponsible people" because they are keeping whats left of my business alive and thriving in this difficult situation. If they want to waste the money they have from the government to fix their houses on goods in my store, your damn right I'm selling them something." refer to my "fifth" answer.

Now, i viewed your post as hypocritical. You also agreed-" This is a dog eat dog world and I'm trying my best not to be lunch. Hypocritical, maybe; Surviving a shitty situation.... You bet:cool: "

," I have asked several customers their reasoning for buying equipment from me instead of fixing a residence. Several have answered"All I have left is this car and I want to make it as nice as possible right now". Its an odd reasoning, but it works for them I guess."
You stated how bad a shape it was there and so-on-and-so-forth and you have to ask people why they have the same dog-eat-dog mentality you do! Thats the reason for my post.
Thank you for the invite, you are welcome at my home as well. I don't have anyone living with me and my home hasn't suffered from any NATURAL disasters, but you should know, there is a "church's chicken" not to far from here:smile: . I hope this doesn't bother you a bit.:smile:

For the-40 acres and a mule????? Give it a rest
I had too unfortunately. Its a dog eat dog world.

In closing, I find it insulting and a waste to ask a person why they do something, buy something or act a certain way when you really do know the answer and really don't want to know the truth or can't offer any realistic solutions.
Again, wishing you well.
Staying on topic about the original post(sorry for my part of the jack)

I get my chicken from Lee's Chicken, by Church's Chicken, down the street 2 blocks form Popeye's Chicken.:cool:
Wow.....when did Prime get a case of uptightnosenseofhumoritis? Get over yourselves. If you didn't find it funny, then fine. But no reason to start the flaming over it. When I saw the joke, I thought it was funny that the person was OK that they still had Popeye's over their local Church (didn't realize that there was another chain restaurant called Churches). But either way, its funny. Not to all, but to me.

And to the guy who lost his store in NO and is taking money from these idiots? Good for you bro. You lost everything. You have every right to take the $$$. To those complaining and calling him a hypocrite, STFU cause you aren't in the same situation.

I am so sick and tired of being fleeced by the less fortunate in this country. Here they are given MY cash (from FEMA where part of my damn tax dollars are wasted), low interest loans and anything else they want to help them get ahead. And what to these lowlifes do with the $$$? They piss it away.

Quit whining about being poor. I am tired of hearing that there are (or were) no jobs out there. Bullcrap. If these asshats would open the damn newspaper they were using as a blanket and they would have seen a ton of jobs listed.

You know what the problem is? It's not that people are poor, it's that people are lazy. People think that everyone should make 100k per year. Well guess what, it doesn't happen. Life is what you make of it. If you want to use your social class, race, station in life as an excuse guess what.....you are the only one to blame. It's not my fault I busted my hump (working 2 jobs to pay for school myself without a cent from my parents) to get where I am today. And I am super pissed that I am taxed out my ass to help out the lazy pieces of shit in the world.

Sorry for the rant but a) People need to lighten up and b) People need to stop blaming everyone else for their misfortune.
Russ said:
The race of the women is nowhere stated in the above text, so it's interesting that the mere mention of fried chicken causes some readers to jump to the conclusion she was black - and then get pissed about it!

SO who is being racist?
The person posting the joke?
Or the people with the negative reaction that automatically jump on the its a black thing, or racist thing.
For all you know the woman could have been a rich, korean women that eats chicken day and night.

I re-read every post word for word and after some reflection, I offer the following.

1 - Queen and Left questioned why I thought the post was in bad taste.

2 - I got defensive because I thought the original post was of racial intent and other people didn’t see it that way. Instead, they laughed at it, which made me more mad.

BTW - to the people that do not know me, you do not know me, because to suggest that I am racist is nothing close to fact.

3 - Posts from Russ, zahntach and len 3.8 prompted me to re-visit the original post and reflect on what prompted my response.

4 - Indeed there is not one ounce of inference that the woman being interviewed was of race A or race B or race C. I think what got me is why the reporter specifically asked about the region’s churches (as in the house of worship vs the chicken place) as if the reported was asking perhaps a “baited” question.

5 - I had a case of “red mist” yesterday evening and did not see the humor. My bad. :redface: Some people consider my initial response to be a “knee jerk” reaction, and they are correct.

6 - In case anybody cares, I like fried chicken very much.....and my race does not matter.
I never knew so many men wore small panties in this world.:rolleyes:
This thread is getting ridiculus and people need to not take everything in the world so personal. Loose the ego people, it will make a bigger difference than getting pissed off all the time.
I lived in a rural area growing up and I had friends as a child that barely had shoes on their feet or shirts on their backs.....but their mom had a brand new saddle for her horse that ate 200$ a month in hay

........people making poor choices on how to use their money is nothing new with katrina.....it happens every day in the USA, I am very sure that people have been buying amps and speakers from SndSoul when they should have been buying food for their kids for years!....

Is it his job to be their mothers??? and hold their hands and tell them how to spend money they have been given or earned?...no freeking way!!!

People need to take responsibility for themselves and not blame others...like Mcdonalds when they ate cheeseburgers for every meal and got fat!!

what a bunch of bu11sh/t!! leave Brett alone\...he is just trying to run his business and take care of his employees and his family

you guys are treating him like he sells drugs to grade school kids....

you people need to get off your high and mighty horse and get a life!
We just built our first two Popeyes' here in Albuquerque, which has me rejoicing. I'm eating some of their red beans and rice as I type this, actually. Their chicken is way better than Church's if you ask me. :tongue:

I found this thread to be funny yet tragic at the same time. I'm going to bookmark this thread, just in case if someone ever asks me to cite an example of how Prime has changed for the worst in the past months.

If Prime were a person, it's age/maturity has seemingly decreased a lot and it's temper has grown a lot shorter lately. JMO. :frown:
I only just joined on here about a year ago ...I keep seeing where people say "prime has changed a lot"...but I don't quite get it??

what was it like "before" was everybody sitting around drinking scotch and chatting about the latest polo game?:wink: :wink: :confused: :confused:
ccns23 said:
Wow.....when did Prime get a case of uptightnosenseofhumoritis? Get over yourselves.

And to the guy who lost his store in NO and is taking money from these idiots? Good for you bro. You lost everything. You have every right to take the $$$. To those complaining and calling him a hypocrite, STFU cause you aren't in the same situation.

You don't know what situation anyone is in.
So you should STFU yourself. If yo pay attention to the thread, He has said that he hadn't lost everything.

I am so sick and tired of being fleeced by the less fortunate in this country. Here they are given MY cash (from FEMA where part of my damn tax dollars are wasted), low interest loans and anything else they want to help them get ahead. And what to these lowlifes do with the $$$? They piss it away.

Why don't you take a peak at Reading and Link posted in my thread. You will see what less fortunates are really getting a huge part of your tax dollars. Again, not evenclose to factual post on your part. Read up before telling people to STFU and generalizing. But please continue to post.
I try to learn rom everyones point of view.

Quit whining about being poor. I am tired of hearing that there are (or were) no jobs out there. Bullcrap. If these asshats would open the damn newspaper they were using as a blanket and they would have seen a ton of jobs listed.

Who is "whining" about being poor? Who was whining about not being a benefactor? Re- read the post.

You know what the problem is? It's not that people are poor, it's that people are lazy. People think that everyone should make 100k per year.

I totally agree, and would like to expand on it by saying that, that is why customer service has lacked, products have become worse and prices are continuing to rise.
Everyone is trying to make that almighty nut..

Well guess what, it doesn't happen. Life is what you make of it. If you want to use your social class, race, station in life as an excuse guess what.....you are the only one to blame.

Unless it has been used to bar you to no end.
And to some classes of society it has.
A very small sector of society uses this as an excuse.
Propaganda and media makes it look like it's preached in the classrooms.

It's not my fault I busted my hump (working 2 jobs to pay for school myself without a cent from my parents) to get where I am today. And I am super pissed that I am taxed out my ass to help out the lazy pieces of shit in the world.

I can understand, having done the same thing. Most people have done the same thing. Unfortunately we are overburdened with those that depend on our tax dollars as their means of support...

I would rather help end the problem, By educating and giving of time and resources to those at risk of falling into this cycle..
The more you help to help themselves and others, the bigger the risidual effect.

You have to educate people as you hand them the $$$, You have to demand something for the dollars. Unfortunately the system does not do that. It's cheaper (Short term) to just give a few bucks and let the people burdened continue to pay.

Sorry for the rant but a) People need to lighten up and b) People need to stop blaming everyone else for their misfortune.

Exactly!! Again, who was blaming who? And who needs to lighten up as well? Because your hole tirade was blaming the less fortunate (whatever term you choose to use) for your tax burdens.
Like they really determine what they will get.

On topic... I had Church's for lunch, it was a lil greasy today. I was kind of disappointed.

As far as the Joke, you would not beleive how many times I have heard something close to that.
Go to a "Black, AA, wedding, reunion, party whatever, and someone is bound to make that reference. I have never heard it more than I have at those different functions.

I doubt many would take exception to it.
It just wasn't played up to be a racist joke.
A lot of people were familiar with the negative connotations that it could of carried, and it just got mixed up in the posts...

I think Andy explained side and thoughts.
Snd sould explained his, I mine, and so on.
We don't have to like or agree with everyone, but we should at least be able to talk about it without censoring someone.. The personal attacks were not necessary...

Us Vets Know that Andy picked the wings from Flies as a kid.:smile: But he usually mans up to anything that he may have made a mistake on.

I know that I will.. And yes I am probably one of the most sensatve people on here when it comes to any kind of Racism.(Not just black and white)

Peace , Chill out, Holla, whatever this generation is saying Nowadays...
zahntech said:
I only just joined on here about a year ago ...I keep seeing where people say "prime has changed a lot"...but I don't quite get it??

what was it like "before" was everybody sitting around drinking scotch and chatting about the latest polo game?:wink: :wink: :confused: :confused:

LOL HAHA.:biggrin:

I never really noticed it before either but lately, i've started to notice the replies to certain threads have become more serious and it seems like cerain people are super sensitive. NSXprime now has a bunch of b*tches. Although i still like coming here for some reading, some of you do need to get slapped of the high horse and MAN UP. At the next NSXPO there should be a "MAN UP" day.
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Re: No Taste

NsXMas said:
You're kidding, right?

I remember you were saying you were so depressed in your other thread.

I think I know why now. You need to learn how to find the lighter side of life. God almighty, if everything is so damn serious for you, you're going to be depressed for the rest of your life.

Lighten up!!!

Goodness... :eek:

Man, I so wanted to tell him the same but I got side tracked. I even sent him a PM for encouragement. I have to go to the next NSXPO and see some of you people. you guys crack me up. :smile:
zahntech said:
I only just joined on here about a year ago ...I keep seeing where people say "prime has changed a lot"...but I don't quite get it??

what was it like "before" was everybody sitting around drinking scotch and chatting about the latest polo game?:wink: :wink: :confused: :confused:

I read that a lot as well. Granted there are some silly threads and responses that should never make it past the "submit" button, NSXPrime is still the best forum for the NSX community and NSX information, by far. Like recent content or not, NSXPrime is indispensable - especially for content and comraderie. When I joined up years ago, IMHO, content was more technically oriented and most conversations seemed less heated. But then, it's human nature to glorify the past.

I remember the days of the NSX listserver and the heated debates that occured almost everyday! Knock down, drag out, f-bomb littered, with insults to spouses and past and future generations alike.

Ahhh, those were the days!:biggrin:
zahntech said:
I only just joined on here about a year ago ...I keep seeing where people say "prime has changed a lot"...but I don't quite get it??

I don't know, but one of the reasons why it's gotten the way it is might go hand-in-hand with the lack of a site update in a long time. (that's as blunt as I can get without getting into trouble, and don't expect me to expand on this)

what was it like "before" was everybody sitting around drinking scotch and chatting about the latest polo game?:wink: :wink: :confused: :confused:

[pompous British accent on]Oh, yes, before all of the riff-raff came in and ruined it all. The crumpets were delightfully fresh and tasty, and the nearest thing to a fight would be when we'd catch Neo cheating at our weekly Bridge game! Oh my, how we used to carry on about Zaino versus Zymol, and everyone ganged up on the riced out NSX in 2 Fast 2 Furious! Oh, the memories.........[/pompous British accent off]

zahntech said:
I lived in a rural area growing up and I had friends as a child that barely had shoes on their feet or shirts on their backs.....but their mom had a brand new saddle for her horse that ate 200$ a month in hay

........people making poor choices on how to use their money is nothing new with katrina.....it happens every day in the USA, I am very sure that people have been buying amps and speakers from SndSoul when they should have been buying food for their kids for years!....

Is it his job to be their mothers??? and hold their hands and tell them how to spend money they have been given or earned?...no freeking way!!!

People need to take responsibility for themselves and not blame others...like Mcdonalds when they ate cheeseburgers for every meal and got fat!!

what a bunch of bu11sh/t!! leave Brett alone\...he is just trying to run his business and take care of his employees and his family

you guys are treating him like he sells drugs to grade school kids....

you people need to get off your high and mighty horse and get a life!

Speaking for me, i didn't blame SNDSoul for poor peoples miseducation or misinformation. I felt sndsouls's post was hypocritical based on what HE posted. Do i think he's a bad person or whatnot? NO. not in the least. Simply, that his view on a certain matter was hypocritical. No one on this board REALLY knows what the circumstances are when someone walks into his place of business.

what a bunch of bu11sh/t!! leave Brett alone\...he is just trying to run his business and take care of his employees and his family

you guys are treating him like he sells drugs to grade school kids....

you people need to get off your high and mighty horse and get a life!

:biggrin: Posting on a public board your thoughts and feelings about different matters in the world is much more entertaining, to me, than reading about brake caliper colors or should i buy and nsx, but those topics have their place as well. I honestly don't have any bad feelings for anyone that i haven't met in person, or have less human respect for a person, because of what they are posting a board. Also i don't know what ,"you people need to get off your high and mighty horse and get a life!" really means. Who on prime has a "holyer than thou attitude?" You supposedly have a talk show, what do you discuss on a daily basis? Oil, water temps?

When you disagree with a statement from a caller do you tell them to "get off their high horse?" Sndsoul's hustle to take care of his family is no different than any other person's on nsxprime or any animal on the planet. Everyone's view for me, is respected but definitely not the same. But i don't blame prime. Again miseducation and misinformation.:smile:
Ponyboy said:
I read that a lot as well. Granted there are some silly threads and responses that should never make it past the "submit" button,

I think the bigger question is why the threads, responses, and members are allowed to remain after the "submit" button is pressed.

NSXPrime is still the best forum for the NSX community and NSX information, by far.

I completely agree, but I have to ask a serious question. ARE there any other forums for the NSX community? NSXSC went belly-up a few years ago, but I haven't seen anything else at all.

Like recent content or not, NSXPrime is indispensable - especially for content and comraderie.

Okay, content maybe. Comraderie, like calling another forum member's employer and try to get them fired for what they say on Prime? Comraderie, like allowing the person who did it to remain a member of this forum?

I remember the days of the NSX listserver and the heated debates that occured almost everyday! Knock down, drag out, f-bomb littered, with insults to spouses and past and future generations alike.

Damn you're old! :tongue: Okay, I am defintiely a newbie compared to you, which I guess invalidates some of what I've said. However, when I see some of the people I've looked up to on here (NSXTASY) leave the site, then I've got to believe that something is awry.

Gawd, I'm getting this thread off-topic. My apologies to the author of this thread for that. Here's a pic of my favorite chicken restuarant to get things back on track:

ERICKGS3 said:
LOL HAHA.:biggrin:

I never really noticed it before either but lately, i've started to notice the replies to certain threads have become more serious and it seems like cerain people are super sensitive. NSXprime now has a bunch of b*tches. Although i still like coming here for some reading, some of you do need to get slapped of the high horse and MAN UP. At the next NSXPO there should be a "MAN UP" day.

Manning up is not about sensitivity or calling people you never met b*&%ches. The replies are from because prime has grown and many people from all over the world with different backgrounds check out his site. It is still the #1 nsx website so far.
"people always remember the past better than it was....think of the present worse than it is....and view the future better than it will be"

I have found this to be very true.

And yes it was 2002 when "Rob" got fired from an Acura dealer in Cali so it doesn't seem that much has changed...:wink:
Ko-nsx said:
You supposedly have a talk show, what do you discuss on a daily basis? Oil, water temps?

When you disagree with a statement from a caller do you tell them to "get off their high horse?"

We talk about cars and we get a little off topic here and there but its mostly just about cars......
my Co-host is from TX and his dad opened up his ranch to 5k evacuees and is now helping them to find homes and jobs...we took up a fund raising drive here in the seattle area to help provide food and shelter....it was a good use of radio notoriety...

the radio program is on sat mornings from 8am to 10am...the rest of the week I fix cars, right at this moment I am putting a timing belt on an Integra....JZ
Ko-nsx said:
Manning up is not about sensitivity or calling people you never met b*&%ches. The replies are from because prime has grown and many people from all over the world with different backgrounds check out his site. It is still the #1 nsx website so far.

Man-ing up means for people to stop being so damn sensitive and acting like b*tches. Some people have to take it as it is. in this case, it was a joke and that's it.

As far as what you, SNDSOUL, and len3.8 are debating about, that's something else. Hypocrite or not, I'd sell them whatever they want to buy if the same thing happened to me.

yes, i agree, NSXprime is still the best website.