My Kickstarter project was successful!

18 February 2012
Hi Prime!

I didn't want to post up my Kickstarter project as the campaign was running because I didn't want to make it seem like I was soliciting sales, as I am not a sponsor.

Anyhow, this morning the campaign finished on our Kickstarter project, and we smashed our funding goal. I thought Prime might think it's cool because IMO, our product is unique and high quality.

As a background, last year my friend and I bought a CNC milling machine and this is our first actual product. It's called the Sonastand, and it's a machined aluminum acoustic stand for the iPhone 4 and 4S. Designed and manufactured by us, right here in California.


If you guys have any questions about anything, like running a Kickstarter campaign, please feel free to ask, as I now know how the system works, and what to and what not to do!
EDIT, I just clicked your link;

If you put it "out there" I can "like" it on Facebook. That's the quickest way to get things going. Price? How many can you churn out per day?
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Thanks guys!

If you put it "out there" I can "like" it on Facebook. That's the quickest way to get things going. Price? How many can you churn out per day?

Yeah we're all over Facebook, here's our company FB page:

The campaign was at $39 which includes shipping and tax, but retail we are going to drop the price down to $25-$29.

Right now, with 1 machine and 1 shift, we can produce about 30 a day. We are moving towards automating our processes, so hopefully 3x that amount in the midterm future.

How do you prevent a company from stealing your idea on Kickstarter?

Looks like a great idea. Best of luck with it!

Thanks! Patents (which we have), I suppose, but patents are only as good as the money you have to enforce it. So basically, especially with China, protection is difficult.

We actually have plans on knocking off our own product with a plastic version, while keeping the machined versions as more 'special' editions. Hell, if someone's going to knock us off, might as well be ourselves.
If I give you my titanium conn rod, can you make me like 5 out of it?:biggrin:

Thanks guys!

Yeah we're all over Facebook, here's our company FB page:

The campaign was at $39 which includes shipping and tax, but retail we are going to drop the price down to $25-$29.

Right now, with 1 machine and 1 shift, we can produce about 30 a day. We are moving towards automating our processes, so hopefully 3x that amount in the midterm future.

Thanks! Patents (which we have), I suppose, but patents are only as good as the money you have to enforce it. So basically, especially with China, protection is difficult.

We actually have plans on knocking off our own product with a plastic version, while keeping the machined versions as more 'special' editions. Hell, if someone's going to knock us off, might as well be ourselves.
If I give you my titanium conn rod, can you make me like 5 out of it?:biggrin:

I'm actually really eager to get into machining titanium. We haven't gotten there yet. We work with aluminum 99% of the time.

We're actually going to have 'limited edition metal' versions like titanium, stainless steel and aluminum bronze down the line. Should be pretty sweet.
THis is great! good luck to you guys. I'm in the process of starting a machine shop myself and plan on reading up on kickstarter
Really great innovative design. Good luck.
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Awesome stuff, congrats! Have you experimented with a dual speaker version, i.e. just extrude your current piece to match the height of an iPhone in landscape? I'm curious as to how that would affect the acoustics.
1) You should put a hole or attachment on this so that it can be a keychain. That way when you need it, it's there.

2) you should make one for the iPad as well.

3) I have an idea for a device that is very unique for the iPhone, no one makes it, it needs design and machine work from aluminum. It is something to be used in a car. Please PM me I would interested in sharing my idea but this one is not free. :smile: I can guarantee you it would be a hot seller.

Great job on your stand.
Thanks everyone!

Awesome stuff, congrats! Have you experimented with a dual speaker version, i.e. just extrude your current piece to match the height of an iPhone in landscape? I'm curious as to how that would affect the acoustics.

You know, it's actually a common misconception that the iPhone has 2 speakers, as it only has one. The other port is a microphone. You can test it out by completely plugging up the speaker hole with your finger.

1) You should put a hole or attachment on this so that it can be a keychain. That way when you need it, it's there.

2) you should make one for the iPad as well.

3) I have an idea for a device that is very unique for the iPhone, no one makes it, it needs design and machine work from aluminum. It is something to be used in a car. Please PM me I would interested in sharing my idea but this one is not free. :smile: I can guarantee you it would be a hot seller.

Great job on your stand.


1. We had a good amount of comments about a keychain hole, but we weren't able to cleanly implement a hole. Also, it would be a semi-bad keychain because it's kind of bulky. That being said, each stand comes with a nice microfiber baggy that would easily be attached to a keychain. Oh, also keys would scratch the crap out of the un-anodized version.

Where can I buy one? I "liked" your FB page, but didn't see a store.

They currently aren't up for sale on a website. The Kickstarter was a 'launching' board we used, and as we get better at production, we are going to start distributing out of Amazon!
They currently aren't up for sale on a website. The Kickstarter was a 'launching' board we used, and as we get better at production, we are going to start distributing out of Amazon!

Very cool, looks like a cool item for my office. I'll be interested when you make them available to the general public.
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kind of like this? :)

Very cool, looks like a cool item for my office. I'll be interested when you make them available to the general public.

Sweet, yeah I personally think it's a cool gadget for the office. I'll definitely let Prime know once they're available.

Great job guys! Another successful product on Kickstarter :smile:


kind of like this? :)


Yeah, except 100% better quality, 100% less tacky, and 80% more portable :biggrin:

A little OT, but what kind of CNC mill did you get? I've been thinking of getting into machining as a hobby.

Russ, I've actually been meaning to talk to you about patents, I will send you a PM.

The mill is a Hurco VM10. Let me know if you have any questions, we've started the machine shop from the ground up, so even though we're amateurs, we've been through the process.