nsx or porsche

1 June 2001
Granada Hills, CA USA
I need help. I found this forum out through one of the magazine. They had a great article on use NSX and said this is the best forum for information or just talk to other owners. Im in the market to purchase an NSX or 993. Can you guys give me the advantage and disadvantage? I have been reading alot of magazine and they love both cars. I have never driven the NSX but i have driven the 993 and loved it. My buddy has a 993 and is pushing me towards the porsche.
Not even close...OK, well maybe close but get an NSX anyway, I did. Porsches are great cars but the NSX is just that much more. Drive one first and the choice will be made. I have driven, 911's, Carreras, 930's and yes 993's.

Try looking <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/FAQ/Reference/comparisons/porsche.htm">here</a> in the NSX FAQ for comparisons between the 993 and NSX.

Also, there have been numerous message threads in the past on this subject such as <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000800.html">this</a> one.

Personally, I prefer the styling, rarity, and seating position of the NSX over the Porsche.
Also, I've noticed when parked nearby Porsches in a parking lot, my NSX is likely to get more attention than the Porsches. Maybe it's the rarity (Porsches are common around here) or maybe it's the NSX's Ferrari-like looks? I dunno, but I'm not arguing with it!

The NSX supposedly offers superior reliability. I've had my '91 NSX for almost a year now and put 7,000 miles on her. Not a single thing has gone wrong with it-- pretty good for a 10 year old sports car! I've heard far too many horror stories about Porsches with respect to reliability, though I've never owned one myself.

I know there's other forum members here who own both. Maybe they can provide some better information for you.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited 01 June 2001).]
Drive the NSX. I'm sure you can find someone in your area who will let you try driving his car (perhaps someone here). If you can arrange it with your buddy, drive the two cars back to back, switching from one to the other. Drive them on curvy roads, not just down the block. Then make your decision.
I have owned both and I can tell you if you drive the NSX it will be a hands down decision on which to buy. I'm not saying it will be the NSX. I'm just saying you will know with out a doubt. I can tell you that if you do buy the Porsche you will sooner or later buy a NSX and you will be a lot happier with it than the 993. The NSX is by far a much more user friendly car. It is very forgiving if you make a mistake while driving at high speeds. As well the maintenance will not be overwhelming cost wise or time wise. The 993 I had spent a entire summer in the shop and 13K out of my wallet for one missed gear.
I just swapped my Porsche for an NSX after being a Porsche diehard for many years. I love the NSX a bit more that the Porsche as not only do I have the same great handling and speed as the Porsche, I now have comfort.
I would go NSX.
I own a '91 NSX and just bought a '99 Porsche 996 Cabriolet about 3 weeks ago (sold my CLK430 Cab to buy it). Here's my impressions of the differences between my NSX and my Porsche:

1) The NSX seems more like a true sports car to me. Why? It's more aggressive looking, is mid-engined, is lower to the ground and the seating position is definitely "sportier".

2) The engine sound is better with the NSX. I hope to remedy that with the Fabspeed exhaust system I just ordered on Friday for the 996.

3) Regarding acceleration, the 996 seems quicker to me than my NSX due to the fact the torque delivery is better and at lower rpm's. That said, I do own a '91 model NSX, so I'm sure the later NSX's are at least as fast as the 996.

Here's my take (and I'm sure most here will disagree with me): If you're looking to buy a "toy" (weekend and nice day pleasure driver), buy the NSX. It's much more fun to drive fast than my Porsche. If you're looking to buy a car to drive on a daily basis, buy the Porsche (more "normal" driving position) ...but buy the 996 instead of the 993. The 993 may look better, but the 996 is a better car in almost all respects over the 993.

Bottom line: I like my NSX better than my Porsche, but both cars bring big smiles to me every time I drive them. You can't go wrong with either car.

PS...I plan on keeping my NSX and giving it to my just turned 13 year old son someday. It's his personal favorite as well.