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Photos from the set of Fast and Furious 5

Oh, and please upgrade to a Pro account. I'd like to see the rest of the pics!

Ironically We had to go back down to set yesterday before some of the tape got ruined going through the xray machine (despite the DO NOT XRAY stickers all over the box) so we had to reshoot some days.

Anyway I actually got in trouble for posting some of the vehicles on this forum. We didnt sign anything and they just told me to take down certain photos.

Anyway another great night. Got home about 8am this morning. (makes for a great work day at my real job ;-)

I will sort through and see what I can post.

Stay tuned!
If you had a camera on set, they would have kicked you out right then and there.

Yeah, life sucks as an extra on set. They treat you like crap cause you're expendable.

I got caught taking a picture of the dual 3D red/phantom cameras mounted on the dolly on Jackass 3D. Producer just made me delete it. it was such an awesome rig we made for one dolly... If anybody knows what I'm talking about. I was the dolly grip.

Sucks that it was in atlanta or I might have worked on it. Almost did part of FF4 but I was on a different show.

Niiice pictures ;D
It is all good.

The movie isn't out yet so this is still important information. Once the movies come out, I can post the other photos which I had to delete until the premier. :cool:
To the OP...

If you go to official site (http://www.fastfivemovie.com/) and go to images and look at the third to last pic... there is a pic of your guy (Russel?) in that pic behind Vin Diesel lol.

Russell getting Vin Diesels back!

My car actually making it into the 30 second trailer (for about 1/2 second)
Hi guys, my name is Samir and I just ran into this thread when I was searching for pictures of the set. A model friend of mine and one of my cousins were on set during filming, and a good friend of mine owns the silver Corvette in the movie. (Well, one of them. One of others is going to be in an auto museum in Galtinburg, and there's also one there in the ATL area, but it has a VW motor.)

The reason I'm looking for pictures is because I'm working on a movie permiere event with a local Rave Motion Pictures theater. The concept is to re-create the set atmosphere at the theater. We'll have some of the actual cars from the movie--the Corvette, an SUV the Rock drove, and one of the other picture cars (I believe), a black older z28 Camaro with the sickest rear wheels. And I want to have as many of the other picture cars and other set cars there as well as the extras.

Since a lot of the real cars are close by, I wanted to see if you guys with picture cars would be interested in being a part of event. It's about a 3.5hr drive from ATL, and my cousin and friend are both coming from there so you guys could all caravan. I have lodging comped at a Baymont Inn and Suites, some food comped at the theater for extras like yourself, movie tickets comped, and you'd be the stars in the public eye since you were there on set. :) I'm a photographer so I'll also be taking pics all day and we'll even shoot some video when the specatator crowd dies down, maybe having some fun recreating some of the famous scenes from the series--"dude I almost had you. You never had me. You never had your car. Ooooooo"

After the evening at the theater, we'll be driving the movie cars downtown to park them in front of the hottest club in town for a FNF-themed afterparty--comped and VIP, of course. ;) And this is both Friday and Saturday night, so it's a whole weekend of FNF fun.

I worked with this same theater for an event for FNF3, and it went really well. Well over a thousand people stopped by:

Here's a link to the complete event coverage:

The theater and club with both be running radio promos for two weeks prior to the event, so it should be even bigger than what I did for FNF3.

I'm also working with a local modeling agency which will be providing 20 or so models to take place of the girls on set that I can't find, so there will still be some eye candy.

Even tough this is a lot smaller of a town than Atlanta, the enthusiasts here are great and are really into cars of all sorts. I personally have nine cars ranging from a 94 Accord all the way to a 2005 Porsche Boxster. I've been a fan of the NSX since its inception. :) And while we've only got a handful in town and they're impressively clean, they're in near stock condition which doesn't work to build the 'atmosphere' of this type of event. Besides, you guys have the actual picture cars--how cool is that?

Let me know what you think. Feel free to post here, get in touch with via email at samir at huntsvillecarscene.com, or even call/text me at 615-512-5520. And feel free to let others with picture cars know too. I think this will be a really fun time, and I would love for you guys to make it.
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Hey Samir

What is the date of your event? We have a premiere here on Friday April 29 for all of the picture cars at the movie theater. I can talk to russell and see what we can do.

Hey Samir

What is the date of your event? We have a premiere here on Friday April 29 for all of the picture cars at the movie theater. I can talk to russell and see what we can do.

Thank you for the quick reply. :)

I knew I forgot to post something. :redface: It's April 29th and the 30th. Friday the call time is 5pm-11pm and Saturday 4pm-10pm. Let me know what you guys can do.
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The theater here will also probably be showing the film Thursday night, so that's when I was planning on all of us seeing it, before most of the public. I still have to double check with the theater the week of the opening, but I believe they will be doing a midnight showing. This way, we've already seen the movie and there's no pressure to try to see it during the event.
I just got off the phone with Russell after playing telephone tag for a bit. It's cool as anything to meet one of 'Diego's boys'. :D It's really cool to meet another enthusiast that's so young at heart. I think we could've talked for hours.

He told me about what you guys have planned Friday night, and it sounds awesome. :) If you're up for Saturday night over here at our event Alex, just let me know. I'll have a room and everything set up for you if you want to come. :)

I'll be coming to the Wild Bill's event on Thursday, so if you guys are available and want to meet, feel free to call anytime, 615-512-5520. It would be cool to hang out and just talk cars and the whole Fast Five experience. :cool:
I just got off the phone with Russell after playing telephone tag for a bit. It's cool as anything to meet one of 'Diego's boys'. :D It's really cool to meet another enthusiast that's so young at heart. I think we could've talked for hours.

He told me about what you guys have planned Friday night, and it sounds awesome. :) If you're up for Saturday night over here at our event Alex, just let me know. I'll have a room and everything set up for you if you want to come. :)

I'll be coming to the Wild Bill's event on Thursday, so if you guys are available and want to meet, feel free to call anytime, 615-512-5520. It would be cool to hang out and just talk cars and the whole Fast Five experience. :cool:

I will give you a call later this afternoon.
Well, Dodge did pay money to be their media partner, so what do you expect. :D

They actually have an edition of the 2011 RT that's supposed to look like the cars in the movie, lol.