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Racism and the next President

Has anyone noticed that Barack is just empty rhetoric?

He claims he is for Universal Healthcare, but if you read his plan (available on his website) it CLEARLY is NOT a universal healthcare plan. 15 MM ppl will still be uninsured, and according to MIT healthcare economists, his plan will cost more per capita than Hillary's while still leaving people uninsured. Barack knows it is not universal, but he blatantly and explicitly says it is.

If that doesn't show you his true colors, I don't know what will. He lies to the public, then gears them up with a "Yes we can" or "Change" or "Hope". It is preposterous that anyone would fall for this guy.

He says he is for withdrawing from Iraq, then when he is confronted by McCain that Al Quaeda is in Iraq, he says he will go after Al Quaeda. Then he quickly shifts the blame back on Bush for Al Quaeda being in Iraq without answering the question: "How can you withdrawawl from Iraq if Al Quaeda is in Iraq and you insist you will pursue Al Quaeda?"

Anyways, with regards to race I feel that Barack will have a tough road ahead of him even if he gets the dem nomination. I am really surprised that he has been able to do so well, and I think that either speaks leagues about how much this nation has progressed in terms of race or how much this nation hates Hillary Clinton. And even if he becomes the next president, I wouldn't be surprised if he were assassinated. That's going to cause a HUGE backlash from the African American community. Can you imagine the effect of having the first Black president assassinated? Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's heads will explode.

Between Barack and McCain, it's really like just choosing who you hate less.
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All I know is that these are very challenging times for the U.S. Unprecedented security issues. A slow moving train wreck of an economy. And a population that hasn't been this angry and divided in decades. :eek: :frown:

So...as tough as the next four years will be, for *any* president, why wouldn't you stick with what has generally worked for the last 300 years. An old white guy. I mean, seriously, you'd have to be one really dumb n**ger to vote for Hillary.

:wink: :biggrin: relax...comedy... :tongue:

Yeah ,but McCain is a repeat of Bush and that "N" is crazy to boot! Sorry Ski ,but you'd have to be a crazy b*tch n**guh to suggest McCain. Thank goodness I know your quite the joker:biggrin:
Has anyone noticed that Barack is just empty rhetoric?

He claims he is for Universal Healthcare, but if you read his plan (available on his website) it CLEARLY is NOT a universal healthcare plan. 15 MM ppl will still be uninsured, and according to MIT healthcare economists, his plan will cost more per capita than Hillary's while still leaving people uninsured. Barack knows it is not universal, but he blatantly and explicitly says it is.

If that doesn't show you his true colors, I don't know what will. He lies to the public, then gears them up with a "Yes we can" or "Change" or "Hope". It is preposterous that anyone would fall for this guy.

He says he is for withdrawing from Iraq, then when he is confronted by McCain that Al Quaeda is in Iraq, he says he will go after Al Quaeda. Then he quickly shifts the blame back on Bush for Al Quaeda being in Iraq without answering the question: "How can you withdrawawl from Iraq if Al Quaeda is in Iraq and you insist you will pursue Al Quaeda?"

He is full of it people. Stop listening to the fanatic mindless chanting. This is a cocaine/marijuana-using liar. He is a great speaker, a great politician but mark my words that he will screw something MAJOR up. Look what happened with the last President who used cocaine in the past...

Anyways, with regards to race I feel that Barack will have a tough road ahead of him even if he gets the dem nomination. I am really surprised that he has been able to do so well, and I think that either speaks leagues about how much this nation has progressed in terms of race or how much this nation hates Hillary Clinton. And even if he becomes the next president, I wouldn't be surprised if he were assassinated. That's going to cause a HUGE backlash from the African American community. Can you imagine the effect of having the first Black president assassinated? Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's heads will explode.

Between Barack and McCain, it's really like just choosing who you hate less.

Yeah I'd take Barack over McCain just because McCain is just Bush all over again. I'm not surprised that people are enthralled with Obama he tells you everything you want to hear. I don't like that. I've nothing against him I'm just wary of overly charismatic people.
wow i sounded like a complete jackass last night, but threw all of the extremeist late night sleep deprived aggrivated BS i still believe without a doubt that the race and sex of the nominees does matter,

if you go to a retirement home full of veterans and ask them if they would rather vote for a nameless older white guy or a middle aged woman, who do you think they would vote for?

now i obviousley know that isnt the only thing people base it on, im not crying about obama or clinton could become president,(i cry about that while i try to sleep at night:tongue: ) you have to admit there is some degree of truth to that, thats just how people are in rawest form.

so if anybody got offended by anything i wrote last night, well, i am sorry, and will pm you a cyber tissue to dry your tears if you are still crying.

If that doesn't show you his true colors, I don't know what will. He lies to the public, then gears them up with a "Yes we can" or "Change" or "Hope". It is preposterous that anyone would fall for this guy.

He says he is for withdrawing from Iraq, then when he is confronted by McCain that Al Quaeda is in Iraq, he says he will go after Al Quaeda. Then he quickly shifts the blame back on Bush for Al Quaeda being in Iraq without answering the question: "How can you withdrawawl from Iraq if Al Quaeda is in Iraq and you insist you will pursue Al Quaeda?"

wow, helllllllllo john kerry all over again.

once again, if i said anything again tongiht to disturb the sand in your vaginas, im sorry:tongue:
Yeah I'd take Barack over McCain just because McCain is just Bush all over again. I'm not surprised that people are enthralled with Obama he tells you everything you want to hear. I don't like that. I've nothing against him I'm just wary of overly charismatic people.

My fear is that in the general election, this is how McCain is going to be attacked.

However, if you do research, you'll find that McCain is an independent man, works very well in a bipartisan fashion (which Obama has not - he has not reached across the aisle to work with Republicans, and McCain has, many times, and then gets beat up by the Republicans), and has often gone against Bush's policies and/or not sided with the Republican base just b/c it is so.

For ex:
*He voted against some of the Bush tax cuts.
*He was the only candidate, and one of the very few Republicans that called waterboarding torture.
*He wants to get rid of Gitmo b/c it is only making US's image worse.
*He has a plan to address Global Warming (though recent research brings doubt on whether it even exists. I just heard that the world receded 3/4 of a degree in 2007 vs 2006..)
*He is zealously against wasteful spending and "earmarks"
*He holds a lot of views that Republicans call "Democratic"...

I coudl go on. My point is, McCain != (does not for the non-CS guys) Bush. He has solid, predictable principles that you can bet on.

Obama is a preacher, will raise taxes, heavily criticized on his foregin policy stance, was WRONG about the Surge and immediate troop withdrawl... etc...
No way. The biggest thing Obama has going for him is he's eloquent and charismatic. Being black is the second biggest thing he's got against him (first thing being that unfortunate name).

Find a white male democrat with the vocal skills and intelligence that Obama has and he would win in a rout. IMO Obama is winning despite being black, not because of it.

BTW, last 20 years it has been Bush, Clinton, Bush. Thats right 20 years. Do you really want another Clinton in the office.:eek:
My fear is that in the general election, this is how McCain is going to be attacked.

However, if you do research, you'll find that McCain is an independent man, works very well in a bipartisan fashion (which Obama has not - he has not reached across the aisle to work with Republicans, and McCain has, many times, and then gets beat up by the Republicans), and has often gone against Bush's policies and/or not sided with the Republican base just b/c it is so.

For ex:
*He voted against some of the Bush tax cuts.
*He was the only candidate, and one of the very few Republicans that called waterboarding torture.
*He wants to get rid of Gitmo b/c it is only making US's image worse.
*He has a plan to address Global Warming (though recent research brings doubt on whether it even exists. I just heard that the world receded 3/4 of a degree in 2007 vs 2006..)
*He is zealously against wasteful spending and "earmarks"
*He holds a lot of views that Republicans call "Democratic"...

I coudl go on. My point is, McCain != (does not for the non-CS guys) Bush. He has solid, predictable principles that you can bet on.

Obama is a preacher, will raise taxes, heavily criticized on his foregin policy stance, was WRONG about the Surge and immediate troop withdrawl... etc...

No offense but
1. McCain is older the dirt.
2. i prefer to call bush, governor bush. The only election he REALLY won was to be governor. He COMPLETELY stole the last 2 presidential elections.

Get ready for Obama:smile:
I would like to see a minority or a woman as President, but NOT for this coming term.

The economy, security, quality of life (cost of goods), etc are all in the crapper for the next few years. I would hate for our first minority or woman President to interhit the problems that the last aministration has left behind. The problems will be tough to fix and likely won't be fixed. Then we will hear the "told you so" - "women and/or minorities shouldn't be running this country"..."It's worse now than when Bush was running it". Scary thought that it could be worse, but it will be for the next President.
Yeah, I brought up this topic over dinner last night. The question I posed is, what happens if Obama wins and someone kills him? What will happen to race relations?

I think Obama will make a great president, and I wish all the best for him. But I know our country still has a lot of backwards racist hicks.

In many ways his situation parallels Kennedy's. A Catholic in the White house was a big deal back then, albeit not as big a deal as a Black man in the White house might be today.

And like mourning was not limited to Catholics when Kennedy was assassinated, I expect we would see similar widespread sadness from most of America if something happened today.

I dig the guy, even though his politics are decidedly to the Left of my own. 'Bout time a brother got to the big chair. God knows that there are plenty of talented people of every stripe in this country that have beaten every block in the road. No reason that it always has to be a guy that looks like my Dad.
The point I'm trying to see if anyone has experienced is:
1) bumper sticker that says, 'Once you VOTE BLACK, you can't go back!';
2) comments like, 'We're all fckd if a *n* ends up running this country,
3) or 'It's about time us black folks had someone to protect us of our rights, the white man has always sh(t on us...
The typical ignorance that is fairly common....

Comments, stickers, feelings, whether spoken or not could cause major issues in America. Here in the south it is very different, and I could see fights, rallies, protests, and the news media all over it......

You live in texas! Thats the problem
I'm not racist, and am generally color blind, but I don't like Obama or Clinton.

I wish Ms. Rice would run instead. She would get my vote for sure. Her or Colin Powell.
I hear ya. Too bad Rice said she will not enter politics even if some one ask her to be their running mate.

Never like Clinton not because she a woman, but the Clinton political history clouded her chance - in my view.

Obama - Chanting "change' but without telling the world who he will do it. We really don't know what this guy is about other than knowing that he is rank one of the most liberal politician in the Democratic party.

McCain.. Well, I guess I'll vote for him because at least I know what he is about. Not too thrill with some of his previous decsions but he stood his ground for what he believes, which is remarkable for being a politician for the last 30 plus years. He should ask Powell to be his running mate. Powell will be a good vise persident.
BTW, last 20 years it has been Bush, Clinton, Bush. Thats right 20 years. Do you really want another Clinton in the office.:eek:

Correct me if I am wrong, but the last 20 years have been relatively awesome for our country.
Never like Clinton not because she a woman, but the Clinton political history clouded her chance - in my view.

How come people don't like Hillary? I have heard this many times over, but no one has ever substantiated their dislike of her. I think there was a scandal called whitewater, but I am not too sure what it was about. What did the Clintons do that was so bad (besides the sex scandal with Lewinsky: that really shouldn't have any bearing on a Clinton's executive abilities)?
OK, So lets have John McCain's running mate be Collin Powell. Make everyone happy!
No offense but
1. McCain is older the dirt.
2. i prefer to call bush, governor bush. The only election he REALLY won was to be governor. He COMPLETELY stole the last 2 presidential elections.

Get ready for Obama:smile:

By far the dumbest statement yet. :rolleyes:
How come people don't like Hillary? I have heard this many times over, but no one has ever substantiated their dislike of her. I think there was a scandal called whitewater, but I am not too sure what it was about. What did the Clintons do that was so bad (besides the sex scandal with Lewinsky: that really shouldn't have any bearing on a Clinton's executive abilities)?

I suspect it has more to do with her personality than other issues.

She reminds many of a battle-axe mother in law.
Except Collin Powell. I doubt he will ever again want to be within a hundred miles of any politician who supports the Iraq war.

Although he may have been arm-twisted in supporting the war origionally, I think he knows that it would be twice as foolish to pull out as rapidly as Obama or Hilllary (which I trust more on National Security & Foreign Policy) want to.

I think he would/does support McCain's plan to continue to beat Al Qeada and leave once Al Qeada is beaten and the country can get back on it's feet.

I think Mitt Romney should be his running mate. Get some of the crazy Conservatives back on his side, bring someone "younger," economic savy, private sector experience .. and if McCain dies, you get to have Romney :)

How come people don't like Hillary? I have heard this many times over, but no one has ever substantiated their dislike of her. I think there was a scandal called whitewater, but I am not too sure what it was about. What did the Clintons do that was so bad (besides the sex scandal with Lewinsky: that really shouldn't have any bearing on a Clinton's executive abilities)?

As a Republican, now that she seems to be the underdog, I'm begining to like Hillary. Goo Hillary!! Vote Hillary you Texans and Ohions!
Why is it all that important?! Do you really think president runs the country? Maybe some small country like Montenegro, and if he is dictator like in ex communism states, but in modern countries its capitalism (read:money) which runs the country, no matter of who is president.
The president is not elected by virtue of the popular vote. I did not vote for Bush 43 either time, but his presidency is due to the Constitutional process for electing a president being followed.
I wonder why blacks and whites are so divided on so many things. I seriously wonder were it all came from, is it a taught behavior? After rereading the post here, i wonder what the tone would be if we all discussed this at an nsxpo. Most of us have never met but it's clear how we feel about each other and our opinions. If Obama is elected president what is the worst thing that could happen?
Why is it all that important?! Do you really think president runs the country? Maybe some small country like Montenegro, and if he is dictator like in ex communism states, but in modern countries its capitalism (read:money) which runs the country, no matter of who is president.

I used to think that way, before the current Bush admin. And, you're probably correct if you have a fairly centrist Dem or Repub.

I think Bush/Cheney proved quite conclusively that, even within our democracy (republic), the executive branch can assert A LOT of authority (all at the direction of the President and his Top 10 advisors).
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