reviews are out


I am a novice on the track and extremely slow and conservative. My Alfa was blown away by another twin Alfa (female driver from Michigan), who was blown away from the second generation white nsx owned by Stewart Wallach. Actually reach out to Stewart for realistic comments. All I know is that I was passed by all, and my left hand, arm and shoulder is sore from giving the passing signal all day.

Thanks for the link.
Funny to see that Chris Harris is saying the EXACT thing I stated in an earlier post:

I quote:
I saw some furrowed brows after people had driven it too – and I can understand why some of the TG crew didn’t ‘get’ the NSX because it takes a particular type of approach to get the best from it, and it just so happens that the worst possible preamble to doing this is driving the 488. The Ferrari is a car you can simply grab by the scruff and manhandle like some five-grand M3 – its approachability beggars belief. Try the same in the NSX, and the chassis will feel inert, the steering baffling and should you have all the chassis systems switched off it will seem the most spiteful thing since you last drove a BMW 2002 Turbo. In the snow.

But slow everything down, get a feel for the torque delivery of that turbocharged V6 and the way the front electric motors affect the chassis, and the NSX is pretty mind-blowing. And very, very fast.

So, if I should take Chris' word for it, the NSX DOES take some time to learn how to get it right.
Makes me wonder how many journalist and reviewers have actually taken (or been given) the time to get the 'feel' for the NSX.
The only gripes he could mention are the usual shifter quality. He definitely seems enamored with the new NSX, more so than the minimalist 570S I'd say.
The only gripes he could mention are the usual shifter quality. He definitely seems enamored with the new NSX, more so than the minimalist 570S I'd say.


The way I read it, he says that if you are using the 570S at 90% on the track it feels great but when you go the full 100%, it has some shortcomings (because the car was more setup for the road instead of the track).
exactly, the 570S is purposely built for the road and fun over fast. it's set up to be loose and has built in turbo lag. it's suspension is old school and primitive compared to the 650 and 675. it's light and basic, and it's exhilarating to drive...
One thing I noticed is that the rear-ward visibility is excellent for the 570S from what I can see from the multitude of pictures in different angles. It's the closest one is going to get to a 360 visibility like the first gen NSX. This is unheard of it for any modern sportscar. That is definitely a more road-friendly feature.

I'm curious how the reliability and depreciation will go for these cars. It seems like a must-own fun car, even if for only a few years.
“The NSX’s powertrain is otherworldly, something out of the future,”

"I think I was faster in the NSX, but I had more fun in the R8,” said Ganz."

"The R8 feels like the past while the NSX feels like the future, or a stepping stone to the future"

Clearly, Honda met their target with the Audi V10.
“The NSX’s powertrain is otherworldly, something out of the future,”

"I think I was faster in the NSX, but I had more fun in the R8,” said Ganz."

"The R8 feels like the past while the NSX feels like the future, or a stepping stone to the future"

Clearly, Honda met their target with the Audi V10.

you're pretty selective with your quotes N Specly... :smile:

[FONT=&quot]“When it comes time to hammer down, it's the R8 that provides so much more feedback and puts
the bigger smile on the driver's face. I think I was faster in the NSX, but I had more fun in the R8”[/FONT]
you're pretty selective with your quotes N Specly... :smile:

[FONT="]“When it comes time to hammer down, it's the R8 that provides so much more feedback and puts
the bigger smile on the driver's face. I think I was faster in the NSX, but I had more fun in the R8”[/FONT]

Having just spent two hours in the car and driving it, I officially think your opinions are useless. Drive it, then we can chat.
i have no desire to do either, but thanks for the offer... :cool:

You have "no desire" to drive the new NSX? Wow. What a bizarre comment. No serious sports car fan denies that the new NSX is one of the most important new cars of the year. I'd like to the chance to spend some extended time in ALL of the cars that the NSX has been reviewed against. Who wouldn't?
mate, these days i just haven't the time to be bothered.

but i've driven each and every one of the cars in this segment before (save the NSX, 911R and 488). of those three, the NSX is at the bottom of my list. i'm not saying it's a bad car, as i have said many times before yet you all seem coincidentally to forget. i'm just saying the other two and the McLarens excite me significantly more. that's my viewpoint and opinion.

it's no one's gain, it's no one's loss. the world will still continue spinning come sunrise...
not the slightest bit intrigued. more hype than delivery for me...

Just wondering, do you spend as much time on the McLaren, Ferrari, and Audi R8 forums as you spend here on Prime in the Second Generation NSX forum? The cars that excite you more are probably more worth reading about and posting about, I imagine. I've seen your posts here over the past several months, and you've vested quite a lot of days and nights on quite a lot of posts about a car that doesn't interest you enough to even want to try out for yourself.

I clicked on your username and selected view forum posts. Of the 200 results that returned, there were a few about MotoGP, F1, a couple of off topic posts, and a couple in the First Gen NSX section. The vast majority are about this car, and the vast majority are criticizing it. I'm not going to blanket this forum, singing praises for the Gen 2 car, because I'm more about the analog experience and my dream car is an NA1 or NA2.. not to mention the NC1 is out of my reach financially. But I'm still interested in it as a Honda fan and a car enthusiast. But if I didn't like the car I couldn't see myself making post after post after post about it in a place meant for people interested in it, including owners and prospective owners, to discuss it. I'd start to feel like a pest or one of those Internet under-bridge dwellers.

Hope you don't feel like I'm stalking you. I mean, it's here for all to see. I don't know, man, but if I had an NA2 and lived somewhere with nice climate, I'd rather go driving than spend time typing about another car I don't even care to test drive. I'd also spend more time chatting about it than its less-desirable-to-me successor. If I had a car even faster than the NC1, I'd definitely spend time with that, or at least in its online community. Of course, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Just seems like you're caught up in something you don't even really like, and it's not really fun for some others. Well, maybe when they joke about it.

Ok, back to lurking now.
Hope you don't feel like I'm stalking you. I mean, it's here for all to see. I don't know, man, but if I had an NA2 and lived somewhere with nice climate, I'd rather go driving than spend time typing about another car I don't even care to test drive. I'd also spend more time chatting about it than its less-desirable-to-me successor. If I had a car even faster than the NC1, I'd definitely spend time with that, or at least in its online community. Of course, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. Just seems like you're caught up in something you don't even really like, and it's not really fun for some others. Well, maybe when they joke about it.

Ok, back to lurking now.

seems you have a a significant amount of time on your hands. the appropriate authorities have been contacted...

He's nothing but a troll. Best to simply ignore him.

so petty...