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Robbed at gun point!!!!

31 March 2005
Its about 4:30 in the morning and my buddy John and I just finished speaking to the police about the incident. I can't get any sleep after that whole ordeal.

it was 1:30am and me and my buddy just got back to my place after the gym. we hanged out in my carport, im in his car parked behind mines engaging in a friendly coversation. A suspicious vehicle pulled into the carport two lanes to our left. I didnt recognize the vehicle, but didnt want to jump to conclusions it could just be someone dropping/picking up someone. The suspects to me look very suspicious, alerted my friend about the possible danger ahead, so we should leave I said. but before John could start the car they pulled out, so we paused. I could still hear the exhaust of their vehicle in the distance. so I told my friend we should try to get the plate #.

As I stepped out of the passenger side, one of the suspects creeped up and casually asked me something but i didnt hear cause it was just a form of distaction, cause the second suspect was behind him pointing a shotgun/rifle at my face, in all a split second. As soon as i saw that barrel of the rifle, I ducked and BOOKED IT!!!!!!

No shots were fired,....(thank god)....I ran to my apartment, and immediately dialed 911. concerned about John, the operator told me not to go back. A couple minutes later, John knocked on the door, told me he was robbed at gun point. they took his wallet w/ all his info. but no cash. He's pretty shaken up, and so am I.

Im just greatful that we're not hurt. but after going through something like that, I have a whole new outlook on life. Im more greatful to the things I take for granted (earthly possesions, loved ones, and life!) the things that are really important, even the small things. today i would say i made a transition from being a young adult, to an adult. From this day forward I will appreciate life, and live it to the fullest, at my fullest. because your life can be changed at any given moment. lifes too short.

thank you for reading my story, im still pretty shaken up but getting over it as i type. i hope our experience will make you think twice about your life, current situation, and appreciate it.
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Life is short and live it to the fullest. Please be aware and cautious of your surroundings everyone. Go with your gut feeling..those hairs that stand on the back of your neck can be a very good guide. There are a lot of good people in this world but there are a lot of bad people who wouldn't think twice about me or you.

Sorry to hear about what happened to you and your friend but I am glad you are here on Earth to type in your story.
holy shit! dude, if you need to unload some more emotions, my PM box is open to you. I have a limitied background in psychology, but if i can help, let me know. I am glad to hear no one was hurt. It's moments like those that remind me that every moment is to be savored, because nothing can guarantee that there is another moment to come. Everyone asks why I am in such a hurry to get an NSX, to refinish my house, etc. This is why.
I'm glad your'e O.K. ...........You have friends here !!!
happens all the time down here in jersey and rarely people get caught! so what do you do when some of us cant afford to move to a better place? but if you hurt someone you are wrong! thank god he didnt shoot. do they allow weapons down there? cops dont get robbed! why? thats right because they have a gun! go get 2 if allowed and do what it takes to get home to your family because cops are not always around when you need them. and your family doesnt want to get that call! glad your ok.
wow thats crazy, glad you are OK though. Really boils my blood when I hear about this kind of stuff, why can't people just earn a living like the rest of us, scumbags:mad:
Glad to read youre a bit shaking, but at least you and yur bud are oke.
Glad you are ok, feel sorry for your BUD who actually got the crappy end of the stick...

I wonder why he didn't "BOOK IT"??

Hey bro, stop by and give me all the 411 in person. Glad you're OK:rolleyes:

Time to change your bed time:biggrin:
I can't imagine what it felt like to go thru something like that. To know that in an instant someone else that you don't know can take your life and possibly get away with it. It is a sickening feeling that not only that it can happen but almost did.
Thank God you are here and able to tell about it.
I'm sure you will change the way you look at life now, as you have already mentioned.
No where is safe. I live in a rural area in PA, and on Monday the first murder in this area in 15 years occured in my small apartment complex. Just my luck. Guy was stabbed to death in his apartment, no suspects, no leads.
A$$holes are everywhere.

One of my best friends worked for me at NEC in Acton, MA. He took the train in and usually one of us would pick him up and drop him off at the train station which was about 3 miles away. Acton, MA is a quiet suburb, no serious crime to speak of, lots of trees, etc.

One day, he was walking from work to the train station, following the tracks when three guys approached him and one asked if he had a cigarette. He gave one guy a smoke and as he was doing so, was hit over the head from behind with some sort of club. The three guys proceeded to beat and kick him until they thought he was dead. He later told me that if they thought he was alive, the would have killed him, and in his mind he had to convince himself he was ready to die in order to live. He was suicidal for years afterwards and still isn't the same person.

In any event, they took about $20 from him and his smokes, his jacket, a ring, his wallet... all worthless stuff. He had to wait until they were out of sight and then managed to crawl from the tracks through the brush to the road where he managed to get help. He had lost a ton of blood and was in the hospital for a week, out of work for over a month, had over 100 stitches, most to his face and scalp, and the idiots that did this were all caught. They tried to use his ATM card, made random guesses at the password and were videotaped. The police had flagged his card and two were caught in possession of his ring, wallet and backpack. They gave the name of the third guy who was down south somewhere.

They were not charged with attempted murder for some reason or another, and received pretty short sentences... I don't recall the specifics but 5-8 years comes to mind.

I'm glad the OP is OK, that took balls to run from a guy with a shotgun. Someday I'll tell the story of the drug dealer chasing me through the streets of Manhattan and why I won't ever go to NYC again.

Actually it occurs to me, some of you have met him. He was my passenger on last year's "Boves Blast".
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The incident happened in Anaheim, or should i say Anacrime. Thank you all for your responses, (very therapeutic). As of now, im Hunting for a new place to live.Something with a garage for sure (attached preferred) but detatched will do. I should of done that a couple months ago when signs were being shown eg; when i start my day i see the meth heads down stairs getting their fix, and at night, when im downstairs admiring my car, i see bumbs, crack heads walking about. I live across a freakin' gay/transexual night club for cryin' out loud! the rent is cheap, i wonder why?

Just as I started to enjoy driving my NSX daily, something like this happens, and now i got to store it again and go back to my daily driver.:frown:

But the important thing is im ok and my friend John is ok.

John wasn't able to react because of the position he was in. he was boxed in between a wall and his own car door.

Again, thank you all. be careful out there
Wow. What a horrible evening for you and your buddy.

I'm glad you're both ok and pray that the police capture that sumbitch and put him behind bars.
robr said:
A$$holes are everywhere.

One of my best friends worked for me at NEC in Acton, MA. He took the train in and usually one of us would pick him up and drop him off at the train station which was about 3 miles away. Acton, MA is a quiet suburb, no serious crime to speak of, lots of trees, etc.

One day, he was walking from work to the train station, following the tracks when three guys approached him and one asked if he had a cigarette. He gave one guy a smoke and as he was doing so, was hit over the head from behind with some sort of club. The three guys proceeded to beat and kick him until they thought he was dead. He later told me that if they thought he was alive, the would have killed him, and in his mind he had to convince himself he was ready to die in order to live. He was suicidal for years afterwards and still isn't the same person.

In any event, they took about $20 from him and his smokes, his jacket, a ring, his wallet... all worthless stuff. He had to wait until they were out of sight and then managed to crawl from the tracks through the brush to the road where he managed to get help. He had lost a ton of blood and was in the hospital for a week, out of work for over a month, had over 100 stitches, most to his face and scalp, and the idiots that did this were all caught. They tried to use his ATM card, made random guesses at the password and were videotaped. The police had flagged his card and two were caught in possession of his ring, wallet and backpack. They gave the name of the third guy who was down south somewhere.

They were not charged with attempted murder for some reason or another, and received pretty short sentences... I don't recall the specifics but 5-8 years comes to mind.

I'm glad the OP is OK, that took balls to run from a guy with a shotgun. Someday I'll tell the story of the drug dealer chasing me through the streets of Manhattan and why I won't ever go to NYC again.

Actually it occurs to me, some of you have met him. He was my passenger on last year's "Boves Blast".

lol, here they walk for something like that.

5-8 years is for a double murder.
Man, that is jacked up! It's so weird to hear all these stories and come to the realization that it's no longer a oddity or anomaly. It's completely normal. Sucks big time. Be careful out there.
Glad both of you are save. Did you get the car number? I had almost similar situation almost 7 years ago. UK at Oxford Street. At knife point inside a telephone booth while making a call to my parents in Brunei. I manage to take sometime until two guys passing by and I thought if he stabbed me at least I got some witness and help me to hospital. Shoved him out and he panicked and I ran to the nearest police officer and made a report. It was a risky decision but I have no regret.
Me and John went to the PD today to drop off a lead on the suspects. A bank transaction slip, that was done after the incident. Hopefully we can get some surveilence of the criminals at the ATM, and see if they match the police database of criminals.

BTW, Johns car keys were also taken(but not the car). Would there be a way the ignition could be changed out to prevent it from being stolen in the future?? also the factory alarm and keyless entry??