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Seahawks V Steelers

5 June 2002
Seattle WA USA
Greetings from Seattle ,

Just got home from the Seahawk game it was awesome !!:biggrin:

anybody planning on going to the Superbowl

any NSXers in Michigan going ??thinking of making the trip ....

Thanks.. Go Hawks....

Seattle WA
Saw a shot of Jim Zorn, the QB coach. Damn, the guy still looks 15 years younger than he is !! And I didn't need to hear the reminder of how old that club is !!!

Hawks are underdogs, right? What's the spread?
i'd go if i had $5000 for tickets.

sadly I make that much a year as a student.

if only :(

hopefully my steelers will make a superbowl when I have some disposable income!
92 white 0650 said:
Hawks are underdogs, right? What's the spread?

I think Seattle is 4 point underdogs? I think thats what i heard/saw.

Pittsburgh has shown all playoffs that stuff doesn't matter what so ever, so i'm still uber-nervous. Alexander looks like a tough opponent to stop, even for us

I just got home from Denver...

Honestly, best wishes to the Seahawks, I know this is big for them, but being a native Pittsburgher my loyalties are obvious...

Hawks all the way baby! I'm so happy they're the underdogs....gonna be a sweet game!
Enjoyed the Seahawks vs Punters game enormously. Punters were a 4.5 point favorite right?

but East Coast Sports Commentators? :tongue:
Forgot the Seattle team's name 3-4 times during the game.
Every game played this year has required them to generate at least 3 reasons why the Seahawk's opponent was not "playing up to par".
And not a peep out of them, but the only time I can remember when a clean flag was picked up after a touchdown.

And now a #6 seed is favored over the best record in pro football?...
Can my IRA invest in sports betting? :biggrin:
You might just want to get your "BUS" ticket an go back home ,
the Steelers are going down (worst seed to ever get to the superbowl)

care to make it interesting ??


The Steelers took care of Denver pretty easily ...but then I never really saw Denver try to play football till the 4th qtr...not sure where Denver was but they were somewhere else last sunday...

Seachickens by 7:smile:
zahntech said:
The Steelers took care of Denver pretty easily ...but then I never really saw Denver try to play football till the 4th qtr...not sure where Denver was but they were somewhere else last sunday...

Well, I was at the game so I can tell you where Denver was... Their offense was under the Steeler Defense, and there Defense was getting smoked by the Steeler Offense...

The Broncos never adjusted to the Steelers attack on either front. Replay of the game will show you- the breaking of the Broncos was not even remotely a fluke. It was a well orchestrated and executed series of plays demonstrating excellent clock control, pin-point passing when the chips were down, and the same defensive coverage that foiled Peyton Manning just one week before.

Take away the NFL ruled "bad call" the week before and you see the same sort of dissection for the Colts.

The Steelers may have been Seeded 6th, but look at their season- or more importantly their loss record- Steeler losses came during weeks when our starting quarterback was off the field with injuries, or rusty from being off the field with injuries. What would the record have looked like if Ben had been healthy all season? If you need an indicator of the quality of the team- look at the playoff record. Yup- the lowly 6th seed went to work, and ground up the best the AFC could throw at them. They took the hardest possible route to Detroit.

The Steelers earned their place in the Superbowl so don't go pointing at that foolish "6th seed" crap- it doesn't mean diddly.

both the Colts, and the Broncos are great teams, but they weren't allowed to be a great teams on their given Sundays. I believe the Seahawks will be similarly muted in Detroit.

No matter what happens, I am convinced we will see one hell of a game.

Alright its time for me to weigh in,

As a Steeler season ticket holder, I am here to tell you all that we are in for a good game but the Curtain will indeed crash down on the Seachickens.

I have been to virtually every game this season, including the three post season games, and the Steelers are looking better each week. Cower has them focused and motivated. Troy is playing out of his mind, and Porter and Foote should be going to the pro-bowl.

If Ben can keep his head and place the ball in the exact same spots he put it in the Denver game they will win with no problem. So let's assume that he doesn't. We all watched it last year in the AFC Championship Patriot game. Interceptions and miscues. He is a different QB now, and even so, you have got to trust the power of the BUS, Willie, and Steel Curtain. I will be in Detriot, and I hope that it turns out our way. The story is great and every true NFL fan wants the Steelers to win. With all of that good MoJo the game should be in hand. Or should I say "Foote"


go steelers.

I don't think it'l be supereasy, but i do HOPE we win.

Shawn Alexander didn't win the MVP for no reason. Lets hope we can hold him to 75 or less yards and pick Hasselbeck once or twice.

well see!! im so anxious
As a native Pittsburgher the STEELERS will win by 10. The Seahawks are a great team but you can not beat a team that is emotional and as powerful as the Steelers. The MOJO is on the Steelers side!!! IT is time that we get the one for the THUMB! Hear we go STEELERS HERE we go!!!
It's going to be a good game ...I doubt either team will wipe the floor with the other ...they both play tactical and aggressive games....Seattle didn't win all those games for nothing...Should be fun to watch...
I think also it will be a Great game , all in Fun ...

However I hate to Rain on your Steel parade , it Rains up her alot , and your Steelers will go down a bit rusted at best in the game , The Steelers have played well , just not well enough to get past such a Awesome team as the Seahawks ,:biggrin:

Looks like I will make the trip after all , anybody who ends up heading to the Game Pm me , maybe we can get together , its always a pleasure meeting other NSX owners

anybody care to make it interesting , I am all ears ..:eek:

rare time in Steeler's history...

My adolescence and childhood consisted of watching:

- Mark Malone never being able to break mediocrity...

- David Woodley of Dolphin's fame making a stop that no one cared for in Pittsburgh...

- Bubby Brister giving 101% and inspiring everyone, yet sometimes one's best isn't enough...

- Neil O'Donell offered hope, but it was short-lived. Unfathomable passes in the biggest game in 25yrs, then a quick trip outta town for pay-day ended what finally could've been a fixture behind center...

- Mike Tomczak playing not to lose, instead of playing to win doesn't get you the Lombardi trophy...

- Kordell Stewart at times made the Steelers the best they ever were in their storied history, and the worst they ever were...

- Tommy Maddox, a glimpse of what it was like to have "the greatest show on turf" ala' St. Louis Rams. Well, just like the Rams, what looks good on highlight films doesn't translate to wins in the score column...

- Big Ben. Yes, it's been 25yrs of pain, frustration, and agony when it came to quarterback play for the Steelers. I still can't believe how things have unfolded. The NFL draft is like roulette, very random when it comes to top draft picks; particularly skilled positions (QB, RB, WR, etc'...). The Steelers front-office was very much enthralled by Phillip Rivers of NC State. However, he was taken by San Diego (traded from NY Giants, Eli Manning swap). Steelers pulled the trigger on Ben Roethlisberger from Miami of Ohio, a MAC school (other notable MAC players of recent yrs: Randy Moss, Chad Pennington, Byron Leftwich).

Big Ben is a phenomenal individual, and I don't mean his personality or athletic skills. On another team, he would potentially throw for over 4,000+ yards, 30+ TD's, and rush for 400+ yards year-in & year-out. He's that type of player, that gifted at the position. YET, he's adapted himself to what the demands of the Steelers are: ball-control; fewer, yet higher percentage & longer throws; ball protection & possession (ie. not leaving the pocket to rush w/ any pressure, hold onto it too long, forcing a throw). Not so obvious result of this type of play: a well-rested defence. Not many players, let alone QB's can do that. With his statistically prolific college career and his physical talents, it's good to know that the Steelers also have that dimension if they so desire.
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Re: rare time in Steeler's history...

bethel park here baby!

OK!!! I dont care what anyone says but its DEFENSE that wins games!!!
AND SEATTLE has THE DEFENSE compared to Pittsburgh...

SQUIRREL HILL BABY!!! South Carolina is a STEELER NATION ...ACTUALLY, 49 of the 50 states seem to be backing the Steelers. That is what I have been hearing and seeing. The Seachicken's and their ugly green/blue (they need to go back to the Polaris Blue and Silver) uniforms are going down. The only way they could win is if Zorn and Largent come out of retirement (they are class individuals)! The US in NOW STEELER NATION!!
If your seen Zorn as the QB coach, he could come out, the guy looks great, he is tight.

Seachickens..... :biggrin: Please.... Bad color of Uniform .....:biggrin: LOL

Retired player...om my....:eek:

come on you can do better , Your Steelers cant ,'' No Stats eh''
so I wouldnt expect anymore from any of the Pit Fans ......

Seahawks will win hands down ... just hope it's not a total massacre....

