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Spit on two times in a row!

22 May 2002
Tucson, AZ, USA
I take the NSX out to a local club on Saturday night. I know just about everybody that works there (including the bouncers) and they usually have a spot for me right out front to park. In general, they keep a pretty good eye on my car and there is no problems. Well, on Saturday night everything changed. Two punks got the boot from the club and they spit on my freakin' car! Well, I clean what I can off with a napkin, and drive home.

Yesterday, the weather was so nice I spent the whole afternoon washing the car. I even went at it with the buffer to get rid of some fine scratches and swirl marks. The car was like GLASS it was so clean.

So, I take my car out last night to eat and go have a beer at a local pub. As my firend and I are leaving, two very overweight, ugly women walk out about 20 seconds in front of me. I see that they hesitate for a second on each side of my car as they are walking by it, but I thought initially they were either talking to each oter or admiring my car. I go to unlock my car when my friend points out some MORE SPIT ON MY CAR! As it turns out, there was spit on each side of the car where these two elephantine women walked by just 20 seconds earlier!

I didn't have proof it was them, so I go inside and get a napkin to clean it off. Then, I notice that the fat chicks are in their car now and are driving by. I look over at then and they're chuckling at me as I'm cleaning! I am ballistic at this point and start yelling at them as they drive off. I get in my car to try and chase them down, but they're gone by the time I get out of the parking lot. I didn't get their license plate number, either. :(

Anyway, I'm just venting because I've had my car for almost two years now and only had one small incident before this weekend. But now, on two consecutive nights that I've had my car out on the town, my car is vandalized! I'm a friendly guy, and I don't have any enemies. Whay does this have to happen to me?

Oh well, I guess spit is better than someone keying my car or slashing the tires. Spit washes off and only costs me time instead of $$.

Sucks, but better than a boot to the door I say :)

Maybe the fat chicks were drooling...they tend to do that carrying all that weight around...:D
satan_srv said:
Sucks, but better than a boot to the door I say :)

Maybe the fat chicks were drooling...they tend to do that carrying all that weight around...:D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You did mention that you were driving to a restaurant or pub, right?
satan_srv said:
Maybe the fat chicks were drooling...they tend to do that carrying all that weight around...:D

LMAO! Well put!!

I say...go out for an enjoyable ride, BUT DONT STOP anywhere. Seems you have a bad case of "bad carma", on the other hand, maybe you should park it for awile until the Carma Gods shine upon you again!

Are you sure you didn't have a piece of chocolate on the front seat of the car????:D :D
Sorry to hear about that. In the whole year I parked my girl downtown, only once did anything happen. She got keyed on the last weekend I was down there. So the odds are about right, but thank your lucky stars that spit is the only body fluid you are dealing with. What club was it? I use my connections to put a couple goons on it all night! Or I can have them hunt down those "extremely overweight" pigs for you!

We gotta get a Albuquerque drive together soon!

Check your PMs. Stop by Casino Hollywood this weekend for the first RGRSCCA Solo II event! Spencer and I will be there.

We were at OPM on the first night. Usually, the bouncers have been very good about keeping an eye on my baby, but there wasn't much they could do about a "hit and run" incident like this one.

We were at Fox & Hound on the second night, parked right out front. For some strange reason, I knew something was going to happen with my car parked right there. Oh well.....lesson learned. :(

satan_srv said:
Maybe the fat chicks were drooling...they tend to do that carrying all that weight around...:D

:D Well, I drool all the time around my car, too! The NSX tends to do that to me.
Sorry to hear about what happened dude. People can be so vindictive it's amazing.

Just remember at the end of they day, those kids are still punk losers; and, those two woman are still fat and ugly.

You're the one who proudly drives home in his pride and joy.

Spit wipes off. Doesn't make it any less disgusting true; however, I have had a couple friends who have had their car vandalized i.e. keyed. That really hurts both the pride and the wallet.
As an earlier victim of spit, I feel for you. Makes me angry to hear stories like this.
Man I'm sorry to hear about that...People can be real a$$holes sometimes. :mad: I remember when that happend to my Integra, I was shaking I was so pissed...and that was only an Integra I can't even imagine if someone did that to my future NSX.
Viper Driver said:
...So, I take my car out last night to eat and go have a beer at a local pub. As my firend and I are leaving, two very overweight, ugly women walk out about 20 seconds in front of me. I see that they hesitate for a second on each side of my car as they are walking by it, but I thought initially they were either talking to each oter or admiring my car. I go to unlock my car when my friend points out some MORE SPIT ON MY CAR! As it turns out, there was spit on each side of the car where these two elephantine women walked by just 20 seconds earlier!

I didn't have proof it was them, so I go inside and get a napkin to clean it off. Then, I notice that the fat chicks are in their car now and are driving by. I look over at then and they're chuckling at me as I'm cleaning! I am ballistic at this point and start yelling at them as they drive off. I get in my car to try and chase them down, but they're gone by the time I get out of the parking lot. I didn't get their license plate number, either. :( ...

I have had my '91 NSX spit on by some faceless, spineless, bastards right after I waxed it and parked it at the local Borders Book Store. No reason why they spit on it, but they were too chicken to do it while I was around. :mad:

By the way, you are much more easy going that I with that spit thing and the fat chicks. I guarantee you that I would have caught them, and they would be sorry they did it. I do not put up with idiots like that for long. :mad:
96-EJ6 said:
Man I'm sorry to hear about that...People can be real a$$holes sometimes. :mad: I remember when that happend to my Integra, I was shaking I was so pissed...and that was only an Integra I can't even imagine if someone did that to my future NSX.

A few years back, some fool SHOT my Integra GSR when it was parked for about 20 minutes outside of an indoor soccer place. I had just waxed the car before going as well. Maybe it is the really clean and well cared for cars that the slobs and lowlifes go for... :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Spit on two times in a row!

they would be sorry? What are u gonna do... dangle a piece of fried chicken in front of them and not let them eat it? :confused:

Seriously tho, what can u do? It's really sad that there are people out there that are like that, but unless they really do something serious there's not much u can do. Someone threw an egg at my car on halloween. I was furious when i saw this. If i had seen the guy I probably would have attacked him, but it's probably a good thing i didn't see him. I would be the one in jail in the end if i attacked him.

The thing that makes me feel better is knowing that they did it out of jealousy because they'll never own anything better than my '91 NSX and they have to live with that for life and i just have to clean off a little egg/spit from my shiny supercar. hehe ;)

Meeyatch1 said:
I have had my '91 NSX spit on by some faceless, spineless, bastards right after I waxed it and parked it at the local Borders
Book Store. No reason why they spit on it, but they were too chicken to do it while I was around. :mad:

By the way, you are much more easy going that I with that spit thing and the fat chicks. I guarantee you that I would have caught them, and they would be sorry they did it. I do not put up with idiots like that for long. :mad:
Sorry about the spit, it seems a new ass hole is born every minute..I went to the movies recently,and parked way out from the theater. When I come out, a rather nice benz is parked next to me, that was cool,but then I notice we both have gum crammed into our door key holes!!! Like your spit, it cleaned up.Damn the ass holes that want to @!#% with our cars..I will say if I am lucky enough to observe one of these little shits doing this, I will proceed to retaliate,or at least shove the gum so far down their throat that they will choke....I guess it's just a matter of time till I get keyed or something...oh well, I love my NSX and refuse to leave it in the garage to admire!! good luck to all...Brent
sorry to hear that man. those people had no right to spit on your car. eventho its "just a car" its still rude and just pathetic if you ask me. i think it was out of envy cause they can't have such a nice car. but i'm glad to hear it was "only" spit and nothing that'll damage the car.

and that's another thing i'm worried about. haters these days will do some pretty mean things to your car for no damn reason. i always park really far away and far away from other cars now. ( i drive just a prelude.. but love it to death) i wonder what i gotta do with a nsx when i get one. never leave its side i guess. :eek:
Damn Chuck, if it ain't porcupines it's spit. Seems like the NSX is a magnet for haters! :mad:

At least you didn't leave your windows down (I hope). Spit is so much easier to clean off if it stays on the outside of the car. :mad:

Next time, release the sidewinders and let those heat seeking babies do their work!

NMNSX said:
.....but thank your lucky stars that spit is the only body fluid you are dealing with.......

Somehow that implication came off rather naughty........ ;)

At any rate, I don't think I'd tolerate any type of bodily fluid inside or on any of my cars, spit or otherwise.

It could've been worse ya know. You could've gotten the egg treatment and should any of that stuff gets into cracks and crevices, like under the windshield glass between the dash, you'd never get that stuff out. My poor poor Stook (S2000)! :(
People spitting/keying/vandalizing your car is something which will drive most off us owners mad.
I'm sure most of us would like to punch the vandal in the face, or worse.
I got my CRX (years back) once vandalized (antenna broken off), and i swear, i would have seriously injured the vandal if i knew who he was.

But then, when you think about it, just leave it as it is.
If the vandal sees your car the next time, he will probably key it, or do worse.
Also think about the risk of punching someone in the face, he might trip, and break something serious, or god knows what will happen. Next to that, you'll never know who you dealing with, if they vandalize your property, how mad are they?

I had my car spitted at, but i just laughed.

As dawggpie said, the reason they do it for, should make you feel better in the end.

Zanardi 50 said:

It could've been worse ya know. You could've gotten the egg treatment and should any of that stuff gets into cracks and crevices, like under the windshield glass between the dash, you'd never get that stuff out. My poor poor Stook (S2000)! :(

i hear you about the egg thing. on holloween someone tossed an egg right on my car. the impact made cracks the size of the egg. i was soo pissed off! i think it was the kids in my development cause they see how much i clean my car and was really jealous!
I would beat them to a pulp if they tossed things at my car....if they did not learn respect for others property in the home, then I will beat it into them!! :D
It could be worse....

In the 15 months that I have had my car, it has been keyed twice.
So look at the bright side.... at least you were able to wipe yours off and only have a story to tell about it. I get to look at the scratched design on my hood everyday.....
Looks like it's time to paint the front bumper and hood now....

Joel 91 Black/Ivory
Re: It could be worse....

JSMDMD said:
In the 15 months that I have had my car, it has been keyed twice.
So look at the bright side.... at least you were able to wipe yours off and only have a story to tell about it. I get to look at the scratched design on my hood everyday.....
Looks like it's time to paint the front bumper and hood now....

Joel 91 Black/Ivory

Ugh...that is sad. Sorry man. :(
I would have run directly to them and punch their face. For me the car does not belong to them and they have no right in anyway to mess with it. I love what one picture of an NSX-R put on his bumper "If you value your life as much as I value this car, don't mess with it". This message I take it to heart. My friends know me as a very sensitive and very aggressive when mess with. Even if somebody is just leaning on my car, i will come up to them and ask them if they own my NSX. If they are still hard headed I would hit him to the ground. Hit first ask question later. I know it's not nice to behave like that but I have spent a lot on my car and somebody just want to act stupid. They can mess with other people car but not mine. Not today or any other day.

Once I had stopped in the middle of a road and ask one female (not a lady by my standard) and scolded her for driving very close to my rear bumper. I treat all my belonging full hearted. Mess with my car and you are messing with the wrong person.