St. Louis area ownership

Glad that it was up to almost 60 yesterday, gave me a chance to wash the Lady and get a couple of more trips, today and tomorrow, before confining her to the garage for the bad stuff coming at the end of the week so to speak. Headed for the antique mall to add a couple of BMW and Mercedes miniatures to what's there tomorrow, and also to see about a new router @ the Galleria South. Mine appears to be cooking on it's "last legs" whatever those are.
Best of the Holidays and a Merry Christmas to all.
Hey Dave, how's the twins runnin? I think last I talked to you, you were working out some kinks with the clutch.

Well the twins are fine, just about to give birth to a few more in the St.Louis Area. Clutch fix was simple, buy a new, better clutch that can handle 450+ HP. The setup has about 30+ track days on it and other than cleaning the air filters and adding oil to the turbos I have done nothing but show up at the track and drive it (oh I did snap a half shaft that cost me 1/2 day of track time). That is really been the best part, the Vipers guys that I run with have had all sorts of issues this season and have hardly got a complete weekend in at the track without some problem. I know you are busy but you really should get out and play a little at Putnam or Autobahn. I am putting my track schedule together for next season and will start a new tread in the Midwest forum so if any of the dates work for your schedule you will know where I will be.

I'm planning on doing the new track by the Corvette Museum with 10/10ths next year. You need to get out in the NSX Tim.
Well the twins are fine, just about to give birth to a few more in the St.Louis Area. Clutch fix was simple, buy a new, better clutch that can handle 450+ HP. The setup has about 30+ track days on it and other than cleaning the air filters and adding oil to the turbos I have done nothing but show up at the track and drive it (oh I did snap a half shaft that cost me 1/2 day of track time). That is really been the best part, the Vipers guys that I run with have had all sorts of issues this season and have hardly got a complete weekend in at the track without some problem. I know you are busy but you really should get out and play a little at Putnam or Autobahn. I am putting my track schedule together for next season and will start a new tread in the Midwest forum so if any of the dates work for your schedule you will know where I will be.


Yeah I need to quit talking about it and just DO it! It seems that last few times something has been on my radar something else trumps it.

I'll get out one of these days. I've been getting the bug pretty bad lately. I've actually been perusing the old motorcycle forums for sale sections "getting a feel" for what a good middle weight supersport package might set me back.

My only concern with the NSX is that track days won't be "enough" and I'll want to race again... My income needs another comma, or two.

I'll keep an eye out for your thread. All I really need is a helmet and a date. Maybe a little help from you this first go around to make sure the car is all squared away.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm planning on doing the new track by the Corvette Museum with 10/10ths next year. You need to get out in the NSX Tim.

Tell me more...
A blessed Christmas and enjoyment of the Holidays to all!
Happy New Year all,
Here's to some early driving time after this weekend's predicted snow. (the tires are probably developing flat spots already). The last warm day right after the rain, they were putting down the brine early in expectation of the first snow, and since the car is clean and covered, didn't want to mess it up.

Looking for a new set of tires for the spring, but having trouble matching all 4. Seeing the horror story on the Bridgestone's on the tire forum makes me a little nervous about spending a grand for them, and wondering what the rest of you all with stock wheels are running. No one seems to be handling the Kumho's in our area in a matched set as far as I can see so far. Still awaiting quotes from several places with no sense of urgency.
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Hey guys this is a stab in the dark but, does anyone have a TypeR wing or a BAW (big as wing GT Style) they are not using and will either sell or loan out. I am going to COTA and want to play with wings to see the effect on lap times. The track has several high speed corners and a wing may be of use there.

Just send me a PM if you do or have any ideas, Thanks.

Anyone have a 3D printer?
<section class="article-content"> Honda has released 3D printing files for several of its past concept cars, letting you print models of said cars at home.
The files, available over at and published under the Creative Commons 4.0 license, currently let you print out five concepts: the Fuya-Jo, FSR Concept, Kiwami, Puyo, and the NSX Concept.
See also: 3D Printed Food: It's What's for Dinner

While plastic models are still very, very far away from real cars, the project makes us wonder when we'll be able to actually 3D print a fully operable vehicle at home.
3D printing has advanced extremely fast in the past year or two. This week, Stratasys unveiled a $330,000 printer which can produce multi-color, multi-material objects, and in early January, MakerBot announced a huge 3D printer which lets you print up to 10 items at once.
Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.
</section> <footer class="article-topics"> Topics: 3D printing, honda </footer> <footer> Image: Honda
Oh, I cannot wait for the first day of temps over 35 and a torrent of rain to wash away the brine and salt. Don't think that my D/L has been imprisoned for so long in the past 3 years. I am hoping that the tires will be good enough to get me through till the new ones arrive, but am glad I haven't ordered and mounted them, as they would have the flat spots. Hoping that the rest of you all are faring well during the winter and that we'll get in a spring drive at some point. Have to keep writing every couple of weeks to keep us at the top of the Midwest forum. Anyone else as anxious as me?
not really ready for riding weather, but just warm enough to be able to work in my garage. it hasnt been in the 30"s here for awhile now. and more snow
Yea verily it was indeed yours truly, if anyone saw a red one on the road today. Whoa, everything functioned well once the car heated up inside and out. 2 hours of visitations, Trader Joe's, Mungenast etc. and 270, 370, up and back to the North Country. The dragon lady performed flawlessly and warmed up from over 3 months in storage. Got a few things to tighten up, then routine maintenance this year including the timing belt and water pump and tires.

Thinking matched from Tire Rack Dunlop Direzzas in a 205 45 16's & 245 45 17's configuration at this point. Awaiting quotes and now opinions, should anyone care to comment.

Spring will be here shortly, hopefully, colder this week. Hoping that we'll all be able to get out and get together at some point. Does anyone know when the first cars and coffee is?
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Hey Stl Nsx crew it would be nice to see a few Nsx attend this meet. It's also good because all proceeds go to the Life Skills Autism foundation. Here is the flyer and if interested in showing your car there is only 75 spots available. You will want to email Jason. His email is at the bottom of the flyer.


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Anyone out these last couple of days? Snow tomorrow I guess. Have to wait till the rain washes off the salt and sand before I get the new tires put on, but itching to get the girl out of winter hq.
I was also out on Tuesday, had a business meeting about 1.5 hours away so the X and I had some fun. Ran near 90 for a lot of the trip and briefly saw +/- 130 (clear road, no traffic, no cops). I don't usually take it to business meetings (don't want to create false impressions) but this was with the guy I bought it from :>
Question do you know no cops?????????? No ticket!
Escort and long view.
I haven't seen a radar gun in a loooong time. I asked a STL County cop and he said they all have laser. Write a few tickets and they pay for themselves. I replied, "no, actually our taxes paid for them."
In the words of Chicken Man, "Welllllllllllllllll!" The Dragon lady has new shoes. Matched Dunlop Direzzas as described earlier, (in the words of Steve Martin "excuuuuuuuuse me, I forgot", the rears were misstated 245 40 R17's), now about 100 miles on them all yesterday. It is absolutely amazing what a new set of tires can do to this vehicle. Drives like almost new. The old ones really had to be hard, 6 years old and about 25,000 on them. Can't wait till we get some good weather, and I get to use her on a regular basis, only twice since late Nov. Found a couple of new nicks and scratches I never noticed, when on the alignment rack, but she's a driver not a garage queen, and if need be, she'll get a full repaint, but probably not in my lifetime. Snowflakes today, but Spring is on the way. Hopefully soon.
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Tore into the brakes on Sunday...nsx-nobrakes.jpg