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The Apprentice - Season 2

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
What do you all think? Looks like it will be better than the first season. I have no idea who will win, but that one chick seems insane.
I never thought that I would say this, but I am now starting to watch the apprentice. What lows I have reached! :D

I don't know about you guys, but what's up with Stacy J? She was on something and reminded me of Chris Rock's character in New Jack City right before he was killed. What a freak.

Then there's Raj, he's a cross between Charlie Chaplin and Herb Tarlek from WKRP. EMPIRE, I WANT IT TO BE CALLED EMPIRE!

Nice idea for a child toy to be named crustacean nation. :rolleyes: Can an 8 year old even pronounce that?

You gotta love the blond lawyer though.
jlindy said:
I never thought that I would say this, but I am now starting to watch the apprentice. What lows I have reached! :D

I don't know about you guys, but what's up with Stacy J? She was on something and reminded me of Chris Rock's character in New Jack City right before he was killed. What a freak.

Then there's Raj, he's a cross between Charlie Chaplin and Herb Tarlek from WKRP. EMPIRE, I WANT IT TO BE CALLED EMPIRE!

Nice idea for a child toy to be named crustacean nation. :rolleyes: Can an 8 year old even pronounce that?

You gotta love the blond lawyer though.

The blonde lawyer is HOT. Wow. That Raj is a tool. He has the fakest voice I have ever heard. If you read about these people on the website it sounds like most of them are probably already well on their way to being millionaires and most likely making more than the 250K the apprentice salary gives them.

Nonetheless, the season is going to be great.
Oh and by the way, what a joke Wes is. Private Wealth Manager? You could classify my 5 year old nephew with that title as he watches over his piggy bank. :D

Yeah and I guess you could have called me a mechanical engineer in high school because I worked the donut filling machine on the graveyard shift. Sign me up Trump!
jlindy said:
Then there's Raj, he's a cross between Charlie Chaplin and Herb Tarlek from WKRP. EMPIRE, I WANT IT TO BE CALLED EMPIRE!

Between the shoes, pants, bowtie, and cane this guy's picture should be in the dictionary next to "affectation". I'm surprised he hasn't cultivated a Brit accent to go with the rest of his trappings.
jlindy said:
I never thought that I would say this, but I am now starting to watch the apprentice. What lows I have reached! :D QUOTE]

Ah... but did you watch The Swan? THAT is a reaching a new low. :D
tmeekins said:
jlindy said:
I never thought that I would say this, but I am now starting to watch the apprentice. What lows I have reached! :D QUOTE]

Ah... but did you watch The Swan? THAT is a reaching a new low. :D

All right, I am guilty of that too, but please no more bachelor or little person bachelor, no more for love or for money, no more outback jack, no more joe millionaire, and for heaven's sake, no more temptation island. I could do without another American Idol too, but can't seem to get enough of the awful tryouts. She bangs, she bangs!!!

Last, but not very least, I think Dr. Phil's son needs to come with his own idea instead of copying Extreme Home Makeover's show. What an interesting guy he is to watch! :eek: Somewhere between Jared from Subway and Droopy Dog.
Trump messed up when he said that the contestants vary in education, including some who went to "the finest business schools in the country, including Harvard, Princeton, and Wharton". I don't know whether Harvard is a reference to Andy, who apparently attended Harvard as an undergraduate, not their business school which is a graduate school. But I can assure you that Princeton does not have a business school. It doesn't even offer a business major!
I don't TOTALLY agree w/ Trump's decision, but I do understand it.

Bradford was cocky, and driven by his ego, and he lost his shot. And he really looked like he could have made it far in this season.
That was a total ratings decision by Trump. (everything's gotta have a twist in reality tv world)
If Bradford would have articulated his decision as he did in the Taxi, Trump might have given him a pass, provided it wasn't a ratings stunt. Either way, he was an idiot for giving away his get out of jail free card.

I haven't seen a whole show yet, so I don't know all the names. But who was the chick asking all the questions about the whole manufacturing process at the ice cream palce? She won't last long! And neither will the gal who wouldn't shut up in the board room.
KGP said:
If Bradford would have articulated his decision as he did in the Taxi, Trump might have given him a pass.

I thought the same after I watched it. He needed to step up with reasoning of his 'team' approach. They said something about 13 minutes of unseen boardroom footage to come. Maybe he did articulate and it was still all for not.
I would imagine everyone that was in that boardroom will be gone in no time. Bradford was laughing and joking going into the boardroom. He was WAY too cocky. He paid for it. And Carolyn really didn't like him.

The chick with the guys is pamela I think... She is an idiot too. She waste like 30 minutes on a tour. :rolleyes:
poet_x said:
I don't TOTALLY agree w/ Trump's decision, but I do understand it.
I don't agree with it, either, unless it was a ratings stunt.

Not that he shouldn't criticize Bradford for doing something he felt was wrong. But I just think that his decision was not germane to the fact that the team lost. This is supposed to be a game where one team wins, and the other team loses, and the one who did the worst job during the loss is the one who leaves. You can't change the rules mid-stream, which is what Trump was doing. Maybe it was for ratings, but that doesn't excuse it.

Besides, there were two others who are so weak that they clearly need to leave. I'm sure they will, in the near future.

Oh, and the suggestion that all the profits be donated to charity was a nice touch.

KGP said:
who was the chick asking all the questions about the whole manufacturing process at the ice cream palce? She won't last long!
That was Pamela, as Dave noted. Apparently you missed the season opener, in which she was the project manager. She seems to have some good experience and background, but she lacks people skills (Trump said she "has a hard edge") and, as we can see this week, she lacks sales skills, too (which are essential for top executives, regardless of whether they are actually in a sales/marketing-related position or not).

KGP said:
And neither will the gal who wouldn't shut up in the board room.
I agree.

The people who will last to the end are the ones who don't screw up along the way. And we've seen that all four people in this week's boardroom for the decision don't qualify.
Even if Bradford didn't articulate what he said in the cab to Trump in the boardroom I don't think he should have been kicked off. He is extremely cocky, more so than he needs to be, but cocky people that can produce results do get far and amazingly (he seemed like an idiot at first) he does produce results. There's no reason he should have been kicked off for being cocky. Plus, the reason I think he gave up his "get out of jail" card was being he knew he did a great job in that task. Based on his efforts he knew he wasn't the weakest person there. If I were him I would have been cocky too. Look at Trump... he's a cocky SOB, I'm sure he respects that. Therefore he shouldn't have been kicked off. I don't agree with Trump's likening Bradford's decision to making a stupid detrimental business decision. Very different reasoning. Anyway, good call by the team leader girl in taking Bradford into the board room or else surely she would have been on her way home.

Overall, so far i don't like season 2 as much as season 1. I feel like the people chosen in season 1 were brighter more experienced people. Where as the people in season 2 were chosen by Mark Burnett because they would make for good "reality tv" personalities. I do like how they do the extended board room episodes now. I'm not a big fan of Trump's personality overall, but I do like how he tears into people and demands immediate answers.

Anyone watch Mark Cuban's show the Benefactor? Cuban and Trump have this heated rivalry going on between their shows now. Pretty funny. Check out Cuban's web blog for some of his comments on the subject. His show overall seems more cheesy than the apprentice. To me it feels like a bit like one of those reality tv romance, the bachelor type, shows... probably the filming style, but I think Cuban is a really bright guy and watching his analysis of people is interesting. I'm hoping his show will have some more creative tasks rather than the boring task with big name companies (that are probably paying huge money to Trump, now that Tivo and DVRs are so popular advertisers are all about advertising IN shows) on the Apprentice. Cuban giving away a million $ to the winner is like me giving a quarter to a guy on the street, puts things into perspective hehe. Why didn't I think of broadcast.com!#$$@#!
dawggpie said:
Overall, so far i don't like season 2 as much as season 1. I feel like the people chosen in season 1 were brighter more experienced people. Where as the people in season 2 were chosen by Mark Burnett because they would make for good "reality tv" personalities.
I'm not sure there is a difference in personalities between the two seasons. You certainly had your share of "reality TV personalities" in season 1; we have yet to see anyone as notorious as Omarosa, for example. Also, while the cameras pay attention to those who show character flaws, there are others who don't get the air time earlier in the series who turn out to be the superstars. You didn't see all that much of Bill or Kwame in the early episodes last season. I think there are some folks this year who will turn out to be every bit as bright and experienced as they were. Just as an example, I think Kelly did a great job leading his team to victory this week. Even Pamela praised him, and she is more accustomed to slinging mud than compliments.

To give you an idea of how some folks don't get much air time, how much have we seen of Chris? Elizabeth? Jennifer M.? John? Sandy? These names don't sound all that familiar, do they? Click here for photos of all the candidates. I'm sure we'll get to know all of them better as the series progresses.

dawggpie said:
Anyone watch Mark Cuban's show the Benefactor?
Yes. Frankly, I didn't like it. It seems as though Mark kicked a couple of people off just out of whimsy or spite (although I agreed with him for kicking off the Asian woman who turned out to be not as bold as her audition video implied). Whereas Trump usually has well thought out reasons for firing someone, reasons that make sense in the business world - someone who doesn't step up, who is indecisive, who blames other people, who lies, etc. Also, Trump has two business advisers each week who provide their opinions to him. (It's just unfortunate IMO that this week he ignored both of them.)
ya, Cuban seems pretty whimsical. I guess he really does take first impressions seriously like he mentioned. That is an important point in business he made; first impressions are key. Firing the other guys for saying the show was stupid seems a bit "stupid" tho. Cuban is probably dealing with childhood issues of being the nerdy kid on the block and now that he's powerful he doesn't want to take anyone's crap. That's my analysis (I don't even really know if he was the nerdy kid) heh.
As usual, the Reality News Online website has good articles analyzing the latest happenings on The Apprentice 2 and other reality shows. Each week, they have a long article containing all the details of the week's episode, along with a separate, shorter analysis of why the latest loser lost, such as this one about Jennifer C.

There's also an article about how betting on the Apprentice 2 winner in one online betting site was stopped because of too many bets on two particular contestants (which may or may not turn out to be accurate).
George, the Donald's sidekick, isn't very good at math. In the October 12 episode (you can see I'm getting caught up on what I missed while I was at NSXPO), he said that the revenue from the female team's fashion show was "$22,060, more than three times the men's revenue" of $7,735.
Almost three times more, yes, but not more than three times more.

George, you're fired. :D
dawggpie said:
Overall, so far i don't like season 2 as much as season 1. I feel like the people chosen in season 1 were brighter more experienced people. Where as the people in season 2 were chosen by Mark Burnett because they would make for good "reality tv" personalities.

Well... also, keep in mind that the cast from Season One had no idea as to what the series would lend itself too. It had never been done before, no one had ever heard of it, and it could have flopped completely. Now that it's become such a huge success, everyone who applied to be on the second season knows this. They all definitely have the sense of fame that they might receive from being on the show, so their reactions may reflect this. As far as more/less bright... hmmm... I don't know. "Resume" wise, Season Two has a "brighter and more experienced" (and generally older) cast. But that certainly has no bearing on how they behave. You take a bunch of "A" type personalities, throw them together, and make them all try and accomplish a task in a short amount of time and wham! You are going to get what you see. That's the beauty of it... none of that screaming and bitching and fighting is scripted at all. It's totally all real. Just point the cameras at them and the cast will just give it to you in one big take. And that's what makes it entertaining. No one would watch a show where everyone got along... it would be too boring. I applaud Mark Burnett for the casting choices he makes. And considering that over 1 million people applied, that's a big job to do!