Top 5 Questions?

5 April 2002
Gonzales , Louisiana
I always get the same 5 questions asked to me over and over again...they are as follows:
1)How fast will that thing go?
2)How much does it cost?
3)What is it?
4)What does the speedometer go up too?
5)What year is it?

Are these the standard questions that everyone gets? What questions do you get?

[This message has been edited by rickro (edited 11 October 2002).]
In addition I also get.
6. Does this thing have NOZZZZ?
7. Look at that big A** turbo (BBSC)!
8. Are you a drug dealer or sumthin?

People never stop amazing me.

Yup, those are pretty much the top 5 questions.

From guys who think they know cars: "What year is that?"

From guys who have no clue:" Is that thing fast?"

From ladies: "I love your car"
1. How old are you?
2. Bull****, Seriously?
3. How did you get all that money, what do you do?
4. I bet you pick up a lot of p**** in that thing, huh?
5. Can I drive it or can you give me a quick ride to my girlfriends house?

(One time one of my younger friends offered me $300 to take it to his senior prom)
My response was: Ofcourse not you assclown, not even my dad drives my car....maybe if you added another zero we could talk!
My dad is scared to drive mine. Doesn't want to wreck it or want a ticket because of the ease with which it gets up to speed(BBSC).

Top 5 questions I get asked:

1) Are you the owner of this vehicle
2) Do you know how fast you where going?
3) Can I see your license?
4) Can I see your insurance card?
5) Do you know your rights?

Originally posted by matteni:
Top 5 questions I get asked:

1) Are you the owner of this vehicle
2) Do you know how fast you where going?
3) Can I see your license?
4) Can I see your insurance card?
5) Do you know your rights?

Funny..I get the same 5
my reply
No Officer I really did just drop that C note getting my licence was not a bribe..geez im not even sure it belongs to me,looks like my money is all here. you must of dropped it. you should be more sure are lucky I spotted it for you or you would not have any donut money or porno rentals for a week
could you let me off with a warning since we both seem to be having a tough day? L/I on board just pulling your collective chains..I would never do such a thing ,hell im a Republican you know how honest we are just ask any Democrat.
Top 5 questions I get asked:
1) Are you the owner of this vehicle
2) Do you know how fast you where going?
3) Can I see your license?
4) Can I see your insurance card?
5) Do you know your rights?
This is funny!

One to add to the top is: "Is that a Ferrari?"
Originally posted by Smoothaccel:
Top 5 questions I get asked:
1) Are you the owner of this vehicle
2) Do you know how fast you where going?
3) Can I see your license?
4) Can I see your insurance card?
5) Do you know your rights?
This is funny!

One to add to the top is: "Is that a Ferrari?"

Your right... I forgot about that one. That one has me tempted to put "ITSANSX" On my license plate.