Traded in my 91 NSX for 91 Ferrari 348

Originally posted by ALLAN:
have someone read you the article, and youll see, that the porsche won, and the ferrari was marios favorite.

Uh... no. Mario did NOT say that the Ferrari was his favorite, and in fact, he gave it a much lower rating than the NSX (77 vs 84). However, he did say that "if he had a choice of which car he would drive home, it would be the F355 Spider". So would I - if only to sell it, buy an NSX, and invest the remaining balance.
Mario also said that the NSX "was the car I was the most comfortable in".

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 16 June 2002).]
Ferrari F355 Spider

Mario's favorite, the Ferrari F355 Spider. Andretti drove tirelessly for our tail-out cornering shots (the car does get tail-happy at the limit), and he seemed to have the biggest smile behind the wheel of Maranello's finest

Uh, whats the first line there say?he did say the nsx was comfortable, and the porsche was the winner, end of story.
No one is saying the nsx is not a great car, but again there are other cars out there. Just dont read only what you want to read!
Originally posted by ALLAN:
Mario's favorite, the Ferrari F355 Spider.

That line is not supported by his comments in the rest of the article or by his ranking of the F355. Elsewhere in the article it refers to him ranking it "in his top three", not "on top", which is consistent with the ranking numbers ascribed to him. It appears that the editors may have incorrectly inferred the picture caption from his remark about taking one home.

Originally posted by ALLAN:
Just don't read only what you want to read.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 16 June 2002).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Uh... no. Mario did NOT say that the Ferrari was his favorite, and in fact, he gave it a much lower rating than the NSX (77 vs 84). However, he did say that "if he had a choice of which car he would drive home, it would be the F355 Spider". So would I - if only to sell it, buy an NSX, and invest the remaining balance.
Mario also said that the NSX "was the car I was the most comfortable in".

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 16 June 2002).]

Well at least for once I was godam. close.LOL now I knew nsxtasy can beat ANYONE on this forum in trivial pursuit.
Because if theres anyone who is a library of information it is nsxtasy

I would prefer to drive what Mario is comfitorable.
Originally posted by ALLAN:
wow, lets see, is this another case of mynsx,opening his mouth and putting in his 2 cents without knowing what he was talking about. Where is the lambo? where is the 360? i see a 355. i also see the porsche as being voted #1. but lets see, according to mynsx, it was the voted the best handling car. This again mind you was also a test of the limited edition zanardi, which will undoubtedly post better times than our cars. Mynsx, have someone read you the article, and youll see, that the porsche won, and the ferrari was marios favorite.

Thank you Allen for allowing me to rent space in your head FREE OF CHARGE.
I guess your still stuck on the I-10 as you were in MY REAR VIEW MIRROR!!LOL
You asked for it...
Didn't really want to get into the "he said, she said" type of dicsussion but Andretti did make a few worth mentioning comments revealing the differences between the two cars.

On the Ferrari 355:
(Even though my car is a 348 with manual steering I believe the handling characteristics and feel of both F-cars are quite similiar

"The F355's steering is very precise" that reaffirms my opinion that the f-car's front end feels very precise turning into and holding the line in a corner.

"Although turn-in of the car was good, the rear end becomes squirrelly through the exit of most corners" I agree with this point about the ferrari being more twitchy in rear than the NSX. Personally, I prefer the f-cars oversteer nature which allows me to power through turns while hanging the tail. It may not give you faster lap times but it sure is a lot of fun.

On the NSX:

"The car is a little stiff, but it feels tight around corners. On most corners, the front end wants to push out, so you need to punch the throttle to get the back end out; however, you can't really drive with the throttle because there's not that much power" Andretti nailed it when he said the "front end wants to push out" that's my exact point about how the front end felt floaty entering a turn and did not communicate the feedback that I was looking for.

"The NSX is all understeer, but for a road car that's desirable because an understeering car is safer than one that oversteers. It is very stable and possesses a flat feel. But the best thing about this car is that, if you want to let your hair down, it will let you" Agreed 100% and by setting up the car geared toward understeer Acura has gone for a more stable forgiving product as opposed to the more twitchy oversteer nature of the F-cars. Again, I prefer the "edginess" of the f-cars.

Something tells me the diehard NSX faithfuls will never hear what I'm trying to say no matter what language I try.

How about this analogy. I'm sure the NSX is a second or third car for most members on this site. Now if your argument is that because the NSX delivers the top return in the looks, handling, power, refinement, reliability and cost to own departments and that is why it is the best supercar to own, then, WHY are you driving a Mercedes S or E class, or BMW 5 or 7 series and NOT a Acura TL or RL, or Lexus LS400 or GS300, or Honda Accord? The lexus and acuras are just as comparable to the german makes in terms of performance on paper, and for the most part are certainly much less costly to own and maintain. I think because to a large majority of car owners driving is a very passionate experience and not solely a utility function, therefore, for the mercedes and bmw owners, why are you satisfying your driving passion needs with your everyday car yet am willing to take the utility approach to your supercar?

I'm sure this generalization is too broad and does not apply to most of the members on this site but I think you all get the point I'm trying to make. It should be to drive a honda everday and have f-car for the weekend, not the other way around. So if you only have one car in your garage then a NSX is the perfect solution for its everyday charm and capabilities to turn it up a notch on weekends, but for me, I prefer not to compromise, I like the real deal

Hmmmm...wonder what kind of responses I'll get from this group if I suggest teh slim possibility that MAYBE the United States is not the center of the universe.......
im still waiting to see the mynsx show me where the lambo or 360 where in this article? And the whole punch line is....THE PORSCHE WON, NOT THE NSX, THE PORSCHE. beat this into your heads:
and yes mynsx, your car is faster than my stock nsx, i should hope that is.
lets repeat:
since we're all soo hung up on marios words,he rated the PORSCHE #1
lets all sell our nsx's and get a
ASIANBOND; simple logic here.


If you would like to be the center of the universe i would gladly come visit for a small fee. a real value for the few dollars/yen/rubles spent. BUT, you will have to pay shipping costs for my NSX.
ALLAN and MYNSX - Chill out or take it to e-mail.

Also, let's head this one off now: Debates about the center of the universe belong in Off Topic.

[This message has been edited by NSX Prime (edited 17 June 2002).]
Originally posted by AsianBond:
Something tells me the diehard NSX faithfuls will never hear what I'm trying to say no matter what language I try.

And something tells me that you will never hear what I'm trying to say no matter what language I try:



Originally posted by AsianBond:
everyday charm and capabilities to turn it up a notch on weekends, but for me, I prefer not to compromise, I like the real deal

Sorry, but the "real deal" is a matter of opinion. Either way, there are a few points where I think you are a bit off.

Andretti saying that the front of the NSX wants to "step out" is NOT the same as you saying that the front feels "floaty". You feeling a floaty front end while barely pushing the car (how far could you have really been pushing it?) is really bad.

Andretti, driving the car at 9-10/10ths and pointing out a handling characteristic is completely different.

I believe that something was wrong with that NSX you drove, but it doesn't matter. You are happy with your F car and that's all that matters. Believe me, you obviously wanted the Ferrari for your own reasons, nothing would have made the NSX work for you.

As far as the "daily driver" analogy goes, that's WAY off. I choose to drive a BMW over a Lexus because the cost of the car is nearly identical and I feel the BMW is better. Lexus/BMW/Benz/Acura are all way too close in terms of up front and maintenance costs these days.

Ferrari, on the other hand, is a different story. Ferrari maintenance and reliability is many times higher than the NSX. If you're really expecting that your 348 isn't going to cost you 10x more than the NSX, you're in for a big surprise, hate to tell you.

30k service for the 348/355 is around 6 grand. People that say "F car maintenance is not too bad", are really not driving the car all that much. I put 15k per year on BOTH my BMW AND the NSX.

Last point... When you say "Honda should be a daily driver, and not the other way around" it demonstrates a clear bias.

Japan will never be able to compete against Ferrari in the minds of folks who aren't even willing to accept them trying.

In the end, you definitely made the right decision for yourself on the F348.

Me personally, I'd take the NSX over certain Ferraris even if I *could* afford the cost of ownership; not ALL of them, but definitely some of them. To me, it isn't automatically in a different league because it's a Ferrari and the NSX is "just a Honda".
Holy Schmite!!! ...this discussion is going on? Dang! ...60+ posts! Good heavens.

To AsianBond,

Most of us (I for sure) never said the NSX was the 'Holy Grail' of all cars. Perhaps this is the reason why there's a 360 currently parked in my garage. Now this is a free world, one may choose what one is pleased with, but as I have previously pointed out (and got flamed from those who haven't the slightest clue what a 348 is truly like) the 348 is NOT a better car than the NSX. For you to preach otherwise in the interest of your own self satisfaction (or is it reconciliation) is utterly ridiculous. Flame this may be, but for 'those' of us who actually *owned* both cars for an EXTENDED (and I re-emphasize EXTENEDED) periods not "2 hours" or "less than 3 weeks" the reaction is expected.

Challenge this or Factory Sports that, I've have it all on my 348. Believe me, anyone of those pre-'91 and earlier 348 were simply trash. It is not until the post-'94 model did they really improved the whole package (this is where I previously posted the 348 is *marginally* faster than the NSX). You want a real F-car, get anything higher than the 355. End of story! Try and drive/race at 110% and you will quickly realize that 'bland' feeling is very welcome and all the 'explosive' handling is gonna get you is the tree (as in wrapped around it).

Bottom of the line, we are all happy for you for going with the Ferrari 348, but let's not start shouting, "The Ferrari 348 is the best sports car ... hands down by far."
I suspect several of you guys are newspaper reporters since you're all so good at twisting the facts. I never said the 348 was a better car than the NSX. I did say I PERSONALLY prefer the 348 over the NSX as a true supercar and for the reasons stated. Nuff said.

Sheesh...should've known better than to come on this site to praise the virtues of another make.....kinda like going on a Harley Davidson site and telling them Honda makes a better bike....nevertheless, you guys are a fun group and this is a great site. Enjoy your NSX in good health!

Now where's that thread about America being the center of the universe.....
Originally posted by AsianBond:
I suspect several of you guys are newspaper reporters since you're all so good at twisting the facts.

should've known better than to come on this site to praise the virtues of another make.....

Speak for yourself, Mr. Twister. I happen to think that the F355 is a similar car to the NSX in many ways, and that the 360 Modena has surpassed it, as has the current 911 Turbo (neither of which I have driven, I should add). I would bet that most folks here would agree. So much for your claims that we believe only in the superiority of our chosen marque.

Originally posted by ALLAN:
i dont know about you, but i never heard him say the nsx is crap, so i dont think you should be calling his 348 crap.

While AsianBond wins the award for "Master of Twisting Facts", ALLAN wins for "Master of Twisting Words". Re-read my words. I did not say that the 348 is crap. I said that it is "A PIECE OF CRAP COMPARED TO AN F355". That's a comparison, not an absolute. It's like saying that a 1988 CRX Si is a piece of crap compared to an NSX. The 1988 CRX Si was not crap; it was a nimble, reliable, inexpensive sports car. But it was surpassed by far in every conceivable way (except perhaps value) by the NSX - hence the comparison. Just as the F355 was a far, far better car than the 348 in every conceivable way.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 17 June 2002).]
Originally posted by AsianBond:
How about this analogy. I'm sure the NSX is a second or third car for most members on this site. Now if your argument is that because the NSX delivers the top return in the looks, handling, power, refinement, reliability and cost to own departments and that is why it is the best supercar to own, then, WHY are you driving a Mercedes S or E class, or BMW 5 or 7 series and NOT a Acura TL or RL, or Lexus LS400 or GS300, or Honda Accord?

FWIW, my other cars are an Integra and a CRX Si.

Can't we just drop this nonsense? Sheeeesh!

Lud, got the padlock handy?

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Originally posted by flaminio:
FWIW, my other cars are an Integra and a CRX Si.

FWIW, my 1991 NSX shares its garage with a 1994 Integra and a 2001 Integra (and their steel body panels and interior are indeed identical). I also owned a 1984 CRX for ten years before trading it in on the '94.
If money was no object, I'd have several sports cars. They all excel or show personality at different points, hence so many cars being produced. The more the merrier in my book. Honestly, and this is from an NSX owner/lover, Honda is not doing some things right as shown by the low sales #'s. I think the car is automatically passed over by numerous potential owners because they read to many HP lacking statements and in this country HP seems to be very significant. I was stunned when I just happened to test drive my NSX, (at it's speed). It is a 97 which can't hurt but I had been viper shopping until that fateful test drive. End of story. Asianbond enjoy your car! That's why we have so many types, to satisfy so many different types of people.
Originally posted by AsianBond:
I suspect several of you guys are newspaper reporters since you're all so good at twisting the facts. I never said the 348 was a better car than the NSX. I did say I PERSONALLY prefer the 348 over the NSX as a true supercar and for the reasons stated.

True, but your reasons for preferring the 348 were pretty pointed and based on quantifiable characteristics (ie - "I prefer the 348 because it handles better... The NSX felt floaty"). That type of presentation invites debate. Did you really not expect any argument? You can't just make claims on a public forum and then expect people to not challenge you because it was all "opinion".

Sheesh...should've known better than to come on this site to praise the virtues of another make.....kinda like going on a Harley Davidson site and telling them Honda makes a better bike....

Indeed, or going to the Ferrari site and claiming the same. The FChat summary of the NSX is that it is a decent car, but is ultimately boring, Japanese and lacking a soul. I think Ferrari doesn't really need any defending. The NSX, on the other hand, tends to get slammed constantly so here, on the NSX Forum, people tend to defend it vigorously.

Enjoy your NSX in good health!

Enjoy the 348! NSX or Ferrari, in the end, everyone is a winner!
c'mon nsxprime- with this silly thread the center of the universe debate is perfectly aligned.

and by the way, BLACK nsx's are closer to the center of the universe than all others.

all NON nsx owners should understand the center of the universe could be closer if they owned an nsx.

AND everyone is welcome at the center of the universe if they only will come willingly to me and accept the nsx as their saviour and son of the sports car god.

The yin and the yang of the nsx is forgiving and desires that you find balance in your sportscar life.


its really TOUGH to be at the center of the universe and have to cleanse the unclean....
Man oh man, this thread is the most entertaining I've seen on the Prime board in a long time. Almost as good as the "BBQSC" thread earlier in the week.

Here's the bottom line Asian "Bond" (the guy names himself after a cheesy action film franchise spy and we wonder why he likes the cheesy 348 better...hmmm):

The Ferrari 328 and later the 348 were the cars that HONDA THEMSELVES brought along with the 1991 NSX to demonstrate to automotive journalists just how superior the car was compared to the competition when driven back to back on a track. They also brought a then current base 911 Carrera. If you do a little research and read the articles those journalists wrote at that time you'll find that the competition mentioned was NO competition.

That sums up this thread nicely.

Blackjack, a sidenote to you my friend, your post was pure comedy through and through, particularly the "explosive" part. lol!

PS - If someone spots the Bond-man crying to his Ferrari mechanic about his very shortly upcoming $6K 30,000 "tune-up" don't rub it in ok? He made his choice, and he'll have to live with it.