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THANK YOU!!! And THAT is the issue at hand here. Nobody pulls out the camera when A cop is doing good. Nobody really wants to see that. It's boring to them. When a cop is beatin' someone up seemingly in an excessive manner, or IS getting beat up, that's when the camera's start rolling and the media foams at the mouth.

Being arrested for "no reason" is a pretty subjective phrase, and is entirely based upon point of view. There are protestors who feel they were arrested at the G8 conference for "no reason". But in reality their activities were detrimental to public welfare, and they were inflicting harm upon society with their actions.

The protestors often treat the arrests as a form of martyrdom, as is the case here with the post on YouTube about the evils of police.<snip> If the consequences are so horrible, then these kids should probably pick their battles more carefully.


from mercurynews.com, all legal mumbo jumbo applies:

"Ark. cop cleared of choking skateboarder

By JON GAMBRELL Associated Press Writer
Article Launched: 07/03/2007 01:49:30 AM PDT

LITTLE ROCK—A police officer who appeared to choke a skateboarder and put two others in a headlock in a video posted online used appropriate force when making his arrests, an internal police investigation found.

The Hot Springs Police Department Internal Affairs Board found the use of force was within the police department's policy on non-deadly force and recommended "no changes to this policy." The decision was released Monday.

Officer Joey Williams confronted a situation that "would have overwhelmed any single officer" when he stopped those breaking a Hot Springs city ordinance by skateboarding on a downtown sidewalk June 21, the report said.

However, Williams was faulted for leaving a handcuffed suspect unattended while chasing another youth in the resort town's historic Bathhouse Row.

Williams has been on administrative leave since the video hit YouTube on June 25. Police said he would return to active duty Thursday in the city's downtown.

"I think it was fair," City Manager Kent Myers said. Witnesses "consistently supported the actions of the officer and his efforts to control the situation."

Video from a business' security cameras shows 10 skateboarders rolling down the city sidewalk at a good clip, followed by Williams, who sprints past the last skater.

A video taken by skateboarders and later posted on YouTube shows Williams on top of one of the skaters, apparently choking him. The video also showed Williams putting another two skateboarders in a headlock, and the officer can later be heard threatening to use pepper spray on a skateboarder lying on the ground.

Police said they arrested Matthew Jon McCormack, 21, and Skylar Nalls, 19, both of Hot Springs, and four juveniles. McCormack faces a misdemeanor battery charge accusing him of pushing or striking a 67-year-old city employee during the melee. Nalls was cited for skateboarding and faces misdemeanor charges of fleeing and obstructing governmental operations.

McCormack has previously disputed many of the police allegations, especially his battery charge. He has said he pulled on the city employee's arm after the man lifted a girl off her feet in a choke-hold.

Hot Springs is a resort town about 50 miles west of Little Rock."
Re: Update

If it had been my child he was choking, I would have gone to jail for killing this Nazi Redneck Cop.
You have every right to protect yourself against even cops when you are in fear of your life by some dumb ass cop like this and excessive force is being used against you or a third person.
Amazing that such brutality is tolerated much less condoned. But then again, the matter was investigated by their own good old boys so not much else could be expected. Yea, this cop is a real hero all right. I wouldn't piss on this cop if he was fire.
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THANK YOU!!! And THAT is the issue at hand here. Nobody pulls out the camera when A cop is doing good. Nobody really wants to see that. It's boring to them. When a cop is beatin' someone up seemingly in an excessive manner, or IS getting beat up, that's when the camera's start rolling and the media foams at the mouth.

but, then again, most people don't get recognized for doing good at their jobs.

in any case, i think we exhausted this topic in the last thread. there are valid arguments on both sides. but fact of the matter is when your buddies end up in a choke hold for skateboarding.... you're probably going to tape it and feel violated in one way or another - regardless of whether the po was "right" or "wrong"

but lets not forget that, even when cops are doing the "right" thing, it can often be (easily) misconstrued as something "wrong" - especially when not all of the details are made available. (not necessarily referring to this particular situation.... just in general)

however, on the flip side..... if i ever got in a situation where i knew a cop was definitely wrong and was mistreating me in an extreme manner (ie, violently).... i'll crack his f'n head wide open (and by "him/his" i mean any officer, male or female- just as officers can't discriminate against anybody attacking them - man, woman, or child). and just about the time i'm coming out of jail, hopefully he'll be coming out of his coma. and guess what? i'll split his f'n head open again.
well, lets see what i can see wrong with this video.

1. the officer does not appear to have the guy in a choke when the onpen picture is shown. if you look carefully, you will see his left hand bunched as if in a fist indicating he has a hold of the the guys shirt and is bunched up.

2. why is it the beginning credits say the picture was taken BEFORE the cameras started rolling. isnt the mere fact thay have a picture indicate the camera was there and capable of rolling???

3. look carefully again at the vidoe and take notice of the number of splices there are throughout. what exactly was edited out of the video. do you think maybe something not so enlightening to do with the criminals actions????

4. after watching the video again, seems to me one guy was told to stop by the officer and chose to run instead, prompting the officer to catch him and take him into custody. for WHATEVER crime he may have committed, he has a duty to stop when ordered to do so. failing to do so comes with is additional charges.

5, regaurdless or not... if the charges do not satnd up, or if the officer is ultimatly proven to be wrong, IT DOES NOT GIVE ANYONE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST!!!! it also does not give anyone THE RIGHT TO INTERFER !!!!

6. therfore the charges against the others start to take place. they are told to stay away and to not get involved and they do not listen. therfore they too are now arrested.

now, it is very possible the officer was going to give the skateboarders a warning BEFORE the cameras started to roll. maybe by them running form his as he says they did in the beginning, they compounded the situation.

again, way to many questions unasnswered for anybody to be making judgements on this forum. especially the uneducated in this particular field of work. one thing is for certain though, the officer made a very bad tactical error by leaving his subject in handcuffs to chase the other one. way bad error in tactics !!!!!!


Synthesis..... tough talk from behind a computer screen..... would love to see you when the time came for you to stand behind that statement !!!!!!!!
I live in Arizona, anytime you have the balls, show up.. We'll see who pisses on who tough guy.

Synthesis.....tough talk from behind a computer screen..... would love to see you when the time came for you to stand behind that statement !!!!!!!!
Synthesis..... tough talk from behind a computer screen..... would love to see you when the time came for you to stand behind that statement !!!!!!!!

like i said, if the cop WAS wrong and WAS acting in a way that he shouldn't be, particularly in a violent fashion.... i would "split their head"

way to read only what you wanna see. i just got done "defending" the "authority side" and only said that if there was some sort of MIStreatment, then i wouldn't discriminate, whether it be some punk starting shit or a cop.

i have no problem mouthing off or kicking the shit out of anybody (or at least attempting to - some punk, a cop, God) if they are completely wrong (and i know it) and they are physcially hurting me for NO reason. when self defense is justified i will defend myself..... and trust me, i know how to defend myself both verbally and physically. and if you don't want to take my word for it, i don't care, because i don't need you to think i can or cannot "take" somebody.

if you wanna see me stand behind my statement, then walk up to me in your uniform and hit me for no reason and see if you are able to walk away from it. (you might be able to.... but, then again, you might not)

and i'm not saying that i'm a loose cannon, and i would just randomly disrespect a cop, or ANYBODY for that matter. believe it or not, i'm pretty lax, and tend to be very respectful to everybody (and if i'm not, it's usually because i'm joking). i have a very high tolerance for taking crap, but if it gets to *that point then i will respond appropriately (yes, splitting somebody's head may not be appropriate, but i said that just to illustrate the lengths to which i would go if necessary - and i would).

and please don't be like "well behind the computer.... blah blah blah".... HELLO you're behind a computer screen too. if you want, fly to my house and we'll talk. and let me know what you want for lunch, cause i take care of my guests.:smile:

anywho, i think a lot of people are just reading what they want to hear. that is what i picked up from the last thread related to all this..... if you really READ what everybody is saying (both good and bad), then you'll see that we all pretty much agree.....

but keep in mind, when somebody other than a cop, who doesn't always see the lengths that (may or may not) need to be taken to maintain order, views a video like this - they immediately seek reasons for the perceived violence. (actually, it's like that for any situation of this nature). so, when there isn't much background, anybody would immediately look to the one who is "inflicting" the violence as the one who is out of control. show a video of a kid who is knocking out another kid, and you might think that he's the "bad guy". However, the same kid kicking the crap out of the other might have just got a rock whipped at his head.

personally, i would like to see how the cop acted initially, when he first asked them to stop skateboarding.
Notice this quote in the newspaper article?

"McCormack has previously disputed many of the police allegations, especially his battery charge. He has said he pulled on the city employee's arm after the man lifted a girl off her feet in a choke-hold."

Why wasn't the city employee cited for aggravated assault? Looked like some sort of a security guard or something, maybe? Either way, he should be on charges as well, I think.
like i said, if the cop WAS wrong and WAS acting in a way that he shouldn't be, particularly in a violent fashion.... i would "split their head"

way to read only what you wanna see. i just got done "defending" the "authority side" and only said that if there was some sort of MIStreatment, then i wouldn't discriminate, whether it be some punk starting shit or a cop.

i have no problem mouthing off or kicking the shit out of anybody (or at least attempting to - some punk, a cop, God) if they are completely wrong (and i know it) and they are physcially hurting me for NO reason. when self defense is justified i will defend myself..... and trust me, i know how to defend myself both verbally and physically. and if you don't want to take my word for it, i don't care, because i don't need you to think i can or cannot "take" somebody.

if you wanna see me stand behind my statement, then walk up to me in your uniform and hit me for no reason and see if you are able to walk away from it. (you might be able to.... but, then again, you might not)

and i'm not saying that i'm a loose cannon, and i would just randomly disrespect a cop, or ANYBODY for that matter. believe it or not, i'm pretty lax, and tend to be very respectful to everybody (and if i'm not, it's usually because i'm joking). i have a very high tolerance for taking crap, but if it gets to *that point then i will respond appropriately (yes, splitting somebody's head may not be appropriate, but i said that just to illustrate the lengths to which i would go if necessary - and i would).

and please don't be like "well behind the computer.... blah blah blah".... HELLO you're behind a computer screen too. if you want, fly to my house and we'll talk. and let me know what you want for lunch, cause i take care of my guests.:smile:

anywho, i think a lot of people are just reading what they want to hear. that is what i picked up from the last thread related to all this..... if you really READ what everybody is saying (both good and bad), then you'll see that we all pretty much agree.....

but keep in mind, when somebody other than a cop, who doesn't always see the lengths that (may or may not) need to be taken to maintain order, views a video like this - they immediately seek reasons for the perceived violence. (actually, it's like that for any situation of this nature). so, when there isn't much background, anybody would immediately look to the one who is "inflicting" the violence as the one who is out of control. show a video of a kid who is knocking out another kid, and you might think that he's the "bad guy". However, the same kid kicking the crap out of the other might have just got a rock whipped at his head.

personally, i would like to see how the cop acted initially, when he first asked them to stop skateboarding.

Synthesis, please accept my apology.... i just re-read your post and do appriciate your support of officers that DO do the right thing. I think i can even understand you sentiment when you state IF the officer was wrong, so i would like to just give a small bit of advice.. please take it as a good piece... EVEN IF an officer is COMPLETLY wrong either effecting and arrest OR in the amount of force used to effeect an arrest and it is later proven to be excessive..... IT NEVER gives ANYONE the right to RESIST that force or arrest... EVER..... my advice to anyone would ALWAYS comply with an officer (even if you stongly believe he is wrong) and then address the situation later. BELIEVE ME, in todays law enforcement profession, administrators take complaints very seriously and WLL punish those officers that cross that thin line !!!!! and cops like me that take PRIDE in our proffession will ALWAYS be at the front of the line to weed out those that give our profession a black eye !!!! as you can probably tell from my previous posts, i tend to defend my proffession vigorously to say the least..... when i get on my soapbox it is usually to defend situations like these where we only see ONE side of any situation. all kinds of assumptions are then made from that ONE sided view !!!! i alway will stand behind my belief that nobody should just assume the cop is doing evil based on the ONE sided presented.

again, please accept my apology for not reading and taking your ENTIRE post into consideration before posting my own response. i guess i let GT5's post fire me up a little bit, and i shouldn't have....