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What are Obama's qualifications to be president?

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Oh come on Danny. I really expected better than that. Come on. Let's go mano a mano as to the national and international reputations of where we went to school. I really think I can beat you, but my point is who gives a rat's ass as to where someone went to school...besides you. I am ready to put you to the test. Want to accept it? CV vs. CV? I think I mentioned to you in a previous post that I managed the largest private hospital in Europe, so I really don't have a problem dealing with physicians that think they know everything and their attitudes.:wink:

"No, it's your presumption that I didn't know you're in San Francisco (although it's right there for all to see under Dtrigg), followed by the LOL. Your character flaw? Need me to explain?
Should I also copy and paste the Wiki page on the Social Security debate for you? (google "privatizing social security")



So Danny I'll assume you're a practising Psycholigist or even have a practice in Pyschaiatry. I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt that you're Board Certified in your practice.

I tell you what. I'll report the results of of the Wiki search and you report the results of my "character flaw" according to your insights on this board, never having met me, never having spoken with me, never having communicated with me.... Yeah Danny, that's how you draw your conclusions.

What kind of doctor are you anyway? You could have a Podiarty or Dental practice as far as I know.

As I said before, I am looking forward to hearing from you and being enlightened by you.

It's up to you Bucko!

All the best,


Your gorilla chest thumping routine is quite amusing and very predictable. BTW, what hospital in Europe and when were you there?


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Interesting. Why are you asking for my license number when I haven't told you what my specialty is? So that you can run it through your BIG BAD BUDDIES at the California board? One more time, have you googled "Privatizing Social Security" yet?



The big bad buddies part made me laugh pretty hard.
hes not qualified because i havent seen a obama/biden banner add on prime.

i just saw a mccain/palin banner add on this thread and felt all warm and fuzzy:smile:
Please, let's keep it to just about Obama and what he has accomplished. I really want to know.

If you were to write his resume to be president, what would you write?

* What major legislation has he authored?
* What leadership roles has he had and for how long?
* What other accomplishments can he be credited with?

This thread sucks. If MTV and MSNBC give him the thumbs up, that's good enough for me.
3. If Obama is a true convicted Christian, why is he supporting Abortion of any level?

4. Color aside, Obama is also nothing like our founding fathers.

Concerning #3: Why can't one be both Christian and Pro-Choice?

Concerning #4: You're right! Obama never owned slaves. Good work.
Concerning #3: Why can't one be both Christian and Pro-Choice?

Hmm... maybe because intentionally ending the life of a child is murder which I assume Christ would not approve of? Just because the child hasn't come out of the mother yet, doesn't mean he is not a living human. A woman can't be "a little bit pregnant", she either is or is not. In the same way, I suppose you can't truly be a little bit Christian, picking and choosing what rules to follow.

To condone abortion, Pro-Choice advocates have to argue that life does not begin at conception, but rather some time later, either at viability or birth. I submit that's a rationalization created, in most but not all instances, for the sake of minimizing inconvenience to the mother who (literally) f'd up and doesn't want to be burdened with a baby.

Hmm... maybe because intentionally ending the life of a child is murder which I assume Christ would not approve of? Just because the child hasn't come out of the mother yet, doesn't mean he is not a living human. A woman can't be "a little bit pregnant", she either is or is not. In the same way, I suppose you can't truly be a little bit Christian, picking and choosing what rules to follow.

To condone abortion, Pro-Choice advocates have to argue that life does not begin at conception, but rather some time later, either at viability or birth. I submit that's a rationalization created, in most but not all instances, for the sake of minimizing inconvenience to the mother who (literally) f'd up and doesn't want to be burdened with a baby.


Hi David,

Good points which is why I worded it as an or question. If we are to believe the constitutional basis of Roe v. Wade (as determined by the Supreme Court), then the issue of pro-Coice and Pro-Life is also another Constitution v. Bible matter.


Hmm... maybe because intentionally ending the life of a child is murder which I assume Christ would not approve of? Just because the child hasn't come out of the mother yet, doesn't mean he is not a living human. A woman can't be "a little bit pregnant", she either is or is not. In the same way, I suppose you can't truly be a little bit Christian, picking and choosing what rules to follow.

There are about 300,000,000 Americans. 79.8%, or roughly 240,000,000 are "Christian." The oft-quoted Pro-Choice/Pro-life percentages are what? I've read anywhere between 70/30 in Vermont to 33/61 in Utah. So I'll err on your side and just say 50/50.
Does that mean that 120,000,000 US Christians are wrong?
Or is it that only 60,000,000 US Christians are wrong because every single non-christian in America is Pro-Choice?
Either way, that's a heck of a lot of Christians, yes?
To condone abortion, Pro-Choice advocates have to argue that life does not begin at conception, but rather some time later, either at viability or birth. I submit that's a rationalization created, in most but not all instances, for the sake of minimizing inconvenience to the mother who (literally) f'd up and doesn't want to be burdened with a baby.


Watch, I'll condone abortion and I'll leave conception out of it.

1) what if the mother's life is at risk?
2) what if the father is the mother's dad? uncle? brother?
3) what if the father is one of 6 men who raped the mother?
4) what if it was your mother? would you advocate that she continue the pregnancy in any of the above situations?
Watch, I'll condone abortion and I'll leave conception out of it.

1) what if the mother's life is at risk?
2) what if the father is the mother's dad? uncle? brother?
3) what if the father is one of 6 men who raped the mother?
4) what if it was your mother? would you advocate that she continue the pregnancy in any of the above situations?

Just realized how far this has slid from being a thread about Obama's qualifications. Sorry. Let's get back to that. We can save this stuff for another time.
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this is going to be a more highly disputed election than ever before, theyre probably going to have to validate/backround check each new registerd voters ballot in every single swing state by hand.

acorn is out of control, people need to go to prison.
this is going to be a more highly disputed election than ever before, theyre probably going to have to validate/backround check each new registerd voters ballot in every single swing state by hand.

acorn is out of control, people need to go to prison.


So maybe we won't know who really wins the election until the middle of next year... :tongue: here we go ahead... but this time we can say with certainty that the other side is trying to steal the election... LOL
acorn is out of control, people need to go to prison.

I have a feeling this is going to be bad.
Last I hard, Obama paid Acorn to register new voters. And just in the last 1-2days, the FEDs raided Acorn on fellony voter fraud....

"Investigators raided the Las Vegas offices of a grassroots community organisation after allegations it submitted fraudulent voter registration forms that listed the members of a famous Texas sports team as voting in Nevada. "
"ACORN says it has helped ... over 1.3 million people nationwide ahead of next month's election."

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Reading these posts it is pretty sad that no one is really concerned about the issues, but rather finger pointing and making this a high school popularity contest.

All I know is that whomever gets elected is f'ed. Quite frankly with the economy, the war in Irag, the war on terror, energy and global perception expecting one of these two guys to be our savior is ridiculous.

So at the end of the day it is who will best help me FIRST and country SECOND. Given that Obama resonates with me more than McCain and furthermore it is frightening to think that Palin is a heartbeat away.

My 2 cents.
I can't speak for his qualifications (although he does make women weep like a 1980's Michael Jackson crotch grab), but his biggest accomplishment is being the first man in recent history to win his party's nomination without ever winning a prior election that was actually contested.

If he wins the Presidency (looking more likely each day) in his first real election, it will be a downright amazing climb! He waltzed into his Senate seat after sex scandals took down his rivals in both parties, what luck! Prior to that... well most of us on here know how local Chicago/Illinois politics work;)

If he wins, his good luck streak can follow him into office... that's a another qualification on top of his ability to make women swoon. We could certainly use some good luck these days!

Some things to come out of Obama's good luck streak:
-Bin Laden drops dead in a Pakistani Mountain hole
-The people of Iran overthrow their wretched leadership
-Castro drops dead and his brother promptly announces that he is converting Cuba to a free market economy
-Kim Jong-gets-Ill and drops dead... the nation adopts the South Korean govt to take them over
-Palestinians and Israel decide that the need to relax for 4 years
-Russians decide their leaders are too pissy and bitter after the 80's and overthrow them in favor of a few Swiss ex-pats.

Obama will be a hero, but we will know it was his good luck streak to which we owe all the credit..... Barack was just the vessel.

That said, I will be voting against good luck to my own peril:biggrin:
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I can't speak for his qualifications (although he does make women weep like a 1980's Michael Jackson crotch grab), but his biggest accomplishment is being the first man in recent history to win his party's nomination without ever winning a prior election that was actually contested.

If he wins the Presidency (looking more likely each day) in his first real election, it will be a downright amazing climb! He waltzed into his Senate seat after sex scandals took down his rivals in both parties, what luck! Prior to that... well most of us on here know how local Chicago/Illinois politics work;)

If he wins, his good luck streak can follow him into office... that's a another qualification on top of his ability to make women swoon. We could certainly use some good luck these days!

Some things to come out of Obama's good luck streak:
-Bin Laden drops dead in a Pakistani Mountain hole
-The people of Iran overthrow their wretched leadership
-Castro drops dead and his brother promptly announces that he is converting Cuba to a free market economy
-Kim Jong-gets-Ill and drops dead... the nation adopts the South Korean govt to take them over
-Palestinians and Israel decide that the need to relax for 4 years
-Russians decide their leaders are too pissy and bitter after the 80's and overthrow them in favor of a few Swiss ex-pats.

Obama will be a hero, but we will know it was his good luck streak to which we owe all the credit..... Barack was just the vessel.

That said, I will be voting against good luck to my own peril:biggrin:

Who was it that said "I'd rather be lucky than good"?:rolleyes:

This is the Achilee's heal for Obama, and it's a perfectly legitimate one.
ACORN is a fraudulent organization, much behind the economic meltdown. Obama paid it $800,000 and he REPRESENTED ACORN in court.

He's in bed with this corrupt organization.

And people are still flocking over this guy.
This is the Achilee's heal for Obama, and it's a perfectly legitimate one.
ACORN is a fraudulent organization, much behind the economic meltdown. Obama paid it $800,000 and he REPRESENTED ACORN in court.

He's in bed with this corrupt organization.

And people are still flocking over this guy.

exactly! if the economy wasnt taking a dump from all the horrible home loans, he would be campaigning on giving those incredibly horrible home loans! its a good thing he didnt run or get elected in 04 or our economy would be taking a DUUUUUUUUMP ten times worse than it is right now
The Obamanistas have already taken it down.....Resistance is futile!!

I like how he has a half brother in Africa that lives in a plywood shack and he has done little or nothing to help his family.

Real nice.
The Obamanistas have already taken it down.....Resistance is futile!!

I like how he has a half brother in Africa that lives in a plywood shack and he has done little or nothing to help his family.

Real nice.

This link is still working: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah9W24oMIRc

Obama Late To Hearings
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ah9W24oMIRc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ah9W24oMIRc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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