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what's the single best thing you can do for your health?

I'm glad to see people starting to recognize the health benefits of simply walking.Exercising muscle does not need insulin to metabolize sugar,the body hates having to deal with massive quantites of carbs in the sedentary....it just screws you up over the years.
The mean green. Awesome stuff and does wonders for your health. I gotta start juicing again! I feel fantastic drinking this stuff. Try it for one week and see how much more energy you have.

Mean Green

1 Bulk of Kale
4 Stalks of Celery
1 Cucumber
2 Granny Smith Apples
1/2 Lemon ( I just use lemon juice )
Ginger Root (thumb size)

Looks like grass shit but makes you feel like a million!

What sucks about juicing celery is that it absolutely overpowers everything else. Beyond that those are all common ingredients that I use. Unfortunately I'm on the road on the weekdays but I'm considering consolidating my suitcase so I can make room for a Breville.

With any odd mixture I've came up with, the end drink isn't nearly as gross as it looks. Lemon and ginger are key ingredients to give a decent flavor.
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I asked myself that question last year, and decided I needed to really start taking better care of myself. I wanted to be more active, and enjoy my life more than i was going from the bed to work, to the couch then back to bed.

On Feb 23rd 2011 I went to visit the trainers at the gym located at my workplace. She did a wellness assessment where she measured my body fat%, my heart rate, did a measurement on my VO2 Max, and flexibility.

After this I started jogging, building up to greater distances. I also started some crossfit, and continued to train Jiu Jitsu 3 times a week. For the first time in my life I started watching what I ate- reading labels on the foods I ate, placing weighted values on protein, carbs and fats. If the food didn't have a label where i could get the nutritional facts, then I didn't eat it anymore. Things like fast food from McDonalds- they offer nutritional info, but you have to go on the web to get it. I say that is "no label" they are hiding the facts from me, so now I never go there.

As you can tell by the date, I kicked this off exactly one year ago. This morning I went back and did a one year follow up.

Here are the changes in a chart i made for comparison


Blood pressure is down 8pts
Weight is down 23lbs
body fat is nearly half- with the largest loss in the abdomen where weight loss is difficult. I am now classed "Athlete" with 9% body fat.
VO2 Max is up 15 pts (still needs work)

The best part is that this is my life now. Going out and doing things, eating well is all part of my lifestyle.

So my advice? If you want to be healthy, change the way you're living. Quit eating shit you can't identify. Get out and move for at least 60 min every day.

Here is a before/after pic


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BTW, I have also watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead- it is a very good documentary, but the juice fast isn't "the point". The point is that you can "reboot" on juice, and change your diet, but to truly succeed at changing your well being you also need to change the way you live by adopting a healthier lifestyle. This includes physical activity.
Sleep, Water, Exercise. Its simple really. The more of each or all the better.
What sucks about juicing celery is that it absolutely overpowers everything else. Beyond that those are all common ingredients that I use. Unfortunately I'm on the road on the weekdays but I'm considering consolidating my suitcase so I can make room for a Breville.

With any odd mixture I've came up with, the end drink isn't nearly as gross as it looks. Lemon and ginger are key ingredients to give a decent flavor.

Yeah I usually add more lemon to mines to add more flavoring. I also add carrots for coloring and vitamins. I'm thinking of a sweet healthy fruit to make it an even more enjoyable drink. I've gotten used to the taste as it's pretty refreshing but the color just looks like baby poop. The wife and I will be headed to the farmers market to really start stocking up.
We all are addressing the physical side of our health but what about the mental side? I've been looking into nootropics for awhile now and I think it has a lot of benefits including mental focus and clarity. We can all increase our Brain Power as this just another part of total health.

Nootropics ( /noʊ.ɵˈtrɒpɨks/ no-eh-tro-pik), also referred to as smart drugs, memory enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.[1][2] The word nootropic was coined in 1972[3][4] by the Romanian Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, derived from the Greek words νους nous, or "mind," and τρέπειν trepein meaning "to bend/turn". Nootropics are thought to work by altering the availability of the brain's supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones), by improving the brain's oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth. However the efficacy of nootropic substances, in most cases, has not been conclusively determined. This is complicated by the difficulty of defining and quantifying cognition and intelligence.
We all are addressing the physical side of our health but what about the mental side? I've been looking into nootropics for awhile now and I think it has a lot of benefits including mental focus and clarity. We can all increase our Brain Power as this just another part of total health.

Nootropics ( /noʊ.ɵˈtrɒpɨks/ no-eh-tro-pik), also referred to as smart drugs, memory enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.[1][2] The word nootropic was coined in 1972[3][4] by the Romanian Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, derived from the Greek words νους nous, or "mind," and τρέπειν trepein meaning "to bend/turn". Nootropics are thought to work by altering the availability of the brain's supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones), by improving the brain's oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth. However the efficacy of nootropic substances, in most cases, has not been conclusively determined. This is complicated by the difficulty of defining and quantifying cognition and intelligence.

Nootropics are great in theory but they have a long way to go. I've tried a few but I like focus xt, it has a good combo of ingredients.
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Do yourselves a favor

Watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" (it's on netflix and vimeo)

Go buy a juicer and start consuming at least one meal a day in vegetable juices. I am the last person that can stand to eat raw vegetables but I love this disgusting green sludge. It will make you feel like a million bucks.

Lose 10 pounds...... Or 30.

I watched the movie yesterday. It reminded me of something I experienced. I wish I could market and sell it for weight loss but it's too easy to sell, unlike the processed-food weight watcher's meals.

Last May 2011 I radically changed my diet in an attempt to address some very problematic gastrointestinal issues. Some relatively light meds kept things fine for 8 years but in May 2010 my symptoms got out of control, and ten months of escalating stronger & crazier drugs did nothing. Colon removal was next so as a last resort I tried a special "specific carbohydrate diet" that I read about online. It wasn't a diet to lose weight; it was a dietary change away from "illegal" foods that 40 yeas ago were found to inflame my condition, and a change towards "legal" foods that promoted repair and a calm gut for people like me. The diet essentially prohibited cow's milk, bread/grains, pasta, candy/treats, nuts, chips, pizza, sugary things, anything processed, and specific veggie/fruit carbs that were known to inflame guts of people with my disease. No processed food meant "no" to 90% of supermarket shelves. I was limited solely to 100% grape juice, broiled/grilled/baked meats & fish, most veggies, most fruits, some coffee, homemade chicken soup (no noodles), certain nuts and nut flour, water, basic spices, farmer's cheese, and eventually some greek yogurt and soy milk. There's an awful lot that you can make from those ingredients...

Miraculously, the diet reduced my symptoms by 80% within 10 days. Also I went thru 4-5 days of brain fog like the juicing movie suggests, where your body is cleansing out the sugars and and junk in your colon initially. But the main reason I'm posting is: Very long story short - without intending to lose weight and without calorie counting (and honestly w/o much exercising), in 2 months I lost 17 lbs that I did not need to lose or want to lose. I went from 164 to 147 lb from May 20 2011 to July 17, and I'm 5'10". I don't have a scale at home but when I used one at a friend's house on July 17, my jaw hit the floor to see 147#. I hadn't seen that number since early high school. I knew I was losing a little weight as I kept moving belt holes every few weeks but I never realized how much - I was never starving as I ate all I wanted of the healthy "legal" foods and I distracted to the weight loss by being happy about how much better my symptoms were getting after 12 months of a mild hell. Also noticeable was the increased sense of energy all day with no more 2pm sleepiness at work, I guess since I started eating more proteins than before and stopped the carb-heavy breakfasts, snacks, and lunches. Before this I was honestly a healthy eater who indulged only occasionally in fast food as a treat but who snacked all day at work and home between healthy meals.

So, trying to keep this short - along the lines of this thread, #1 I'm amazed at how dietary & lifestyle changes can sometimes significantly affect your conditions and be a very healthy thing for you to do by attacking the root cause rather than keep taking increasingly powerful meds to attack the symptoms and allow you to keep doing the unhealthy things that worsen your condition. And mainly #2 if anyone wants to lose weight, there's an alternative to the pricey$ mail-order processed diet food programs - stay away 100% from the "illegal" foods mentioned above and go to town with the legal foods, many of which are low calorie by default. 17 lbs in less than 60 days and I didn't even exercise.

Now 8 months later, while still on some relatively minor meds compared to before, I can occasionally dip into illegal foods but now I have no desire to overindulge in them like I used to. Some pain (from having to spend more time shopping & cooking since fresh made food w/o preservatives goes bad in 2-3 days in the fridge) but mostly all gain. After that movie, I'm also going try adding juicing into the mix.

Best summarized by:
The best part is that this is my life now. Going out and doing things, eating well is all part of my lifestyle.

So my advice? If you want to be healthy, change the way you're living. Quit eating shit you can't identify. Get out and move for at least 60 min every day.
I asked myself that question last year, and decided I needed to really start taking better care of myself. I wanted to be more active, and enjoy my life more than i was going from the bed to work, to the couch then back to bed.

On Feb 23rd 2011 I went to visit the trainers at the gym located at my workplace. She did a wellness assessment where she measured my body fat%, my heart rate, did a measurement on my VO2 Max, and flexibility.

After this I started jogging, building up to greater distances. I also started some crossfit, and continued to train Jiu Jitsu 3 times a week. For the first time in my life I started watching what I ate- reading labels on the foods I ate, placing weighted values on protein, carbs and fats. If the food didn't have a label where i could get the nutritional facts, then I didn't eat it anymore. Things like fast food from McDonalds- they offer nutritional info, but you have to go on the web to get it. I say that is "no label" they are hiding the facts from me, so now I never go there.

As you can tell by the date, I kicked this off exactly one year ago. This morning I went back and did a one year follow up.

Here are the changes in a chart i made for comparison


Blood pressure is down 8pts
Weight is down 23lbs
body fat is nearly half- with the largest loss in the abdomen where weight loss is difficult. I am now classed "Athlete" with 9% body fat.
VO2 Max is up 15 pts (still needs work)

The best part is that this is my life now. Going out and doing things, eating well is all part of my lifestyle.

So my advice? If you want to be healthy, change the way you're living. Quit eating shit you can't identify. Get out and move for at least 60 min every day.

Here is a before/after pic


Congrats, that is very impressive. :smile:
IMO, the single best thing for you to do is find a physical activity that you LOVE.

From there it's EASY to do it on a regular basis.
I heard that good sex is like 30-60 minutes of calisthenics. It's enjoyable and cements a personal bond. Why not just focus on preaching this instead of just excersize?

You are lagging...it took 40 posts before you came in with that response...:smile:
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Well, I'm in great pain from dropping on my shoulder at speeds so great at Heavenly that both of my skis were 50 feet from me.......

Ouch! Well at least you have been enjoying the snow. I still have not made it out this year. :frown:
Congrats, that is very impressive. :smile:


It gets easier to stay on the path all the time, the hard part was just getting started. Not just making that decision but actually taking action. After that it was all about sticking to it, and when I fell off (and that happened a few times) getting back on, and renewing my commitment.

When I started I had 3 others with me. All 3 gave up on it after a few months. I think the one thing that has kept me going has been to set a goal for every 6 months- I ran a 10 mile Tough Mudder last June, another longer Tough Mudder in January, I have yet another one coming up in June, and I've started training for my first Triathlon which I consider a "next level" event after the Tough Mudders since I can race in longer distance events as I continue to develop. I'm starting with an Aquathlon (swim, and then run) this summer. After that I will focus on a Sprint distance Tri, then an Olympic Distance Tri, then Half Ironman ect...

It keeps my life interesting and gives me goals to aim for. The one year numbers are pretty satisfying, but now I look forward to my 2 year results.
I asked myself that question last year, and decided I needed to really start taking better care of myself. I wanted to be more active, and enjoy my life more than i was going from the bed to work, to the couch then back to bed.

On Feb 23rd 2011 I went to visit the trainers at the gym located at my workplace. She did a wellness assessment where she measured my body fat%, my heart rate, did a measurement on my VO2 Max, and flexibility.

After this I started jogging, building up to greater distances. I also started some crossfit, and continued to train Jiu Jitsu 3 times a week. For the first time in my life I started watching what I ate- reading labels on the foods I ate, placing weighted values on protein, carbs and fats. If the food didn't have a label where i could get the nutritional facts, then I didn't eat it anymore. Things like fast food from McDonalds- they offer nutritional info, but you have to go on the web to get it. I say that is "no label" they are hiding the facts from me, so now I never go there.

As you can tell by the date, I kicked this off exactly one year ago. This morning I went back and did a one year follow up.

Here are the changes in a chart i made for comparison


Blood pressure is down 8pts
Weight is down 23lbs
body fat is nearly half- with the largest loss in the abdomen where weight loss is difficult. I am now classed "Athlete" with 9% body fat.
VO2 Max is up 15 pts (still needs work)

The best part is that this is my life now. Going out and doing things, eating well is all part of my lifestyle.

So my advice? If you want to be healthy, change the way you're living. Quit eating shit you can't identify. Get out and move for at least 60 min every day.

Here is a before/after pic



Good work. I don't even think you looked that bad to begin with, under 200 lbs as an American? Impressive! :). I am at 180 LBS now with similar build though I was as high as 205. I'm shooting for 170-175 LBS..