You're not gonna' believe this

24 August 2005
NW Florida
I was on my way to work today, going down the interstate in the inside, fast lane. All of a sudden I heard this loud pop, so I am looking at all of my instruments to make sure nothing is acting up. I look out my rear view mirror and my rear window/partition glass is shattered. I figgure a rock or something had to of come from the other side of the road, as the only thing between north and south traffic is one of those concrete barriers and not a big median. I was able to turn my head around enough and see where whatever it was went through the glass. It is about two inches up and three inches in on the drivers side, in other words pretty darn close to my head. :eek: :eek: :eek:

What's worse is that is the most expensive piece of glass on the car. :mad: That small piece of glass is more expensive than the front windshield or the rear engine hatch glass. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Time to call my insurance and see how much of this cost they will cover. My Acura dealer said almost $1100 including install, but they are charging me full price for the glass. I am sure I can get that thing for almost $200 less from Scott at Acura of Escondido.
I may be misreading your post, but how did it break that partition glass without also breaking your rear hatch glass? Or did it break that also?

In either case, glad you came out okay.

Is there any debris inside your car to give you a clue what may have broken your glass?
My car has some scratches/gouges that look like a rock or something hit the inside of the partition glass, (in the interior of the car) almost in the center of the glass. From looking at it it looks like something struck it at an angle and slid across the surface of the glass. When I bought the car it was there and I always wondered how that happened. Maybe it was the same thing as what happened to you?
The good thing about insurance is no matter how expensive the glass is the deductible is the same.
Is your car a Targa? Was the top off?

I know your in the military, did you piss off someone from sniper school? :biggrin:
Wow, this sounds very, very strange to me. Was there a hole made in the glass, or did it just crack and shatter from where the "object" impacted it? Also, do you think that the glass was broken from the engine compartment side, or the side facing you in the cabin? I don't think that there is a direct path for a rock to travel from the ground to the glass inside of the engine compartment.

This has not been a very good week for New Mexico NSXs! :eek:
Red said:
Is your car a Targa? Was the top off?

I know your in the military, did you piss off someone from sniper school? :biggrin:

LMAO...While you mention it I thought maybe I did get shot at. Since the partition glass is a double panned piece and whatever hit it did not go through both pieces I kind of rules that out, unless it was a BB gun.

It is a targa, yes the top was off.

I'll take a pic and try to post it for everyone.
53heloFE said:
LMAO...While you mention it I thought maybe I did get shot at. Since the partition glass is a double panned piece and whatever hit it did not go through both pieces I kind of rules that out, unless it was a BB gun.

It is a targa, yes the top was off.

I'll take a pic and try to post it for everyone.

You need to follow the philosophy... if it breaks, upgrade! :biggrin:

Time for an aftermarket lightweight partition and lightweight rear window!
Ok, this is my first time uploading photos here so I took them in a low setting so they would not be too big, I hope they work. :confused:

It is hard to see where the impact was from the inside picture but the picture from the rear it is easy to see where the object hit the glass. It hit from the inside, and yes the top was off and drivers window was down.


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TTony said:
Time for an aftermarket lightweight partition and lightweight rear window!

Dude! Do they have those??? :biggrin:

I guess I could go Lexan, should have thought about that before I ordered the new glass :frown:
Looks to me like you were shot at :eek:

Count your blessings that (a) you are alive and unhurt; (b) it wasn't another few inches; and (c) the glass did not shatter into flying pieces.

Edit: typo
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53heloFE said:
Dude! Do they have those??? :biggrin:

I guess I could go Lexan, should have thought about that before I ordered the new glass :frown:

Doesn't the Zanardi edition have a lightweight piece of glass there? I'd try asking how much one of those are at the dealership.

Edit: I found this on Honda's website. So it looks like you might be able to do this.

"The Alex Zanardi Edition takes NSX performance up a notch with an improved power 40-weight ratio. Total vehicle weight is reduced 149 pounds compared to the NSX-T, through the use of a fixed hard-top roof, lighter rear spoiler, single pane rear glass, lightweight BBS alloy wheels, a lighter battery, and a manual rack-and-pinion steering system in place of the electric power steering."
velo-ct said:
"He's mad at the cans! Get away from the cans!..."

haha! There's cans everywhere!
velo-ct said:
"He's mad at the cans! Get away from the cans!..."
A famous quote from that jerk Naven R. Johnson. :biggrin:
Wow, that is extremely scary. It does appear like a bullet mark! Where were you driving (area, type of road?) Thank God you are okay!!!!
Spinner said:
Did you find a rock, or a bullet?
Seriously, if it didn't penetrate the back pane of the window, whatever hit could still be in the cockpit somewhere. I would launch a serious search under the seats for ... something.
whatta pane in the ass...
quite the mystery??????????
I was driving down interstate 25 at about 2:00 PM not like a terrible section of town. I really don't see how it could have been a bullet, unless it was a BB gun or a pellet gun because it only penetrated one of the two layers of glass. I will look around to see if I notice anything laying on the floor.

I have a new piece of glass on order, but it will not be here until next week which sux. I will post if I find anything, especially between the two pieces of glass when I replace it. Thanks for everyones posts.