02 headlight shaving??

30 August 2012
Summerville sc
Hello prime. I Recently got to see the 02 headlights in person for the first time a few weeks back and from what it looks like to me the headlight housing comes off the lights a good bit and was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to replace the top of the headlight with one that is more sleek and fitted to the headlights. Not sure if it's shaped that way for heat or what but I think this would take care of some of the bug eye complaints. Thoughts or suggestions????
I think it would still look kinda goofy, not to mention that sounds prohibitively expensive. Basically, that would look something like the pre-02 fixed headlights like Marga Hills:


or Taitec:

There is an aerodynamic aspect to the shape of the lights.
Thanks for the feedback so far but what I'm really trying to find out is if the lens bulges out away from the lights that much due to a heat issues or if I found a way to get the lens closer to the lights I wouldn't have any heat issues. Thanks
no heat issues they curved it like that to make it look good. and its been curved and shaved to its maximum Aerodynamic coefficient by Honda to alter it would change that

but every thing I post is wrong and stupid and everyone just skips over my posts LOL so disregard everything I post LOL

good luck
If there was a better way the factory would have done it. There are reasons it is why it is. Don't try to make a Frankenstein. I think it looks fine and so do many others. It's a lot of work for nothing.
Why not convert it to a 2001 with flip up headlights. :rolleyes: That way the value of the rest of our less molested or unmolested cars will slightly increase.
WE do a lot of NSX 02+ headlights here and have NEVER once had anyone suggest to do this!

Granted we have many naked headlights on our workbench but the thought has not once crossed my mind to re-shape the OEM plastic lense. We think it's got one of the nicest curves that flow so well around the stock headlight!

We all love to modify cars but certain things are best left un-touched! How can you want to molest this beauty :)
