1991 for $10,000?

OK, even if this was legit.... there would have to be something WRONG with the car for 10k. especially if salvaged cars go for more

don't ever look for an nsx for a discount price. anything under 25k, you should be suspicious. and, even if you do get a no accident nsx for that price, expect to have to put some money into it to get the maintenance back up to par.

there is no way around it.... this is an expensive car. if you can't spend a little more up front, you probably can't afford keeping the car

and that scammer didn't get scared from your email, he's getting a good laugh out of it, unfortunately. i would like to see these guys get their asses kicked. and the sad thing is that they are probably making more than me :mad:

i guess if you got a good idea you should pursue it? heh. too bad i could never live with myself ripping people off for a living

i'm glad you didn't go through with the transaction
"Why 50 posts about this?! One big ITS A SCAM response and lock the thread. Noone will sell you smtg for $10K when he can take 20 immediately, simple as that."

But this is so fun!
Ow, wait.
Here are 86 more posts just like this.........:eek:



This is a very old scam, I used to see them on Craigslist all the time.
Once you contact the ad owner, they automatically remove the advertisement.
The car is out of the country and they will ship it to you and if you don't like it, you can void the contract. They even claim to use an "escrow" company.
Once your deposits goes, you're DONE!!! Bye Bye Deposit.
You have to watch these guys when you're selling things as well. I listed a car for my friend on facebook and I've gotten two scammers in the past month wanting to buy it and ship it through "their shipping company". ON FACEBOOK.

Odds are, if an email starts with "Goodday, am George Robert from Great Britain..." then you might want to report it. But yeah, you'll probably never find this guy because he's most likely not in CA.

Check this out. 419eater.com