Damn! A very different ending from every other 24. Man, poor Jack cannot get a break. Keifer signed on for another 3 years, so Jack ain't done killing yet! :biggrin:
D'Ecosse said:
Man, that's what Tivo's for anyway!
We actually typically watch 2 & 1/2 men during the first half hour anyway, because we can't stand the waiting through the commercial breaks - with TIVO we just wiz right on through them!
Tivo kicks ASS!!!!!! (just like Jack!) :biggrin:

Amen to TiVo, especially a hacked DirecTivo running standalone 6.2 with tivoserver so you can copy videos from your PC to your TiVo, TiVoWeb Plus, tytools and lots of other handy tweaks.

I didn't think we'd be going down the chinese path next season, I figured he'd go after the people behind the president's misdeed from this season. Poor Audrey too.
twizt2 said:
Jack is in the $hit now!! The chinese are going to mess him up good. You had to know that situation wasn't going to just go away. Jack goes from the rescuer to the rescued! Wonder who's going to be the resident bad ass now that Jack is out of commission. If the writers are smart they will take the opportunity this Chinese kidnapping and torture situation presents and really let us get a peek at what's in Jacks head, how he does what he does, how the death of his wife changed him....all that psychological jazz.

Ahhh Yeah!! It's on now!!! :biggrin:

Yeah,"You are all going to die".:biggrin:
They have truly screwed themselves.
I thought the episode was pretty good up until the end. Seems like VERY lazy writing at the end. Now, I know a lot of what happend this season was pretty freakin unbelievable (I need me a magic sack with every possible piece of counter terrorist spy equipment too), but the ending I thought just stunk.

You really expect me to believe that the Chinese knew EXACTLY where Bauer was after he was apprehended by the Presidents men (OK, the co-conspirators may be able to help them out there). But then you think they could get him a) out of the building b) work him over and c) loaded on a HUGE cargo ship that seems to be already well underway at sea in the 7 minutes? Seriously, the ending sucked.

However, you know next season Jack is going to single handedly reduce the population of China by a few.....hundred!!!:biggrin:
Man, you guys on the right coast & centre need to hold up on spilling the beans till we left coast guys catch up! :mad:

Early evening (last night) I didn't realize something would be here on last nights show already & was following up on earlier posts & had to quickly escape from the thread; but not without seeing something about Chinese & Jack being out of action - kinda ruined the cliff-hanger.

So - pretty please, time delay any news on the shows (like 24, Idol etc) until after those of us at the tail end catch up!

I have to say the way they caught Logan was pretty good - great set-up & didn't really see it coming, although began to suspect when Marty was feeding him all those set-up questions - but not sure how they could be capturing it. Sure, some of it is a stretch, like the heli pilot not requiring Jack to do anything that would identify him as not being certified as the co-pikot, but the intrigue/thriller storylines are second to none.

Great show - January is a loooong way away!

Speaking of Tivo, have the Alias finale to watch tonight - used to be a much bigger fan of that too, but it is getting kind of silly. Still have to watch though to see how it ends.
I was disappointed with the ending. Oh cmon, give the guy a break for once!

How convenient for the Chinese to take Jack away moments after he is done saving the world...

I would have preferred a much more subtle teaser and lead into next season.
D'Ecosse said:
Man, you guys on the right coast & centre need to hold up on spilling the beans till we left coast guys catch up! :mad:

Early evening (last night) I didn't realize something would be here on last nights show already & was following up on earlier posts & had to quickly escape from the thread; but not without seeing something about Chinese & Jack being out of action - kinda ruined the cliff-hanger.

So - pretty please, time delay any news on the shows (like 24, Idol etc) until after those of us at the tail end catch up!

I have to say the way they caught Logan was pretty good - great set-up & didn't really see it coming, although began to suspect when Marty was feeding him all those set-up questions - but not sure how they could be capturing it. Sure, some of it is a stretch, like the heli pilot not requiring Jack to do anything that would identify him as not being certified as the co-pikot, but the intrigue/thriller storylines are second to none.

Great show - January is a loooong way away!

Speaking of Tivo, have the Alias finale to watch tonight - used to be a much bigger fan of that too, but it is getting kind of silly. Still have to watch though to see how it ends.

Oh man! I am so sorry. Your absolutely right. Just got a little ahead of myself there. January is a long ways off. I had to ask my wife if we waited that long for this past season. It's funny how some shows only have what feels like a 4 or 5 month summer hiatus before the start of their next season and not 7 months like 24. :confused:
Actually, there's a good reason for Fox's decision to wait to debut seasons in January...because they can show new episodes from the beginning to the end of the season with no repeats in between.

Yeah, it's painful to wait until 2007, but it's also painful to wait an entire week for each episode. When I first got hooked on the show, I was watching it on DVD during marathon sessions of roughly 8 episodes per day. I think the formula works much better that way...because even a week in between episodes really gives you an opportunity to think about how over-the-top the show really is.
ccns23 said:
You really expect me to believe that the Chinese knew EXACTLY where Bauer was after he was apprehended by the Presidents men (OK, the co-conspirators may be able to help them out there). But then you think they could get him a) out of the building b) work him over and c) loaded on a HUGE cargo ship that seems to be already well underway at sea in the 7 minutes? Seriously, the ending sucked.

They didn't show the clock during the Chinese ending....so the show wasn't really "24"
Screw TiVo...I have 4 tuners in my Mediacenter computer ...so I can record and watch up to 4 channels at the same time...oh and two 300Gig hard drives helps too...can't get that in a TiVo.
D'Ecosse said:
Man, you guys on the right coast & centre need to hold up on spilling the beans till we left coast guys catch up! :mad:

Early evening (last night) I didn't realize something would be here on last nights show already & was following up on earlier posts & had to quickly escape from the thread; but not without seeing something about Chinese & Jack being out of action - kinda ruined the cliff-hanger.

So - pretty please, time delay any news on the shows (like 24, Idol etc) until after those of us at the tail end catch up!

I have to say the way they caught Logan was pretty good - great set-up & didn't really see it coming, although began to suspect when Marty was feeding him all those set-up questions - but not sure how they could be capturing it. Sure, some of it is a stretch, like the heli pilot not requiring Jack to do anything that would identify him as not being certified as the co-pikot, but the intrigue/thriller storylines are second to none.

Great show - January is a loooong way away!

Speaking of Tivo, have the Alias finale to watch tonight - used to be a much bigger fan of that too, but it is getting kind of silly. Still have to watch though to see how it ends.

Cmon Ken, you knew not to open the thread. We had already discussed the time of the Finale, you posted that you would be Tivoing the show. :wink:

As far as Idol, you don't have to worry about hearing the outcome of that from me. I never watch it. Alias either.:cool:
len3.8 said:
Cmon Ken, you knew not to open the thread. We had already discussed the time of the Finale, you posted that you would be Tivoing the show. :wink:

As far as Idol, you don't have to worry about hearing the outcome of that from me. I never watch it. Alias either.:cool:

Shut up Len, what the hell do you know about 24 anyways................

MiamieNeSeX said:
Shut up Len, what the hell do you know about 24 anyways................


It reminds me so much of my Daily Grind......
MiamieNeSeX said:
Soon "Mi Amigo" as Expo is almost here


I will be there.. Staying at your house correct????
Hell I will just drop the kids there, the can blend in with yours, you will never know.:smile:
len3.8 said:
I will be there.. Staying at your house correct????
Hell I will just drop the kids there, the can blend in with yours, you will never know.:smile:

Sure but my house is a drive from Expo but then again I have built in babysitters, :)


is it me or are there 4 asian actors that EVERY hollywood movie and tv show calls on when they need a non-lead asian character. it's interesting how they all have the same accent regardless of what nationality they are playing... commonly referred to as the "asian accent".

could you imagine a supposed french character with a german accent... or should i say "european accent"?
nicholas421 said:
is it me or are there 4 asian actors that EVERY hollywood movie and tv show calls on when they need a non-lead asian character. it's interesting how they all have the same accent regardless of what nationality they are playing... commonly referred to as the "asian accent".

could you imagine a supposed french character with a german accent... or should i say "european accent"?

it seems so. unless you are a, asian suductress, Bruce Lee, or a jackie chaner, asians got it pretty hard to break through the hollywood scene.

that chinese consul guy played some chinese diplomat in "Rush Hour"
NetViper said:
Damn! A very different ending from every other 24. Man, poor Jack cannot get a break. Keifer signed on for another 3 years, so Jack ain't done killing yet! :biggrin:

well he did in season 2. where he sat in his SUV and cried like a baby. He isn't jack bauer. REAL JACK BAUER SHEDS NO TEARS.