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- 17 December 2014
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91 NSX "Lazarus"
Hello Prime!
I felt like it was time to start recording the build of my 1991 Acura NSX. I decided to name it Lazarus after Lazarus in the Bible. Though the car was not truly "dead" or beyond repair, the most important thing in my life is the fact that I, like Lazarus was once dead, and am now alive, having been given new life in Christ. The Bible describes all men as "dead in their sin" and rebellion towards a Holy God who created us for Him and His glory. It also states that none of us are good on our own, and that we are all sinners, and by choice choose to live contrary to God, instead making ourselves god. Because of this, all men deserve God's infinite punishment in Hell. But God demonstrated His love for us in sending His perfect and innocent Son, Jesus Christ to live a perfect life that we could never life and to die on a rugged roman cross. But because He was perfect, both God and man, death had no power over Him, and on the third day He rose again from the dead, showing He was truly God and that His payment for sin was accepted. Therfore, Jesus offers the salvation to whoever repents of their sin and old way of life and trust in His sacrifice alone to save them. He promises forgiveness of sin and right standing before God, which leads to eternal life with Him in Heaven.
This salvation is described as being "born again" and having newness of life, like Lazarus. But those who reject Jesus will one day face the wrath we rightly deserve. Therefore, i would implore anyone reading this to turn to Jesus, and i would love to discuss or attempt to answer any questions you have about the Christian faith. First and foremost i am a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ, and after that I am a car enthusiast. Since I've been a Christian I've used my shared love for cars as the means to tell others about Jesus Christ and how He is better than anything this world has to offer, whether it's cars, money, success, etc. I'm currently involved in a local car club with a few guys from my church "1:16 Ryders" based off Romans 1:16. My plans for the car mostly include weekend enjoyment/shows/occasional track use.
So without further ado, i'll get to the build thread. :tongue: Sadly, i didn't take as many pics in the beginning as i would have liked, but will for future updates. This is only my second time doing a build thread so apologizes beforehand as my format probably won't be the greatest, feel free to offer advice. My first build (97 Supra) can be found here: http://www.supraforums.com/forum/sh...G-TT-Street-Monster&highlight=his+motorsports
History of the car:
I bought the car in January of this year in FL. It was described as being a mint condition, almost completely stock, clean title, 51k mile car that only needed a interior drivers door handle. However, i was informed the night before i flew down to get it, that it needed a srs cable reel, and had a slight oil leak. Once i arrived, i was very disappointed. The car itself was in much worse condition than described and the seller wasn't very concerned. After looking it over, it had a much longer list of repair and attention. This list included: Paint touchup or full repaint (lots of deep scratches and orange peel), door handle, slow windows, CC unit repair, AC fixed, steering column loose, oil leak, tachometer, cluster lights, abs light on, and a few other things. Well, after some deliberation with my wife, and against my better judgment we bought the car. I figured for the price (upper 20s) that i could hopefully fix most of the issues myself, as i used to own a performance shop and am fairly mechanically inclined. The only mods the car came with was the current set of BBS 18/19 wheels and an RM Quad tip exhaust.
Restoration Plan:
My plan was to build the car in "stages". First came fixing the known issues and getting it drive-able and enjoyable. Second, would be a few modifications and more power. Third, clean up the car both interior and exterior and make it show worthy. The build will progress off and on, as currently i'm finishing up school in Louisville, KY while the car sits in NC in my grandparents garage, and most the work i get done will be on weekend trips or breaks we get.
1st Stage:
After making it home fairly uneventful i began work repairing what i could. I began by fixing the following:
1. A broken off bolt holding the steering column
2. Attempted to re-solder the tach, ended up buying a new one

3. Re-soldering the cluster lights
4. SoS Door handles
5. Cam seals/Vtec solenoid gaskets
6. New tires/alignment
7. SoS CC unit repair
8. Huga window kit
9. Weld cracks in exhaust
10. Fix driver door alarm
Here are a few pics of the car when i first contacted the seller and first saw the car.
What he sent me:
What i first saw:

2nd Stage:
The car seemed to have a slight miss which i spent a few months trying to diagnose before pulling apart the TB/WP and finding the rear exhaust cam being off a tooth (thanks to LarryB and some other primers). After a new TB/WP and valve adjustment the car was running good. Though it was scary for my first time (on an nsx), i really enjoyed doing all the work myself. Though it was running much smoother i was already wanting more power! So i found a used Comptech Header and old style CTSC 1.6 Whipple setup for the future.

Projected modifications for 2nd stage:
1. CTSC hi boost setup
2. Meth Injection to increase safety and help cool
3. Install full headerback exhaust
4. Tuning solution. The used CTSC kit i bought came with an FIC, but as you'll see i eventually switched to aem v1.
5. Install some gauges to monitor CTSC
6. Aftermarket steering wheel setup
7. Buy and Install SoS Baffle and replace oil pan gasket
Ironically enough, the day i got my car running correctly after re-doing the tb/wp i had another major issue. After taking the car down the road to make sure everything was good, the car cut off in the middle of a wot pull. Thankfully i was able to coast back to my driveway. First thought was TB related but, got out, checked everything, saw no issues got back in and it started back up. Yet after parking it for the night, it refused to crank back the next day. I spent weeks trouble shooting issues as my fuel pump was not getting power from the main relay. After much diagnosing (i hate electrical repair) and seeking help on Prime, and a new ignition switch, i concluded by ECU was bad by replacing it with a used AEM v1 and it started right up. So i have a used obd1 ECU if someone wants a repair project lol.
I'm no tuner genius by any means, but i know the basics after much reading/watching my old tuner who worked at my shop with me. Previously, i've tuned an 06 STI i owned, two Supra's (the one i still have), and a custom turbo 91 Honda Civic setup. The car ran pretty good once i spent some time setting up the idle tables and street tuning. But at this time i really needed to get my gauges installed, so that was the next project. After looking at the options on the market, i decided to try to save some money and make my own gauge setup in the center console. At this time i also bought a used Momo steering wheel setup, that i custom wired for cruise control since my cable reel was bad anyway. You can slightly see the finished project in the second picture, but i will get a better one soon! (The top left hole is for my meth warning light)

- - - Updated - - -
I also attempted to fix my abs problem by bleeding my brakes before finding out that my pump will not power on at all. So now i need to decide whether to spend the money upgrading to na2 abs or just do an abs delete. Planning on purchasing a WPPro 6Pot setup this week, so any advice is greatly appreciated
In addition to the brakes i started ordering some exterior parts for this winter as my buddy and I have a full repaint in the works but haven't decided between the stock 95-96 Midnight Purple Pearl, or a variation of the GTR Midnight purple.
Exterior plan so far:
-SoS Vector Front bumper and lip
-Seibon Rear Valence
-Difflow diffuser
-DF Stacy Sides w/ splitter
-NSXR Replica Wing
-Lexan Parition window
-Roll/Pull front and rear fenders
Now here's what i need help on, does anyone have any experience doing a roll/pull on the fenders? This will be the first aluminum body i've worked with so trying to get all the information we can before proceeding.
- - - Updated - - -
Things i'm trying to figure out and need input on:
-Rolling/Pulling aluminum fenders
-ABS delete or NA2 upgrade
-recommended weight reduction for street/track (keeping AC, radio)
-Best place to get replacement rubber moldings for doors, windows, exterior
Hello Prime!
I felt like it was time to start recording the build of my 1991 Acura NSX. I decided to name it Lazarus after Lazarus in the Bible. Though the car was not truly "dead" or beyond repair, the most important thing in my life is the fact that I, like Lazarus was once dead, and am now alive, having been given new life in Christ. The Bible describes all men as "dead in their sin" and rebellion towards a Holy God who created us for Him and His glory. It also states that none of us are good on our own, and that we are all sinners, and by choice choose to live contrary to God, instead making ourselves god. Because of this, all men deserve God's infinite punishment in Hell. But God demonstrated His love for us in sending His perfect and innocent Son, Jesus Christ to live a perfect life that we could never life and to die on a rugged roman cross. But because He was perfect, both God and man, death had no power over Him, and on the third day He rose again from the dead, showing He was truly God and that His payment for sin was accepted. Therfore, Jesus offers the salvation to whoever repents of their sin and old way of life and trust in His sacrifice alone to save them. He promises forgiveness of sin and right standing before God, which leads to eternal life with Him in Heaven.
This salvation is described as being "born again" and having newness of life, like Lazarus. But those who reject Jesus will one day face the wrath we rightly deserve. Therefore, i would implore anyone reading this to turn to Jesus, and i would love to discuss or attempt to answer any questions you have about the Christian faith. First and foremost i am a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ, and after that I am a car enthusiast. Since I've been a Christian I've used my shared love for cars as the means to tell others about Jesus Christ and how He is better than anything this world has to offer, whether it's cars, money, success, etc. I'm currently involved in a local car club with a few guys from my church "1:16 Ryders" based off Romans 1:16. My plans for the car mostly include weekend enjoyment/shows/occasional track use.
So without further ado, i'll get to the build thread. :tongue: Sadly, i didn't take as many pics in the beginning as i would have liked, but will for future updates. This is only my second time doing a build thread so apologizes beforehand as my format probably won't be the greatest, feel free to offer advice. My first build (97 Supra) can be found here: http://www.supraforums.com/forum/sh...G-TT-Street-Monster&highlight=his+motorsports
History of the car:
I bought the car in January of this year in FL. It was described as being a mint condition, almost completely stock, clean title, 51k mile car that only needed a interior drivers door handle. However, i was informed the night before i flew down to get it, that it needed a srs cable reel, and had a slight oil leak. Once i arrived, i was very disappointed. The car itself was in much worse condition than described and the seller wasn't very concerned. After looking it over, it had a much longer list of repair and attention. This list included: Paint touchup or full repaint (lots of deep scratches and orange peel), door handle, slow windows, CC unit repair, AC fixed, steering column loose, oil leak, tachometer, cluster lights, abs light on, and a few other things. Well, after some deliberation with my wife, and against my better judgment we bought the car. I figured for the price (upper 20s) that i could hopefully fix most of the issues myself, as i used to own a performance shop and am fairly mechanically inclined. The only mods the car came with was the current set of BBS 18/19 wheels and an RM Quad tip exhaust.
Restoration Plan:
My plan was to build the car in "stages". First came fixing the known issues and getting it drive-able and enjoyable. Second, would be a few modifications and more power. Third, clean up the car both interior and exterior and make it show worthy. The build will progress off and on, as currently i'm finishing up school in Louisville, KY while the car sits in NC in my grandparents garage, and most the work i get done will be on weekend trips or breaks we get.
1st Stage:
After making it home fairly uneventful i began work repairing what i could. I began by fixing the following:
1. A broken off bolt holding the steering column
2. Attempted to re-solder the tach, ended up buying a new one

3. Re-soldering the cluster lights
4. SoS Door handles
5. Cam seals/Vtec solenoid gaskets
6. New tires/alignment
7. SoS CC unit repair
8. Huga window kit
9. Weld cracks in exhaust
10. Fix driver door alarm
Here are a few pics of the car when i first contacted the seller and first saw the car.
What he sent me:

What i first saw:

2nd Stage:
The car seemed to have a slight miss which i spent a few months trying to diagnose before pulling apart the TB/WP and finding the rear exhaust cam being off a tooth (thanks to LarryB and some other primers). After a new TB/WP and valve adjustment the car was running good. Though it was scary for my first time (on an nsx), i really enjoyed doing all the work myself. Though it was running much smoother i was already wanting more power! So i found a used Comptech Header and old style CTSC 1.6 Whipple setup for the future.

Projected modifications for 2nd stage:
1. CTSC hi boost setup
2. Meth Injection to increase safety and help cool
3. Install full headerback exhaust
4. Tuning solution. The used CTSC kit i bought came with an FIC, but as you'll see i eventually switched to aem v1.
5. Install some gauges to monitor CTSC
6. Aftermarket steering wheel setup
7. Buy and Install SoS Baffle and replace oil pan gasket
Ironically enough, the day i got my car running correctly after re-doing the tb/wp i had another major issue. After taking the car down the road to make sure everything was good, the car cut off in the middle of a wot pull. Thankfully i was able to coast back to my driveway. First thought was TB related but, got out, checked everything, saw no issues got back in and it started back up. Yet after parking it for the night, it refused to crank back the next day. I spent weeks trouble shooting issues as my fuel pump was not getting power from the main relay. After much diagnosing (i hate electrical repair) and seeking help on Prime, and a new ignition switch, i concluded by ECU was bad by replacing it with a used AEM v1 and it started right up. So i have a used obd1 ECU if someone wants a repair project lol.
I'm no tuner genius by any means, but i know the basics after much reading/watching my old tuner who worked at my shop with me. Previously, i've tuned an 06 STI i owned, two Supra's (the one i still have), and a custom turbo 91 Honda Civic setup. The car ran pretty good once i spent some time setting up the idle tables and street tuning. But at this time i really needed to get my gauges installed, so that was the next project. After looking at the options on the market, i decided to try to save some money and make my own gauge setup in the center console. At this time i also bought a used Momo steering wheel setup, that i custom wired for cruise control since my cable reel was bad anyway. You can slightly see the finished project in the second picture, but i will get a better one soon! (The top left hole is for my meth warning light)

- - - Updated - - -
I also attempted to fix my abs problem by bleeding my brakes before finding out that my pump will not power on at all. So now i need to decide whether to spend the money upgrading to na2 abs or just do an abs delete. Planning on purchasing a WPPro 6Pot setup this week, so any advice is greatly appreciated

In addition to the brakes i started ordering some exterior parts for this winter as my buddy and I have a full repaint in the works but haven't decided between the stock 95-96 Midnight Purple Pearl, or a variation of the GTR Midnight purple.
Exterior plan so far:
-SoS Vector Front bumper and lip
-Seibon Rear Valence
-Difflow diffuser
-DF Stacy Sides w/ splitter
-NSXR Replica Wing
-Lexan Parition window
-Roll/Pull front and rear fenders
Now here's what i need help on, does anyone have any experience doing a roll/pull on the fenders? This will be the first aluminum body i've worked with so trying to get all the information we can before proceeding.
- - - Updated - - -
Things i'm trying to figure out and need input on:
-Rolling/Pulling aluminum fenders
-ABS delete or NA2 upgrade
-recommended weight reduction for street/track (keeping AC, radio)
-Best place to get replacement rubber moldings for doors, windows, exterior
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